Jadavpur Journal of ...
Jadavpur Journal of Philosophy Vol. 26 (no. 1)
by: Madhumita Chattopadhyay , SashinunglaJadavpur Journal of Philosophy is a refereed, bi-issue journal, in English (No. 1) and Bengali (No. 2) published annually by the Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. The journal volume in Bengali is titled Darsan Biksa. The journal is devoted to the publication of original scholarly papers in any branch of philosophy. Its objective is to encourage contributions from scholars, dealing with specific philosophical problems connected with their respective fields of specialization.
₹300.00 Original price was: ₹300.00.₹270.00Current price is: ₹270.00.
ISBN: 9788124609231
Year Of Publication: 2017
Edition: 1st Edition
Pages : 131 p.
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: Jadavpur University
Size: 24
Weight: 250
Jadavpur Journal of Philosophy is a refereed, bi-issue journal, in English (No. 1) and Bengali (No. 2) published annually by the Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. The journal volume in Bengali is titled Darsan Biksa. The journal is devoted to the publication of original scholarly papers in any branch of philosophy. Its objective is to encourage contributions from scholars, dealing with specific philosophical problems connected with their respective fields of specialization.

- Sale!Seven Quartets of Becoming by: Debashish Banerji
₹1,200.00Original price was: ₹1,200.00.₹1,080.00Current price is: ₹1,080.00.Groomed in a modern academic tradition and post-Enlightenment ideals of creative freedom and social critique, Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) turned his attention to yoga and the limits of consciousness in its ability to relate to and transform nature. In the process, he documented scrupulously his experiments and experiences based on a synergistic existential framework of practice.
Debashish Banerji correlates the approach to yoga Sri Aurobindo took in his diaries with his later writings, to derive a description of human subjectivity and its powers. Banerji constellates Sri Aurobindo’s approach with transpersonal psychology and contemporary lineages of phenomenology and ontology, to develop a transformative yoga psychology redefining the boundaries and possibilities of the human and opening up lines of self-practice towards a wholeness of being and becoming.
Both scholar and Yogi, Aurobindo (1872-1950) carefully documented the unfolding of spiritual consciousness starting shortly after his deep revelatory experiences while in prison in 1908. His observations were recently published in a two volume set, The Record of Yoga. Debashish Banerji has analyzed this work and offers a detailed, clear, systematic and inspirational interpretation of how the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo may be understood and practiced.
Þ From the `Foreword’ of
Prof. Christopher Key Chapple
Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, (USA) - Sale!Wittgensteinian Realms of Religious Beliefs, Values and Metaphysics by: K. C. Pandey
₹5,700.00Original price was: ₹5,700.00.₹5,130.00Current price is: ₹5,130.00.All that cannot be expressed in language, for early Wittgenstein, belong to the realm of Unsayable or Showable. Such a realm consists of religious beliefs, ethical values, aesthetics, metaphysics, solipsism, love, death among other aspects of life which language is incapable of depicting successfully. Later Wittgenstein did not insist on the inexpressibility of these realms as each of them has their own distinct form of life. In this background this anthology is an attempt to explore various facets of these aspects of Wittgensteinian philosophy through various elucidations and interpretations. It is classified into three sections, viz. “Religious Beliefs, Wittgensteinian Fideism, Religious Pluralism, and Cultural Debates”, “Absolute Value, Ethics, Aesthetics, Architecture” and “Subjectivism, Solipsism, Metaphysics, and Hermeneutics”. It aims at bringing out the current development in the field as found in the debates and discussions on Wittgensteinian philosophy in the contemporary philosophical world.
- Sale!Modern Civilization by:
₹800.00Original price was: ₹800.00.₹720.00Current price is: ₹720.00.The crisis of the age inheres in this, that notwithstanding the century’s mind-numbing disasters, it persists in subscribing to propositions which have logically led to the atomization of the whole cloth of human experiencing, and being. Great indeed is the value which is placed on the procedure of analytic dismemberment. While the method has certainly been result-producing, materially, in its wake it has brought immense suffering – both physical and spiritual. The price paid for a lopsided advance is thirty major wars – with their toll of one hundred and thirty million lives, and the irreparable destruction of the natural environment. The time demands a reappraisal of the basic paradigms of human existence, but the hegemony of well-entrenched vested interests – material or intellectual – would seem to preclude this.
The “advanced” people among the mankind of the day become suicidally specialized. For, if the mechanical model of thought has been of advantage in man’s preceding unfolding, the same, what may be called the “survival” paradigm, now creates dangerous dualities, binary oppositions (you–me, body–mind, East–West, etc). The model has outlived its usefulness merely enforcing dormancy on a major part of the human brain.
It behoves mankind to choose wisely right now – since parallel to the socio-economic, scientific and technological revolutions there has got to be the overdue radical psychic transformation. The first step towards clearing the fateful crisis would therefore be to be aware and end the hold of the linear, causal, mechanical thought orientation over the intellectual culture of the times.
Delving deep into the epistemological cum ontological causation of the emergency confronting the being and becoming of man, this volume provokes the thoughtful lay reader to a serious engagement with his or her self. - Sale!Recent Responses to the Philosophy of Wittgenstein by: K. C. Pandey
₹5,700.00Original price was: ₹5,700.00.₹5,130.00Current price is: ₹5,130.00.The essays contained in this anthology explore philosophical issues which have often been raised during recent debates and discussions in Wittgensteinian epistemology, theology, logic, ethics, religion, social science, cultural studies, psychology and language. It is based on the idea that Wittgenstein’s thoughts have not only been interpreted by the academicians in philosophy, but have been used as a method in many other fields of Humanities and Social Sciences as well. Keeping in view this idea, the book gives a fresh interpretation from the perspectives of recent issues raised on life and language in the philosophy of Wittgenstein. It discusses Wittgensteinian issues through the perspectives of the Indian as well as the contemporary world.
- Sale!Abhinavaguptas Hermeneutics of the Absolute by: Bettina Baumer
₹1,800.00Original price was: ₹1,800.00.₹1,620.00Current price is: ₹1,620.00.The Paratrishika Vivarana by the great Kashmiri philosopher and mystic Abhinavagupta is an extensive commentary on the Paratrishika Tantra, and it is one of the most profound texts, not only of non-dualist Kashmir Shaivism, but of Indian philosophy and mysticism in general. The present work attempts to make this difficult text accessible, by culling out the important themes and offering an interpretation. The main focus is on the understanding of the Absolute (Anuttara) and the ways to realize it. The central theme of mantra also leads to a mysticism of language with its philosophical implications. All these reflections and practices are inscribed in the theory that everything is related to the totality, every part contains the whole of reality (sarvam sarvatmakam). It is this holistic vision of Abhinavagupta, based on the Tantras, which makes this work so relevant in our times of fragmented aspects of life and knowledge in search of integration. No doubt, in the view of the Tantra and of Abhinavagupta, language and mantra provide the key.
This fascinating book is an important contribution to studies and interpretations on Kashmir Shaivism, its spirituality and philosophy, and on Abhinavagupta in particular.