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by: Kishorenath Jha , Ambika Datta Sharma , Satchidananda Mishr

Authored in twentieth century by Mahamahopadhyaya Phanibhushan Tarkavagish on the Nyaya-Sutras and Vatsyayana’s Nyayabhashya, this Bengali commentary is a very important treatise that integrates internal development of Nyaya philosophy and its all minute points. The Bengali commentary, rendered first time in Hindi, on the Lakshanasutras shaping the basic structure of Nyaya philosophy, is being produced here.

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ISBN: 9788124608098
Year Of Publication: 2015
Edition: 1st edition
Pages : xxvii, 529 p.
Language : Hindi
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 1000


In Indian tradition, the Nyayashastra has been stated to be the central organ of perception and for the matter of that it stands out as the model of righteousness and chief stay of the ideas. It would not be out of place to remark that Nyaya, as a coherent branch of philosophy, has provided meaning, structure and form to the Indian thought process much in the same way as Aristotle has canonized Western speculation around an organized philosophic principle.
Since its inception in Gautama and till Gangeshopadhyaya and even otherwise beyond, the Nyayashastra has precisely retained its hold over speculation and intellectional conditions by bringing Sutra, Bhasya, Vritti and Prakarana to the contemplation of reason. Erudites such as Phanibhushan Tarkavagish, Ganganath Jha, Goipinath Kaviraj and Anantalal Thakur were amongst the masters of this tradition of thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Of these, the Nyaya principles embodied upon Tarkavagish’s contemplations remain one of the foundations of the whole system. His Nyaya-Darshana, originally written in Bangla, whose Hindi rendering on Lakshanasutra of Nyaya-Darshana has been produced in this volume, is one of the brilliant texts illustrating Nyaya-Darshana in a formulaic manner.
The merit of this text that explains and illustrates the basic structure of Nyaya in its totality and fullness is mainly underlain in the fact that it enables the readers to become one and all with its premises just as an able teacher facilitates a disciple to recreate knowledge into conviction. For the similar reasons, the present text that traces the growth and development of an analytical mode of philosophic learning over a period of 2,000 years is certainly a well- worth collection.

Meet the Author
Books of Kishorenath Jha
    Dr Ambika Datta Sharma is at present Professor of Philosophy in the Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar (MP). He has to his credit numerous research papers in the leading journals of philosophy which cover his wide range of scholarship. The major publications of Professor Sharma include Bauddha Pramana Darshana, Bharatiya Darshana mein Prapyakaritvavada, Nyaya Darshana, Vedanta Darshana ke Ayam, In Defence of Metaphysics and Bharatiyata ke Samasik Arth Sandarbha. Apart from above he has edited four major volumes entitled Samekita Darshanika Vimarsha, Samekita Advaita Vimarsha, Bharatiya Darshana ke 50 Varsha and Samekita Pashcatya Darshana Samiksha under Svatantrayottara Darshanika Prakarana series. He is the recipient of UGC research award (2006) and Naresh Mehta Smriti Vangmaya Samman (2007) for his valuable contributions to Philosophy, Culture and Civilization. He is also the editor of Unmilan and General Secretary, All India Philosophy Association.
    Books of Satchidananda Mishr