Professor Sudhir Kum...
Professor Sudhir Kumar Saxena Centenary Celebrations
by: Manjula Saxena₹550.00 Original price was: ₹550.00.₹495.00Current price is: ₹495.00.
ISBN: 9788124612330
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 1st
Pages : vi, 60
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 275
1. Uniqueness of the Tradition of Teaching Indian Classical Music Arising out of the Concept of “Kanthasth” Knowledge
2. The Principles and Aesthetic Aspects of Improvising and Creating Compositions in the Field of the Art of Tabla
3. A Journey from Ancient Tripuskar Vaadya to Modern Indian Percussion Instrument Tabla
4. Traditional Tabla Playing with Diverse Compositions
5. Philosophical Aesthetics and Indian Music

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- Sale!The Musician and His Art by: Deepak S. Raja
₹900.00Original price was: ₹900.00.₹810.00Current price is: ₹810.00.This book presents a collection of essays and lectures written by the author between 2011 and 2018. Its underlying theme as suggested by its title is the uniqueness of the relationship between the Hindustani musician and his art. This uniqueness is moulded by the fact that the tradition enjoins upon the performer the simultaneous role of a composer. This makes Hindustani music a three-dimensional art: contemplative, expressive and communicative. These three components serve to make Hindustani music a remarkable manifestation of continuity within change, and individuality within conformism.
Viewed from this perspective, Hindustani music is not merely north Indian art music. It is inextricably linked to a multiplicity of other musical traditions folk, devotional, tribal, martial and popular and is an active participant in the totality of the cultural process. Every piece of performed music speaks, in some manner, on behalf the generation performing it, and addresses the corresponding generations of audiences. For the author, therefore, it is not merely sufficient to understand what Hindustani music is. It is necessary also to seek insights into why it is what it is.
In this book, the author relentlessly pursues his intellectual aims by borrowing ideas from a wide range of disciplines: sociology, linguistics, cultural anthropology, acoustics, aesthetics, demography, economics, marketing finance, psycho-analysis, mythology, philosophy and even mathematics. Despite its diverse intellectual canvas, the book retains the essential Indian-ness of the authors argument, and simultaneously addresses an international readership. - Sale!Celestial Nagasvaram by: Geetha Rajagopal
₹1,200.00Original price was: ₹1,200.00.₹1,080.00Current price is: ₹1,080.00.Nagasvaram, worlds loudest non-brass acoustic instrument, is known as mangala vadyam (auspicious instrument), and raja vadyam (king of all instruments). This popular wind-group musical instrument is well known all over the south Indian states, more specifically in Tamil Nadu. Its origin is associated with the Thiruvarur Temple and its legacy continued all through the Pallavas, Colas, Pandyas, Nayakas, and Marathas. It has imprinted its sheen on all the rituals, especially, on the temple festivals and marriages.
This book makes an in-depth study of the history of evolution, penetration and growth of nagasvaram into the cultural moorings of south India over a period of 800 years. It makes a systematic study of nagasvaram (myths associated with it, its making, types, etc.), its accompanying instruments, its relevance in temple festivals, marriages, the traditions associated with nagasvaram, its prevalence and acceptability in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala, in addition to Tamil Nadu where it rules the roost. It widely introduces the great maestros of nagasvaram, for whom it was a nishkama karma.
Kings, temples and mathas were the promoters of this blissful instrument. At present this artform faces severe challenges from the all-pervasive Western musical instruments. The author suggests ways and means of how to maintain the legacy of nagasvaram live, and the need to preserve the rich heritage of our musical tradition for the benefit of our posterity to realize the Supreme Bliss in their life.
