Harappan Necropolis ...
Harappan Necropolis at Farmana in the Ghaggar Basin
by: Vasant Shinde , Toshiki Osada , Akinori Uesugi , Manmohan KumarThis book unfolds the unknown aspects of the Harappan civilization. It throws light on Harappan people’s composition, movement, dietrary habits and burials; and also on the study of human skeletal remains.
₹1,000.00 Original price was: ₹1,000.00.₹900.00Current price is: ₹900.00.
ISBN: 9788124608494
Year Of Publication: 2009
Edition: 1st
Pages : 103
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: Indian Archaeological Society
Size: 28 cm.
Weight: 450
This book unfolds the unknown aspects of the Harappan civilization. It throws light on Harappan people’s composition, movement, dietrary habits and burials; and also on the study of human skeletal remains.
- Sale!Social History of the Tamils (1707-1947) by: P. Subramanian
₹1,600.00Original price was: ₹1,600.00.₹1,440.00Current price is: ₹1,440.00.Notwithstanding the prolificity of indepth researches in contemporary historiography, Professor Subramanian’s book is the first concentrative effort to track down the social history of the Tamils. Today, the Tamils, over fifty million of them, live in the south-eastern state of the Indian peninsula: Tamil Nadu — which indisputably represents the very nucleus of millennia-old Dravidian culture in India. The book offers a compelling account of the Tamils’ society, economy, religious beliefs, educational mechanisms, arts, and cultural expressions during the years 1707-1947 — when, significantly, the British domination blossomed, bloomed, and faded; when new thoughts, new ideas, and new ways of life came as irresistibly into the homeland of the Tamils as into the Indian subcontinent. Thus retracing over two centuries of the ‘British connextion with India’, the author here tries to show how the long colonial rule in India exposed the tradition-bound Tamilian society to Western influences — with results that proved incalculable in both their range and depth. Social History of the Tamils : 1707-1947 is the outcome of Professor Subramanian’s decade-long, painstaking research, authenticated by an astonishing mass of evidence including archival records, Jesuit sources, Modi (Maratha) manuscripts, newspapers’ reports, biographies, travelogues, literary writings, and even fictional works.
- Sale!Archaeology of Mayurbhanj by: Prabodh Kumar Mishra
₹480.00Original price was: ₹480.00.₹432.00Current price is: ₹432.00.Mayurbhanj, the leading princely state of Orissa in the pre-independence days, heroically encountered the twists and turns of history under the peacock-emblemed Bhanjas and continued to flourish for many centuries as an independent sub-regional kingdom, enriching Orissan history and culture in the tribal-dominated region. Today, the splendour of ancient Mayurbhanj (Khijjinga mandala) can be sought in its archaeological treasures that is, fascinating Stone Age tools, copper plate inscriptions, Roman, Kushana and Gupta coins, and spectacular monuments with intricate sculptural work. Professor P.K. Mishra, in this book, attempts to delve into the rich antiquity of Mayurbhanj as evident in its archaeological discoveries that have had a great impact on Orissan culture. The author discusses how under the patronage of enlightened rulers like Maharaja Sriramachandra Bhanj Deo and Purna Candra Bhanj Deo, committed archaeologist-scholars like Kamakshya Prasad Bose, R.P. Chanda, Sailendra Prasad Bose undertook pioneering and painstaking efforts to lay bare Mayurbhanjs ancient wealth. He unfurls the story of Mayurbhanjs discovery in a vivid and interesting account while, at the same time, providing new light on the archaeological excavation and conservation. This work, explaining the rich, intricate past of an area of historical importance, is bound to inspire as well as provide useful information to scholars and researchers involved in Indian history. A very lucid language with constant flow and about 50 photographic representations enhance the value of the book.
- Sale!Bharat Ka Pragatihaas evam Adhya-Itihaas by: V.K. Jain
₹260.00Original price was: ₹260.00.₹234.00Current price is: ₹234.00.Fresh excavations, new dating techniques and ever-growing conceptual frameworks since 1950 have greatly reshaped our perspective on Prehistory and Protohistory of the Indian subcontinent. This monograph, which is primarily aimed to serve as a starter for the undergraduate and postgraduate students, presents, in a concise but comprehensive manner, a syncretic view of the latest information on various aspects such as tools and technologies, settlement and subsistence patterns, ecological background and distributional configuration in respect of the Stone Age and the Chalcolithic Cultures outside the Harappan Zone. The Megalithic Cultures of peninsular India and the Deccan too find a place in the book. A glossary of the terms used frequently in archaeology as well as maps, line-drawings and explanatory notes on individual sites add further value to the text.
- Sale!Ancient Gods and Heroes of East and West by: Marta Vannucci
₹900.00Original price was: ₹900.00.₹810.00Current price is: ₹810.00.This book is a study of the people of nomadic groups or clans of Central Asia from about 6000 bce to the last millennium bce to explore why cultures and history developed the way they did in Central Asia by taking up the Indo-European and other settlements notably, the Greeks, the ancient Iranians and Indo-aryans of the Indian subcontinent for in-depth study. It deals with the quest for knowledge which led to evolution of cultures from simple primitive life to a society complex in structure, from philosophy to religion. The study of gods and heroes examines stories relating to migration and settlements and the geography of ancient civilizations. It is in this setting that their unique philosophies and religious beliefs flourished, giving rise to belief in numerous gods and heroes. It discusses the myths and legends of the ancient cultures, highlighting names, deeds and events relating to honoured gods and much-praised heroes. Dr Marta Vannucci significantly concludes that both Indo-aryan and Indo-Iranian people had been able to maintain their traditional customs and habits backed by technical developments up to the last centuries bce. Throughout, she bases her observations on reliable information provided by archaeology substantiated by oral and written traditions of Central Asia, Greece and Rome. The volume will be invaluable to scholars of history, anthropology and archaeology who are keen to systematically unravel the obscure origins of the great human civilizational march.
- Sale!Chandragupta Maurya by: P.L Bhargava
₹400.00Original price was: ₹400.00.₹360.00Current price is: ₹360.00.A Ksatriya hero of little-known antecedents, Chandragupta Maurya was unmistakably a born leader of men, who within twentyfour years of his reign: 317 bc-293 bc, established a gigantic empire by not only unifying the countless fragments of a distracted India, but annexing some of the erstwhile Persian dominions as well. Professor Bhargava here profiles this first historical emperor of India, in all essential detail. Based on diverse original sources, notably, Brahmanical, Buddhist, Jaina, and Greek, the book sets out a fascinating, well-knit narrative delineating Chandragupta Maurya: the man, his times, and his meteoric rise to political supremacy with contextual focus on the state of polity, administrative mechanisms, religion, society, economy, literature and arts during his rule. The author also tries to apply correctives to the myths woven around Chandragupta in legend, literature, and chronicles. Acclaimed alike by historians and Indological journals of repute, Dr. Bhargavas book is now in its second edition: enlarged and thoroughly revised against the backdrop of the latest research findings.