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    Nitisataka of Bhartr...

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Nitisataka of Bhartrhari

With Hindi and English Translation and Purport (A Critical Edition Supplemented with Kasmiri Sarada Text) by: Sugyan Kumar Mahanty

Original price was: ₹480.00.Current price is: ₹432.00.


ISBN: 9788124611777
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 1st
Pages : xxii, 192
Language : English, Hindi, Sanskrit
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : Radhavallabh Tripathi
Size: 23
Weight: 335


Bhartrhari’s three unique compositions – Nitisatakam, Srngarasatakam and Vairagyasatakam – have been relevant for the last 2,000 years and above for their exclusively terse and epigrammatic character, and universally applicable teachings. The Nitisataka, although succinct and concise, is pregnant with the perpetual and everlasting doctrines, resulted from diverse experiences of life.
Although it has hundreds of printed editions available with commentaries and translations published in many parts of the globe, still this edition has been prepared along with recently discovered Kasmiri Sarada text, supplemented by critical notes on variant readings found in a Sarada manuscript, for the very first time in last 400 years, i.e. ever since the printing editions came into existence.
Most commonly accepted verses of the Nitisataka have been included in this edition, making a total of 111 verses, which is enriched with authentic translation and purports in Hindi and English.


Governor Message v
Prarocana – Shrinivasa Varakhedi vii
Foreword – Radhavallabh Tripathi ix

1. Introduction 

Date, Time and Place of Bhartrhari
The Authorship
Identity of Bhartrhari, the Author of Satakas with that of Vakyapadiya and Bhattikavya
The Teachings in the Nitisataka
The Editions of the Nitisataka
Manuscripts of the Nitisataka
Kasmiri Sarada Manuscript of the Nitisataka Textual Criticism of Kasmiri Sarada Manuscript of the Nitisatakam

