Glorious Life After ...
Glorious Life After Death
by: K.I. IsaacThe book explores the concept and experiences of life after death based on religious insights on the subject and experiences of human souls on the threshold of death as recounted by doctors. It examines the sacred texts of religions, like the Holy Bible, the Vedas, the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and the Upanisads for a broad understanding of the subject.
Original price was: ₹290.00.₹261.00Current price is: ₹261.00.
ISBN: 9788124603758
Year Of Publication: 2007
Edition: 1st
Pages : xvi, 205
Bibliographic Details : Index
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 22 cm.
Weight: 275
The book explores the concept and experiences of life after death based on religious insights on the subject and experiences of human souls on the threshold of death as recounted by doctors. It examines the sacred texts of religions, like the Holy Bible, the Vedas, the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads for a broad understanding of the subject. It deals in particular with aspects of life after death as detailed by Christianity: the General Resurrection, Last Judgement, Hades, Paradise, Heaven and Hell, the concept of the Son of God and His dying on the cross as propitiation for the sins of man. It elaborates on the experiences of the soul after death and on the life after death as such by thoroughly studying the Bible. It reveals Biblical insights on Satanic deceits to enter the minds of people who are spiritually devoted, the soul departing from the physical body, and compassion, solace and love in the spiritual world. The volume showcases the experiences of those nearing death which include new feelings and sensations as a spiritual being, meeting with other spirits and viewing the Light, that is, Christ Himself when passing through death. Mr Isaac emphasises the need to be faithful and perform acts of divine love and righteousness in all sincerity in order to prepare oneself for the eternal life in the hereafter.
1. Introduction
Beautiful Stones Jewel of India Industrial Tool Navaratnas Unique Characters Hardest Material Hard but Brittle Carat, the Measuring Unit Letter from Deep Mother Earth Diamond Industry Girls Best Friend
2. Birth from Mother Earth
Mother Earth Deep Below and High Up Above Mother Rock Kimberlite Lamproites Sedimentary Rocks Placers, the Showrooms Diamonds in the Sky Twinkling Star Diamond
3. Indian Heritage
Discovery in India Vedas and Upanishads Epics Agastya-mata Arthashastra Brihat Samhita Gaius Plinius Secundus Claudius Ptolemaeus Marco Polo Nicolo de Conti Garcia da Orata Vijayanagara Dynasty Caesar Frederick Jacques de Coutre Methwold Taverniers Six Visits Lange Kakatiya Dynasty
4. Golconda Glory
Golconda Kingdom Golconda Mart-Mines Golconda and Golcondas Howard Heyne Voysey Ritter King Ball Newbold Walker Burton Chaper Foote Venkayya C.V. Raman Krishnan
5. The Diamond Fields of South India
Andhra Pradesh WajrakarurRamagiri Karnataka Tamil Nadu Kerala
6. The Diamonds Fields of North India
Madhya Pradesh Characteristics of Diamonds Chhattisgarh Orissa Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan Bihar West Bengal Himalayas
7. Cutting, Polishing and Jewellery
Rough to Gem Stages and Techniques Other Lapidary Techniques Types of Cuts Human Culture Diamond Jewellery Indian Tradition Akshaya-Tritiya White Gold Platinum Jewellery Finger Rings Bangles Necklaces Earrings Nose Jewels Waist Belt Armlets Hairpins Jewellery Designing
8. Imitations and Artificials
Substitutes and Alternatives American Diamonds Cubic Zirconia Moissanite Rutile Spinel Sapphire Fabulite Galliant Diamonair Doublet Man-made Diamonds Synthetics: Man-made Diamonds Earlier Attempts Recent Developments HPHT Technique CVD Technique Diamonds by Explosion Ultrasound Cavitation Synthetics vs. Naturals
9. Identification and Valuation
Identification Characters Visual Examination Ten-Powered Loupe Reflectometers X-ray and UV-light Response Diamond Pen Thermal Probe Valuation Conventional Four Cs Cut Colour Clarity Caratage Certificate of Proof
10. Historical Diamonds
Kohinoor Hope Great Mogul Orloff Pitt-Regent Sancy Hastings Pigott Akbar Shah-Jahanghir Shah Shah Abbas Mirza Darya-i-Nur Taj-e-Mah Nizam Heart Moon of the Mountain Nasik Great Table Kollur Raulconda Arcots Ahmedabad Jacob Queen of Holland Wittelsbach Indore Pears Idols Eye Polar Star Tereschenko Three Tables Hornby Endless List Worlds Large Diamonds
11. Superstitions
Unconquerable Supernatural Devine Weapons Living Beings Valley of Diamonds Cobra Hood Magical Powers Medicinal Value Slow Poison Indian Categorization Engagement Rings Evil Spirits Astrological Significance Birthday Stone Astro-gemmology Blood Diamonds
12. Present and Future
World Scenario India, Once the Leader Decline and Fall Present Status Production and Marketing Diamond Organizations in India Present Policies: Laws of the Land New National Mineral Policy Production Imports and Exports Future Potential Demand and Consumption Modernization Marketing Strategies Future Plans Scope for Growth Hope and Future Scope
Glossary of Technical Words
Subject Index