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    Indian Movements...

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Indian Movements

Some Aspects of Dissent Protest and Reform by: Subhash Chandra Malik



ISBN: 9788124610855
Year Of Publication: 2021
Edition: 1st
Pages : X,338
Bibliographic Details : Contributors, Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 590


Does Indian civilization have the capacity to change or has it been static? The impression of this civilization as an unchanging one has been revised today. Conflict-tension processes in a complex heterogeneous civilization like that of India are equally important and require in-depth studies along with investigating the continuity of tradition. It is in this context that protest, dissent and reform movements have also played a critical role and facilitated adjustments to changing social realities over the centuries. From time to time alternate systems to the accepted ideological or normative patterns have been suggested. Apparently many of these movements were religious in nature, but the socio-economic context which remains in the background does require further detailed examination. The present volume reflects some aspects of these movements. It is one in the series undertaken as part of the group project A Sourcebook of Indian and Asian Civilizations at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. The essays in this volume by such scholars as Arun Bali, Savitri Chandra, Narendra Mohan, M.G.S. Narayanan and Veluthat Kesavan; Y.M. Pathan, M.S.A. Rao, Sachchidananda, G.B. Sardar and Pushpa Suri will stimulate discussion and generate new perspectives towards understanding Indian civilization.


Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
– S.C. Malik
1. Bhakti Movement in South India
– M.G.S. Narayanan
– Veluthat Kesavan
2. The Vīraśaiva Movement
– Arun P. Bali
3. Saint-Poets of Maharashtra: Their Role in
Social Transformation
– G.B. Sardar
4. Dissent and Protest in Hindi Bhakti Poetry
– Savitri Chandra
5. The Bhagat Movement in Chota Nagpur
– Sachchidananda
6. Arya Samaj Movement
– Pushpa Suri
7. Lokhitawadi: Pioneer of Rationalism in Maharashtra
– Y.M. Pathan
8. Backward Classes Movements
– M.S.A. Rao
9. Dissent and Protest in Modern Hindi Literature
– Narendra Mohan

Meet the Author
    S.C. Malik retired as a UGC Professorial Research Scientist in Anthropology (1988-97). Earlier, he was associated with the Indian Institute of Advanced Study (1966-89), Shimla; M.S. University of Baroda (1956-71); and was the Fulbright Smith-Mundt Scholar at the University of Chicago (1963-65). Some of his major books are: Indian Civilization: The Formative Period (1968); Understanding Indian Civilization: A Framework of Enquiry (1975); Reconceptualising the Sciences and the Humanities: An Integral Approach (1995). There are several edited volumes and significant papers to his credit.

    “Indian Movements”

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