2. A Critical Edition of the Nitisataka 25

Invocation (मङ्गलाचरण)
Criticism of Addiction (आसक्ति की निन्दा)
Nature of Imprudence or Irrationalism (अल्पज्ञता का स्वभाव)
Nature of a Fool Man (मूर्खों का स्वभाव)
Nature of a Malicious Man (दुष्ट का स्वभाव)
Value of Silence (मौन का माहात्म्य)
Little Knowledge: The Source of Ego (अल्पज्ञता: अहंकार की जननी)
Characteristics of a Wretch (नीच का स्वभाव)
Downfall of a Person, Devoid of Discernment (विवेकभ्रष्ट व्यक्ति का अधःपतन)
Foolishness Has no Remedy (मूर्खता का कोई उपचार नहीं है)
Significance of Humankind Lies in the
Literature, Music and Arts (साहित्य, संगीत और कला से ही मनुष्यत्व की सार्थकता)
Who Are the Burden on This Planet? (कैसे लोग इस धरती पर बोझ हैं)
Meanness of the Company of Fools (मूर्ख लोगाें के सम्पर्क की तुच्छता)
Worth of Erudition and Excellence (वैदुष्य एवं सद्गुणों का मूल्य)
Prominence of the Wealth of Learning (विद्याधन की विशेषता)
Despise of Learned Men Is Improper (विद्याधन की विशेषता)
No One Can Deprive Anybody’s Skill and Ability (किसी की क्षमता या कला को कोई नहीं छीन सकता)
Refined and Cultured Speech Is the only Ornament of an Individual (सुसंस्कृत वाणी ही मनुष्य का अक्षय भूषण)
An Individual sans Learning Is a Beast (ज्ञान के बिना मनुष्य पशु-तुल्य)
Importance of the Values Like Forgiveness in the Society (समाज में क्षमा आदि सद्गुणों की महिमा)
The Values of Social Order (सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा के कारक गुण)
Benefits of Good Company (सत्संगति के लाभ)
Immortality of Poets (कवित्व की अमरता)
भगवान् विष्णु के अनुग्रह से समस्त ऐश्वर्य की प्राप्ति
Universal Way of Welfare (सर्वशास्त्रसम्मत कल्याण का मार्ग)
Three Ways to Accomplish a Work (कार्य-सम्पादन के नीच, मध्यम और उत्तम मार्ग)
Right and Challenging Conduct of the Virtuous People (सज्जनों का दुष्कर एवं न्यायोचित मार्ग)
Abhorrence of Virtuous People Towards Malicious Act
(स्वाभिमानी व्यक्ति की महत्त्वविरुद्ध नीच कार्य के प्रति अरुचि)
A Valiant’s Pursuit to Procure His Desired Object (स्वाभिमानी व्यक्ति की स्वसत्त्वानुरूप फलेच्छा)
The Impulsiveness of a Mean and Perseverance of a Great (नीच की अधीरता एवं महान् की धीरता)
The Cause of a Successful Birth on This Planet (संसार में सफल जन्म का कारण)
Twofold Ways of Great Persons (मनस्वी व्यक्तियाें की दो गति)
Hostility of Great People (महान् व्यक्ति की शत्रुता)
Infinite Excellence of Great People (महापुरुषों की महानता की निःसीमता)
Leaving the Father in Distress Is Unethical and Reproachful
(पिता को संकट में छोड़कर पलायन अनुचित)
A Spirited Person never Tolerates Humiliation (तेजस्वी व्यक्तिओं का पर-तिरस्कार न सहना)
Age Is Never a Deterring Factor for Gallantry (उम्र तेजस्विता का कारण नहीं)
The Glory of Wealth (समाज में धन की मान्यता)
Wealth Is the Vital Energy in the Society (समाज में धन की प्राण-तुल्य प्रमुखता)
All Virtues Shelter in Wealth (धन में ही सारे गुण निहित)
The Causes of Ruin (अधःपतन के कारण)
Proper Utilization of Wealth (धन का सदुपयोग)
Slenderness Can also Shine (क्षीणता भी शोभा का कारण)
Importance of Assets Depends on the Condition (अवस्थानुरूप पदार्थों का महत्त्व)
Nurturing the Earth (Subjects) (प्रजा-पालन)
Manifold Policy of the Kings (राजनीति की अनेकरूपता)
Advantages of Serving a King (राजाश्रय से लाभ)
Wealth Is Predestined (धन का भाग्यायत्तत्व)
Entreaty from the Dependents Must not Be Waited (आश्रितों से याचना की अनपेक्ष्यता)
Distress Should not Be Shared with All (सबके सामने अपनी दीनोक्ति का प्रकाशन अनुचित)
Evil Conduct (दुष्ट-स्वभाव)
Avoidance of the Evil (दुर्जन की परित्याज्यता)
Misrepresenting the Traits of Meritorious by Evil (दुर्जनों द्वारा गुणों में दोष-दर्शन)
Condemnation of Demerits like Avarice (लोभ आदि दुर्गुणों की निन्दा एवं सत्य आदि सद्गुणों की प्रशंसा)
Seven Thorns to Mind (मन की व्यथा के सात काँटे)
Anger of a King Is not Worthwhile (राजा का क्रोध अनुचित)
Inscrutability of the Code of Conduct in Service (सेवाधर्म की दुरूहता)
The Service of Scoundrels Produces Unhappiness (नीच प्रभु की सेवा दुःखदायी)
Difference between the Friendship of Evil and Good Men (दुष्टों एवं सज्जनों की मैत्री में भेद)
Denunciation of Enmity (अकारण वैर-भाव की निन्दा) Respectibility of Nobleness (सज्जनों की पूज्यता)
Innate Characteristics of Great Personalities (महात्माओं के प्रकृतिसिद्ध स्वभाव)
Right and Challenging Conduct of the Virtuous People (सज्जनों का दुष्कर एवं न्यायोचित मार्ग)
Ornaments of Great People (महापुरुषों के मण्डन)
Conduct of Great Persons in Prosperity and Adversity (सम्पन्नता और विपन्नता में महापुरुषों के आचरण)
Conduct Is Acquired from the Company (गुणों का संसर्ग से ही उत्पन्न होना)
Who Are the Best Son, Wife and Friend? (श्रेष्ठ पुत्र, पत्नी एवं मित्र कौन होते हैं)
The Ways of Advent and Abstinence (प्रवृत्ति एवं निवृत्ति के मार्ग)
Magnificent Conduct of the Virtuous (सज्जनों का महनीय आचरण)
Disposition of Virtuous People (गुणी जनों का स्वभाव)
Moral Value Is the Real Ornament of an Individual (नैतिक मूल्य से ही मनुष्य की वास्तविक शोभा)
Characterstics of a True Friend सच्चे मित्र का लक्षण
Good People’s Devotion in Others’ Interest (सज्जनों का परहितोद्योग)
Stinginess of Destroying Others’ Welfare Redundantly (निरर्थक पर-पीडन की तुच्छता)
Ideal Friendship (आदर्श मित्रता)
Endurance of the Ocean (समुद्र की सहनशीलता)
Ideal Behaviour of Virtuous People (सज्जनों का आदर्श आचरण)
Holy Men Who Magnify Others’ Merits Are Rare (दूसरों के गुणगान करने वाले सज्जनों की विरलता)
Greatness Is Renedering Excellence to the Common (तुच्छ को भी महान् बनाना ही महानता)
Ceaseless Efforts of Resolute Persons (धैर्यवान् व्यक्तियाें का अविरत उद्यम)
Perseverance of a Tenacious Person (मनस्वी व्यक्ति की कर्मनिष्ठा)
Good Conduct Is the Best Ornament (“शील” – सर्वोत्तम भूषण)
Rightfulness of Resolute Persons (धीर पुरुषों की न्यायोन्मुखता)
Destiny Is the Only Cause of Rise and Fall (भाग्य ही वृद्धि एवं क्षय का कारण)
Transitoriness of Disasters for Virtuous (सज्जनों की विपत्ति का अस्थायित्व)
Diligence Is the Real Kinsman (उद्यम ही वास्तविक बन्धु)
Patience in Trouble (विपत्ति में धैर्य)
Affordability of the Fate दैव (भाग्य) ही शरण
Contempletion Only Shapes One’s Action and Proclivity (विवेक ही कर्म एवं बुद्धि का निर्माता)
Disasters Always Follow Misfortune (विपत्ति दुर्भाग्य का ही अनुसरण करती है)
Destiny Is Potent (दैव की बलवत्ता)
Transitoriness of Human Life (मनुष्य जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता)
Destiny Is Indelible (विधि का विधान अपरिमार्जनीय)
Potentiality of Action (कर्म की बलीयता)
Tribute to Karma or Action (कर्म की स्तुति)
Action as Destiny Gives Result (तपःपूत संचित कर्म ही भाग्य का जनक)
Virtues Acquired in Previous State Protect in Hardship (पूर्व जन्म का सुकृत ही विपत्ति में सहायक)
The Glory of Good Conduct (सत्क्रिया का माहात्म्य)
Impulsiveness Results in Distressing Consequence (अविचारित कर्म का परिणाम दुःखदायी)
The Prominence of Austerity of Devotion Towards Duties (कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठता-रूपी तपस्याचरण की श्रेष्ठता)
Destiny Can Never Be Overcome (अनहोनी होती नहीं और होनी टलती नहीं)
All Good Turns Are the Result of Formerly Earned Virtues (पूर्वकृत सुकृत ही अनुकूलता का जनक)
Real Nature of Objects with Merits and Demerits (लाभ-क्षति आदि गुण्याऽगुण्य का वास्तविक स्वरूप)
Characteristics of Magnanimity (मनस्विता के लक्षण)
Scarcity of Meritorious People in the World (पृथ्वी पर गुणियों की दुर्लभता)
Importance of Patience (धैर्य का महत्त्व)
Successfulness of a Resolved Person (धीर व्यक्ति की विजयशीलता)
Independancy of Heroic Personality (वीर पुरुष की अन्य निरपेक्षता)
Subduing Nature of Virtue (शीलस्वभाव की वशीकरणशीलता)
Impropriety of Breaking the Promise (प्रतिज्ञा-भङ्ग का अनौचित्य)
3. Nitisatakam Stanzas in Order of Their Number
4. Nitisatakam Stanzas in Alphabetic Order
5. Nitisatakam Verses of Sarada Manuscript
6. Notes on Variant Readings in the Sarada Manuscript
7. The Sarada Stanzas in Alphabetic Order


