Social Justice...
Social Justice
Philosophical Perspectives by: Prafulla Kumar MohapatraThese essays look afresh at the varying connotations of Social Justice in its moral, legal, economic, political and historic perspectives. They consider social justice vis-a-vis democracy, gender questions, justice-making mechanisms, retribution and the Hindu Karma.
ISBN: 9788124601198
Year Of Publication: 1999
Edition: 1st
Pages : viii, 251
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 500
Civilisational history, in a way, has been mans unending quest for social justice, leading him to strive not only for equality, but also for the abolition of discriminations in every form. Social justice, however, has defied a precise definition. And, as a concept, has been viewed differently in different contexts dependent, as it has been, on the contigencies of time, place and person. Here is a multi-author work trying to sharpen the readers understanding of social justice against the backdrop of its diverse concepts across the ages. An assemblage of 15 insightful essays, each written by a reputed scholar, the book looks afresh at the varying connotations of Social Justice, in all its essential perspectives: moral, legal, economic, political and historical. Attempting, thus, to visualise its concept, the authors consider social justice vis-a-vis democracy, gender questions, justice-making mechanisms, retribution, and even the Hindu doctrine of karma. Of special interest to readers is the analysis, by some authors, of the Indian experiments of social justice in extending preferential treatment to members of the exploited classes and evaluate its impact on the Indian society in general and on the preferred classes in particular. Volume 5 in the Utkal Studies in Philosophy series, this collection is an important contribution not just to the ever-continuing dialogue on social justice, but to Analytical Philosophy of Values as well. Social thinkers/activities, sociologists, social scientists, and, more specially, the scholars of philosophy will find it a useful acquisition.
Prefatory Note
1. Editorial Introduction: Justice, Equality and Just-Making Considerations
— Prafulla K. Mohapatra
2. Social Injustice, Retribution and Revenge : An Examination of the Indian Experiment
— Rajendra Prasad
3. Democracy and Justice : Assumptions and Questions
— Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya
4. The Basis of Justice
— Chhatrapati Singh
5. Justice and Morality : Some Unresolved Issues Concerning the Unencumbered Self
— Ramesh Chandra Pradhan
6. The Original Position and the Concept of a Person
— Bijoy H. Baruah
7. Karma and Social Justice
— Sarat Chandra Panighari
8. Retribution and Criminal Justice : Some Conceptual Problems
— Mahasweta Chaudhary
9. Justice-Based Morality and the Gender Question
— Shefali Moitra
10. Markets, Democracy and Social Justice
— Kamala Kanta Panda
11. Social Justice and Development : A Multilingual and Multicultural Perspective
— Debi Prasanna Patnaik
12. Social Justice and Preferential Treatment
— Rama Chandra Majhi
13. Social Justice : Perspectives and Presuppositions
— Aditya Kumar Mohanty
14. Concept of Justice
— Dhaneswar Sahoo
15. Social Justice : A Historical Perspective
— Himanshu Shekhar Patnaik
The Contributors