Description in Philo...
Description in Philosophy
With a Particular Reference to Wittgenstein and Husserl by: Krishna JainThis book discusses the manner in which Wittgenstein and Husserl pursued the concept of descriptive philosophy in their own philosophical set-up. It analyses the hazards arising in the way of faithful description and with the idea of faithful description itself.
₹600.00 Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.
ISBN: 9788124600269
Year Of Publication: 2018
Edition: 2nd impression
Pages : 171
Bibliographic Details : Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 350 gm.
Husserl and Wittgenstein broke off from the traditional attitude towards philosophy; they presented no ideologies, systems or theories but aspired to describe what one sees. In the present book, Dr. Krishna Jain discusses the manner in which they pursued the concept of descriptive philosophy in their own philosophical set up and also analyses the hazards which inevitably arise in the way of faithful description and with the idea of faithful description itself.
1. The Concept of Description
2. Description in Wittgensteins : Tractatus
3. Description in Wittgensteins Later Works
4. Description in Husserls Philosophy
5. Limits of Description
6. Hazards of Philosophical Description

- Sale!Sex and Sex Worship by: O. A. Wall
₹1,990.00Original price was: ₹1,990.00.₹1,980.00Current price is: ₹1,980.00.Mankind, when it gave expression to its first dawning of religious thoughts, wove a fabric of myths and theories about religion, the warp of which ran through from earliest historical times to our own days as threads of the warp of philosophies and theories about sex, male, female, love, passion, lust, desire, procreation, offspring, etc. The succeeding ages and civilizations wove into its warp the woof of the individual religions, myths and fables of gods and goddesses, so that the whole fabric of beliefs became refined as mankind itself advanced.
Sex and Sex Worship is the result of a long-time, arduous study of the concept of sex and the worship of phallus in various civilizations and in the development of different religions, modern and old, over a period of many millennia. The book makes one grasp a lot of topics associated with sex and sex symbols such as nature of sex and reproduction, status of women, cosmo-gonies, sex in man and animal, sexual relationship of gods and goddesses, virgin worship, phallic festivals, among many, while making it clear that the worship of generative organs was rather a use of representations of phallus and yoni as symbols for certain religious ideas which were embodied in nature worship.
It also vividly talks about the concept of sex and sex organs in art and ethics, sculpture, art anatomy, etc. The contents in toto lead one to the myriad aspects and concerns associated with sex and phallic worship. It is a must read for a scholar and a common man alike. - Sale!An Introduction to Jain Philosophy by: Parveen Jain
₹1,600.00Original price was: ₹1,600.00.₹1,440.00Current price is: ₹1,440.00.It is well-known that the Jain tradition has been extremely influential in the development of Indian thought and culture. The Jain tradition teaches that there is an interdependence of perception, knowledge, and conduct unified by an axiomatic principle of non-violence in thought, speech, and action. In this way, non-violence defines the core of the Jain tradition, which has had a profound effect on other dharmic traditions originating in India. Jain Dharma is so significant that in some ways it may be incomplete to attempt to understand other Indian traditions (such as Buddhism or Hinduism) without knowing the basics of the Jain tradition, since these other traditions developed in an ongoing dialogue with the insights and wisdom of Jain respondents and visionaries.
This book enables the reader to enjoy a comprehensive journey into the intricate world of Jain thought and culture in a way that is philosophical in its compelling rationality, deeply spiritual in its revelations, yet accessible in its language. The organization of this book allows the reader to engage in an overview of the central teachings of the Jain tradition, but also to ascertain the profundity of its depths. It can be read with equal efficacy in succession from beginning to end, or pursued by individual topics of interest to the reader. Either strategy will have the same effect: a systematic understanding of what the timeless teachings of Jain thinkers have to say about the universal issues of the human condition – and how we might understand our harmonious relationship with other living entities as a powerful and effective spiritual journey. - Sale!Kundalini by: Swami Veda Bharati
₹600.00Original price was: ₹600.00.₹540.00Current price is: ₹540.00.“Tantra, an exposition of Sri-vidya, is a thread of Vedic tantu. This ray of the light of consciousness folds upon itself as a coil (kundala) forming the coiled energies of the conscious universe, thus becoming kundalini.
