Shriram Janmabhoomi,...
Shriram Janmabhoomi, Ayodhya, U.P., ke sandarbh mein bahudha puche jane wale prashno dwara sach janiye
by: UnknownHow many of us know about the persons involved in pulling down the controversial structure the Babari Masjid in Ayodhaya? What is the importance of Ram janmabhoomi? Was the Babari structure built on the portions of Ram Mandir? All this and much more in a QuestionAnswer form, based on ground realities, presented in this book.
ISBN: 9788124602218
Year Of Publication: 2002
Edition: 1st
Pages : x, 146
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 22 cm.
Weight: 200
How many of us know about the persons involved in pulling down the controversial structure the Babari Masjid in Ayodhaya? What is the importance of Ram janmabhoomi? Was the Babari structure built on the portions of Ram Mandir? All this and much more in a QuestionAnswer form, based on ground realities, presented in this book.
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In ancient India, learning and literature flourished at different levels and concerned almost all broad disciplines of knowledge. One such stream was historiography as we find a rich tradition of history-writing maintained over the centuries. This book examines the evolution of the tradition of historiography from the Vedic times to the 12th century ad, arguing against an oft-held belief that ancient Indians lacked a sense of chronology and history. Here, Dr. G.P. Singh highlights the contributions of ancient India to historiography through a critical study of literary works authored by eminent scholars and writers of the past that contain historical writing. Based on research for over two decades, the work elaborately studies Vedic, Epic and Puranic traditions, Buddhist and Jain historiography, historical references and details in the dramas of Kalidasa and Visakhadatta, and historical writing in South India. It pays special attention to writing of historical biographies, chronicles and vamsavalis. It discusses how various religious and other texts throw light on the political and social fabric of different periods and their economic condition and cultural milieu. It frequently refers to the views of modern scholars on various aspects of the historical writings. It looks into the value of the historical writings, the historical conditions under which they were written and the purpose for which written, their language and style, and their immediate impact and influence on writing in later times.The volume will offer fresh approaches to studying ancient Indian historiography and new bases of research on the subject for historians and scholars.
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Indian literature abounds in a variety of myths and legends narrating allegorical/historical stories with moral teachings where celestial or semi-celestial beings, in particular the apsarases, occupy an important place. Of such legends, a few have become much popular and they reappear in the course of the history of literature at various stages. One such legend is that of Urvashi and Pururavas which is one of the most ancient legends of India, owing its origin to the Rigveda. This scholarly work, based on extensive original sources primary, comprising ancient Sanskrit texts, commentaries and glosses and modern literary pieces, kavyas and plays, as well as critical writings on these original works, studies the origin and development of the institution of apsarases and their characteristics as described in the vast corpus of Vedic, Epic-Puranic and classical works. In this context, it undertakes an interesting survey of the concept of nymphs (apsarases) in Indo-European, especially Greek mythology. Dr. Handique then thoroughly examines the depiction of the legend of Urvashi and Pururavas a favourite theme that has been immortalised in literary masterpieces in Indian literature as a whole: from the ancient Vedas and Puranas, the Harivamsha and Vikramorvashiyam to modern works like Urvashi Janani and Abhishapta Urvashi and stray poetic pieces. Presenting a new angle to the study, the book attempts to explore aspects of an age old tradition that bears close affinity with the institution of the apsarases in terms of mode of living worship and ideals like system of the devadasis. The book will prove invaluable to scholars of Indian mythology, culture and literature as well as interest general readers of ancient India’s legends and tales.
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T.P. Verma and S.P. Gupta, after several years toil, have here presented the history of Ayodhaya in a chronological form from Rgveda times till today which has been proved with the evidences from archaeology, coinages, scriptures, etc.
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The bibliography includes 4081 entries, covering published materials in English and French languages over the last two centuries. It is divided into two parts. The first part contains 2410 entries dealing with Indian Buddhist art and archaeology and Indian art in general, history, religion, some Buddhist sites outside present India with special attention given to Pakistan , etc. Entries in the second part are exclusively devoted to Indian Buddhist sites. There are 57 sites; each one is individually studied. The book gives a representative overview of what has been researched and accomplished in the field of Indian Buddhist Art and Archaeology since Wilkins’s article on Bodh-Gaya in 1788 or Thomas Daniel’s first illustration on the Kanheri caves in 1798.