This book, rare of its kind, will enthrall those who are keen on instrumental music, especially the faculty, students, and professionals in the field of music, religion and art. - Sale!Bharatiya Chau-Nritya by: Badari Prasad
₹3,800.00Original price was: ₹3,800.00.₹3,420.00Current price is: ₹3,420.00.Chhau dance has an unbroken relation with the essence of Indian culture. This dance form that flourishes in the forest-areas of Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal has already attained widespread acclaim, internationally, as an art. By its distinct confluence of the classical and folk traditions, this art form has carved a niche for itself of being counted as the dance of the traditional and classical discipline. It is based on the foundation of martial art techniques. The most striking features are the multi-coloured, splendid, artistic and attractive masks and magnificent headgears that form part of the decoration and costume design. It consists of dance movements called as nritta-karanas as described in Bharata’s Natyashastra and hand gesticulations as found in Nandikeshvara’s Narityashastra, and is also endowed with varied regional movements of folk forms. This dance form depicts movements of day-to-day activities, gaits of animals and birds, and symbolic gestures accompanied by the war-drums and music giving an experience of the sweet fragrance of the regional music forms. The plot is generally drawn from the Ramayana, Mahbaharata, and various other Puranas and poetry. It is thus a combination of a rich tradition of artistic creativity that has naturally attracted the mind of all age-groups at the national and international arena.
The author has collected authentic information by visiting those places where this dance form is traditionally taught and practised. The author has met the teachers of chhau dance, the designers of masks and costumes, and spent time to gather information to be made available in a single place. In the present text, chhau dance has been presented for the first time elaborately with indepth and authentic details. Along with the presentation of the historical and cultural aspects of chhau dance, its performing aspect, content of plot, costumes, physical gesticulation, instruments and instrumentalists, regional styles, the three distinct styles of chhau its history, folk tradition and other details are elaborated in nine sections. The 200 photographs in this edition reiterate the richness of this art with greater authenticity and thus prove to enliven this traditional art form.
Vol. 1 ISBN: 8124606463, 9788124606469
Vol. 2 ISBN: 8124606471, 9788124606476 - Sale!Dhvani and Structuralist Poetics by: Bhavatosh Indraguru, Vikalp Parashar,
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.Dhvani and structuralist poetics emerge as the two primary theoretical frameworks in which the reality of inquisition and propagation of comprehensibility and creativity of the artistry could be well-conceived, exposed and implied. In each of the two systems, the maturity of conception and universality of expression of the content, context and the medium are quite remarkable.
The book is an in-depth study of dhvani, that is, the Indian critical system developed around the eighth century ce, and structuralist poetics the Western critical premise, commencing with Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics that substantiate an adequate methodology to understand the formation of categories, contents, constructs and mediums as a necessary corollary to an analytical procedure that would bring about transformation. It examines the independent universalisation of sabda, pada, varna, vakya, bhava, vibhava, anubhava, sthayibhava, sancaribhava, alambana and uddipana for the sake of an absolute artistic formation, especially as propounded by Anadavardhana, the progenitor of dhvani system. It then delves deep into the structuralist poetics, following Saussure, Barthes, Jakobson and others, that focuses on the need and necessity to explicate words, letters, syllables and even otherwise an experience so as to create a valid notation, out of each of these, for the sake of totality in the meaning formation.
The study has immense significance owing to the fact that it promotes proper understanding and enjoyment of literature. Moreover, the fact is that Indian and the Western scholarships have not paid much attention to the subject discussed herein. The volume, therefore, will be of an immense interest to scholars and students of poetics and literature in general. - Sale!Aesthetics by: Manjula Saxena
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.After its attainment of Independence, India has witnessed the quickening of a new life in the field of art as well. Cultural exchanges between its various regions have shown a marked upswing, and reflection on cultural matters has also increased beyond expectations. Concurrently, in quite a few of our colleges and universities aesthetics has been included in the syllabi as an optional subject of study. Some books on this subject, mostly written in the traditional way, are surely available; but philosophical aesthetics, which is today regarded as a distinct intellectual achievement of the twentieth century, still remains largely neglected in the field of Indian scholarship. What is worse, a Hindi book on this form of aesthetics has never been attempted before the present work.
It is precisely this need which this book seeks to meet fairly. With an eye to facilitate understanding of the basic concepts and related problems of contemporary aesthetics, the author has taken pains to give appropriate references, as illustration, to Hindi, Urdu, and English poetry, and music. This should make the book useful to students of both philosophy and music.
Its language is simple Hindustani; and the manner of writing is free from needless ambiguities. Readers in general should therefore find it not only easy to follow, but interesting as well.
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