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Indonesia (2 Vols. Set)

Political History and Hindu and Buddhist Cultural Influences by: Kanai Lal Hazra

The two volumes present a comprehensive study of political, cultural and religious history of Indonesia. Of encyclopaedic significance, they take up a whole gamut of themes relating to history, politics, religion, literature, art and architecture, and sculpture of Indonesia. The volumes will immensely benefit scholars of political history, religion and culture specialising in South-east Asia and its links with other regions of Asia.



ISBN: 9788186921371
Year Of Publication: 2007
Edition: 1st
Pages : xxix, ix; 1102
Bibliographic Details : Map; Index; Bibliography
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: Decent Books
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 1500


The two volumes present a comprehensive study of political, cultural and religious history of Indonesia. Of encyclopaedic significance, they take up a whole gamut of themes relating to history, politics, religion, literature, art and architecture, and sculpture of Indonesia. The first volume is on political history of Indonesia. It covers all dynasties/rulers of Indonesia — from the earliest Sailendras of Srivijaya to the political scene in current times including the rise of President Sukarnoputri in the recent past. It covers a very wide range of aspects: struggles of dynasties, establishment of empires by the Sailendras, the Indo-Javanese empire of the kingdoms of Mataram, Kadiri, Singhasari and others, emergence of new cultures, decline and fall of the Hindu kingdom, colonial invasions and growth of nationalism. The second volume begins with the history of East Timor. It makes an in-depth survey of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam in Indonesia, covering their establishment, contacts with other places owing to their religious links, modes of religious worship and rituals. The art, architecture and sculpture of the country symbolising Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic traditions are surveyed meticulously. A detailed account of Indonesia’s literature involves study of writers and their works, and languages and characteristics of the literature at various times. The volume discusses chronicles, historical writings, writings on medicine and on numerous miscellaneous topics, throwing light on their contents and styles of expression. The volumes will immensely benefit scholars of political history, religion and culture specialising in South-east Asia and its links with other regions of Asia.


1. Political History of Indonesia
Shailendras of Shrivijaya
Sanjaya Dynasty in Mataram
Kingdom of Singasari
Rise and face of kadiri state
Kingdom of MaJapahit
Malacca and the Spread of Islam
Malacca’s Goverment and Politics
Javanese-Gujarati and China Trade with Malacca
Malacca’s Trade with Bay of Bengal
Albuquerque’s conquest and Portuguese Malacca
Portuguese Relations with China and Influence in the Bay of Bengal
Decline of Portuguese Power
Arrival of the Dutch in Indonesia
Arrival of the British in Indonesia
Rise of Nationalism
Japanese in Indonesia
Republic Born
Economic Problems
Suharto President for Seventh Term
Fall of Suharto from Power
Habibie, New President
Parliamentary Election on June 7, 1999
Sukarnoputri Stakes Claim for presidency
Sukarnoputri Becomes Vice-President,
Wahid President
Fall of Wahid, Sukarnoputri becomes President
Volume – 2
2. East Timor
East Timor Votes for Independence
UN Peace Keepers
Peacekeepers leave, UN troops take charge
3. Religious History of Indonesia : Rise and
Growth of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam
4. Indonesia’s literature
The Old-Javanese literature
The Old-Javanese Ramayana
The Old-Javanese Mahabharata
The Arjuna-vivaha
The Nagara-Kritagama74
The Arjuna-Vijaya and the Sutasoma
The Adigama
The Brihaspati Tattva
The Tantu Panggelaran
The Kunjarakarna
Medical texts such as Anda and Ushada.
Texts on Erotic like the Smaratantra, the Angulipravesa and the Smararacana
Miscellaneous texts on Calendar, music, birds, animals, etc.
The Middle-Javanese Literature
Bali’s literature or the Balinese Literature
Balinese translation or version of Javanese works
Religious, Philosophical, didactic and mythical works
Kavyas or fictions in poetry
Historical Poems
Poems dealing with stories and fables
Poetical works on other Subjects
5. Art, Architecture and Sculpture
of Indonesia
The Dieng Plateau
East Javanese Period
Art in Bali : The Early Indo-Balinese Period
The Middle Indo-Balinese Period
Modern Period
The Hindu Period in Bali
Art in Borneo
Early Islamic Monuments

Meet the Author
Dr. Kanai Lal Hazra is one of the better-known scholars of Pali language, Pali literature, and Buddhist studies. And is an equally reputed author. Among his so-far-published works figure titles, like, History of Theravada Buddhism in South-East Asia; Royal Patronage of Buddhism in Ancient India; the Adi Buddha; Constitution of the Buddhist Sangha; and Studies on Pali Commentaries. Currently, Dr. Hazra is Reader in the Department of Pali, Calcutta University, Calcutta.
Books of Kanai Lal Hazra