This book looks at Tantra from a different perspective against the common view of it being more associated with its carnal/sexual nature. Tantra is the “art of celibacy”. Human beings are a wave in the ocean of Consciousness and this wave passes through our psycho-physiological complex compound, forming the personal kundalini. All sensations in human body are manifestations of the presence of kuõóalinã. Our desires are the signals released by the kundalini. Different psycho-physical apparatuses are plugged into it like electric plugs in different socket.
This volume, while portraying kundalini from its psycho-physical and spiritual implications and impacts, tries to alleviate some misconceptions about the nature of cakras — the consciousness centres. It deals at length with the phenomena of higher levels of spiritual evolution — “raising the kundalini” and “opening the cakras” — helping one drop all mental habit patterns to achieve “liberation”.
This book is a “must read” for the practitioners of Yoga and all who want to take their spiritual life to a new realm. “ - Sale!Science and Spirituality by: Bettina Sharada Bäumer
₹1,000.00Original price was: ₹1,000.00.₹900.00Current price is: ₹900.00.A dialogue between science and spirituality is a necessity in our times where both, differences and mutual enrichment of the two great fields of human approach to reality, are taking place. This volume addresses this need from the perspective of different areas of science and spiritual traditions. The starting point is the intention of the founder of the IIAS, Dr S. Radhakrishnan, who saw that “both the practice of science and experience of spirituality are intimately related to being human”. Although much thought has gone into their relationship, the present volume intends to broaden and deepen the possibility of a harmonious integration, necessary to overcome the present-day crisis of humanity.
From the side of science, the contributors come from the fields of physics, plant biology, neuroscience, psychology, ecology and philosophy of science; and from the side of spirituality, following traditions and spiritual masters are represented: PÀtaðjala Yoga, Trika Œaivism of Kashmir, VedÀnta, Buddhism, Christianity, Theosophy, and Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda and J. Krishnamurti. The deliberations included topics such as Awareness in plants, Neuroplasticity and Habit, appropriate use of terms such as “Consciousness” and “Energy” in different contexts, clarifying several issues concerning the on-going dialogue. The contributing scholars have built “bridges of understanding”, thus encouraging the reader to proceed further in this quest. - Sale!Navya Nyaya Philosophy of Language by:
₹400.00Original price was: ₹400.00.₹360.00Current price is: ₹360.00.This book represents the philosophy of language in Navya-Nyaya, based upon an analysis of the “Verbal Suffix Chapter” (Akhyatavada) of Gangesha’s Tattvacintamani. Since this chapter elaborates what kind of verbal understanding is generated and discusses related issues, the book demonstrates the main features of that philosophy of language and serves as a good introduction to that. The analysis mainly deals with Gangesha, but in some cases it refers to Raghunatha. Since the book is an attempt to pursue philological exactness and philosophical analysis, it is hoped to interest not only Sanskrit scholars, but also philosophers in general.
The book consists of four lectures. Lecture I clarifies Gangesha’s view of the meaning of the suffixes of a finite verb, which (meaning) is greatly disputed among the Navya-Nyaya philosophers, the Mimamsa philosophers, and the Grammarians. Lecture II investigates how Gangesha determines the meaning of words and illustrates that his method bears upon ontological categories of Vaisheshika. Lecture III deals with Gangesha’s “Five Definitions of Invariable Concomitance Section” (Vyaptipancaka) and elucidates the relation between meaning and the logical structure of the definitions. The lecture also provides diagrams as a tool to represent the structure. Lecture IV explains the realistic standpoint of Navya-Nyaya by clarifying the concept of the counterpositive (pratiyogin) of absence (abhava), or a thing whose existence is negated, focusing on empty terms or non-factual expressions such as “a round triangle”, “the present King of France”, “a rabbit’s horn”, and so forth. The lecture delineates how Udayana, Gangesha, and Raghunatha observed and, as the time passed, did realism thoroughly in language analysis.