Meet the Author
    Dr Sugyan Kumar Mahanty, working as a Senior Assistant Professor in the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Vedavyas Campus, Himachal Pradesh has twenty years of experience in teaching postgraduate students and research other than eight years’ stint at Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. He has published Kavyaprakashiyasudhasagaratika-samiksha, a book on Indian poetics through Lokabhasha Prachar Samiti, Puri (Orissa) in 2001. Another book Kavyashastra compiled by him was published by M.P. Bhoj Open University, Bhopal in 2005. Abhidhavrittimatrika of Mukulabhatta with a Sanskrit Commentary Shubodhini and a Hindi commentary Sangamani was published by Chowkhamba Krishnadas Akademi, Varanasi, in 2008. His Kavyatattvalokah on comparative literary criticism of East and West, is another masterpiece in Sanskrit to his credit, got published by Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Tirupati, in 2010. Natyalamkaratarangini, a book of compiled research papers on Indian poetics and dramaturgy, edited by Dr Mahanty was published by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthanam,Vedavyas Campus, HP. There are about 100 research papers and thirty short poems to his credit, published in renowned journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Praciprajna, the UGC-listed refereed peer reviewed e-journal in Sanskrit: https://sites.google.com/site/praachiprajnaa.

    “Nitisataka of Bhartrhari”

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