Journal of Indian Oc...
Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology (Vol.5: 2008)
by: Sunil GuptaThis Journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries.
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ISBN: 9788124607855
Year Of Publication: 2008
Edition: 1st
Pages : viii, 148p.
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: Centre for Research and Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment
Size: 28 cm.
Weight: 475
Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology was launched in 2003 by one of Indias leading academic institutions, the Centre for Research & Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo-environment, New Delhi. The second issue is in the Press. The Journal is an outcome of the realization on the part of the international community of archaeologists and historians that India has no journal devoted exclusively to the archaeology of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, starting from the Red Sea through the South China Sea, although Indian occupies the central position in this vast area, with three-fourths of its land facing the gulfs and bays of the Indian Ocean. It is common knowledge that Egypt, Ethiopis, Kenya, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain and countries bordering the Persian Gulf, including Iraq and Iran, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, were closely connected with each other through long-distance sea-borne trade-routes for thousands of years. This particular phenomenon had led to the development of what is now generally called Shared Culture with its distinct personality which is Afro-Asian. It is reflected in the material items dug up every year at a number of sites in India and all other countries along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. This journal embodies the results of explorations and excavations conducted by scholars in various countries which witnessed the growth of the personality of the shared culture of the Indian Ocean Rim countries, including the countries of Southwest Asia. It also includes all aspects of cultural, economic and socio-political histories of these countries. The contributors to this journal are from all over the world. It is a MUST for every scholar and layman interested in the history and arachaeology of the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean, from Africa, and West Asia through China.
Palaeo-Tsunami Evidences in Archaeological Excavations: Results of Mamallapuram Excavations
— T. SAtyamurthy
Evolutionary molar size reduction in Sangiran (Javanese) Early-Middle Pleistocene Homo erectus as an effect of paleo-climatic change
— John Arif, Mark R. Schurr and Rubiyanto Kapid
Transoceamic Cross-Cultural Relationship between Peninsular India and Sri Lanka; 5th Century BCE-3rd Century CE
— K. Rajan
At the Cossroads of the Persian Gulf and Indus valley: A Systematic Survey at Tepe Bampur
— Dr. Mehdi Mortazavi and Fariba Mosapur Negari
Ancient Vanga and Overseas trade: A case study of Chandraketugarh
— Rita Datta and Asok Datta
Padri: A Harappan salt Manufacturing Centre on the West Coast of India
— Vasant Shinde, Prabosh Shirvalkar and S.N. Rajaguru
The Indian Ocean and its Hinterland during the Iron Age: Evidence For Socio-Cultural Interactions from Southern Tanzania
— Bertram B.B. Mapunda
A probe to locate Keralas early historic trade emporium of Nelcyndo
— Ajit Kumar
Notes & News
Excavations at Berenike 2009
— Steven E. Sidebotham and Iwana Zych
Piram Island: Pirates Fort in the Guld of Khambhat
— A.S. Gaur and Bharat Kumar Bhatt
Lines on Rock: Petroglyphs from the Konkan, Maharashra
— Vishwas Gogte, Shrikant Pradhan and Prabhodh Shirvalkar
Indo-Graeco-Italica: Ideas on an International Cooperation project in Classics, Linguistics, History, Archaeology, and related topics, based in India
— Andreas L. Katonis
Book Reviews
Subid Chattopadhyay 2000. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
— Suchandra Ghosh
Serge Cleuzion and Maurizio Tosi 2007. In the Shadow of the Ancestors: The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman
— K.N. Dikshit
A.S. Gaur, Sundaresh and K.H. Vora 2008. Underwater Archaeology of Dwarka and Somnath
— K.N. Dikshit