by: UnknownThis book contains, as the title suggests, the nectar or amrita of bhajans mostly in praise of Lord Krishna, the everplayful God in the Hindu pantheon. Each bhajan has been transliterated into Roman to facilitate the readers who cannot read Devanagiri to enjoy their singing.
₹60.00 Original price was: ₹60.00.₹54.00Current price is: ₹54.00.
ISBN: 9788182650145
Year Of Publication: 2014
Edition: 1st
Pages : 151
Language : English, Hindi
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: Srikunj Sadbhawana Manch
Size: 22 cm.
Weight: 200
This book contains, as the title suggests, the nectar or amrita of bhajans mostly in praise of Lord Krishna, the everplayful God in the Hindu pantheon. Each bhajan has been transliterated into Roman to facilitate the readers who cannot read Devanagiri to enjoy their singing.
- Sale!India by: Bharat Gupt
₹500.00Original price was: ₹500.00.₹450.00Current price is: ₹450.00.It is often taken for granted that Independence from the British rule also ushered an era of cultural and social freedom in India. The author wishes to examine if that is true or if a cultural decline set in soon after. Based on a verse in the Pancatantra, the book has been divided into six parts: Eka (person), Kula (family), Grama (habitat), Janapada (land), Prithvi (earth) and Atma. Issues of education; conflicts between the classes, regions, jatis, languages and religions; expansion of proselytizers; lack of governance; tensions between the legislators and judiciary; rise of unbridled consumerism; falling standards of democracy; dilemmas created by notions of dharma challenged by Westernized modernity; and the problems of attaining universal harmony, are all put into a perspective under these six categories. While examining the state of affairs the author also suggests a way for the pursuit of happiness through unselfish transcendence.
- Sale!Bachpan-Childhood by: R.N. Kogata
₹180.00Original price was: ₹180.00.₹162.00Current price is: ₹162.00.In the life of a human being the most sweet and memorable part is its childhood, say from its second year till its seventh or eighth. During this time the child is very innocent, full of life, playful, has no responsibility or worry, and when in fear or pain it calls its mother and she is there ever ready to protect it. It understands no restriction and has freedom to go and talk to anybody in the house. It does not know how to hate anyone — in fact, it is like the manifestation of the ever-gracious divinity in the world. A child is loved, respected and even adored.
This book is a small attempt to express the love, affection and feelings towards children. In Hindu pantheon the only divine family having children is that of Shiva and Parvati or Uma. Through pleasing illustrations, another made-for-each-other couple — the Kogatas — have touched upon the various facets in the life of the divine chidren — Ganesha and Karttikeya — together with their doting parents. The delightful verses add sweetness and charm to the book.
- Sale!Dramatic Version of Major Seven Upanishads by: Rama Venkataraman
₹1,100.00Original price was: ₹1,100.00.₹990.00Current price is: ₹990.00.The Upanishads reveal the nature of true vidya: it is the knowledge which leads to the understanding of Brahman which alone is the Reality in the world of appearances. The dramas by Shri Mani Iyer based on the Upanishads render the meaning of the Upanishads in an interesting and captivating manner so that a wider audience can gain from the Upanishadic insight.
This book presents an English translation of Mani Iyers seven Upanishadic dramas, originally in Tamil, and includes English transliteration of the original Sanskrit verses. The dramas pertain to seven of the major Upanishads: Kena, Ishavasya, Prashna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya and Katha. With reference to each drama, there is an introduction that reveals the major questions raised by the Upanishad, the manner in which the play proceeds, the nature of the story, its characters, and the conclusion of the play. The translation is simple to follow and possesses a rare clarity.
Because of the simple language and the clear meanings of the Upanishadic verses, this book will be valuable to readers in general, students in particular, and to those interested in knowing what our Upanishads contain and intend to convey. - Sale!Chittor (Chittaurgarh) by: Irmgard Meininger
₹250.00Original price was: ₹250.00.₹225.00Current price is: ₹225.00.Every region/community of the world has its sahre of oral creativity, in varying measures though. And, accordingly, has its own legacy of chanted narratives: epical, hostorical, mythical, romantic, or even ritualistic. Which have long survived in the collective memory of its people, having been handed down from generation to generation. Confronted, however, by the cornucopian techno-centrism of todays life, these oral narratives are on their way out everywhere like many other vibrant cultural phenomena. Highlighting why we need to preserve this intangible heritage of mankind, the volume offers a fascinating study of chanted narratives from different regions of India and parts of Southeast Asia. Essentially a multi-author work, it explores the nature of orality and its various attendent aspects, like composition, performance, transmission modes, socio-economic context, and the relationship that exists between its performer and the audience. Also addressing methodological issues concerning the existing definitions and terminologies, the authors argue for a paradigm shift in the academic discourse on orality and oral cultures. Carrying twenty four contributors of leading scholars from France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Nepal, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and UK, the book not only provides theoretical insights into the complex nature of orality, but sets out a rich repertoire of chanted narratives as well. Folklorists, anthropologists, historians and scholars of Indian cultures will find it a useful acquisition.
- Sale!Aditya Hrdayam by: Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati
₹180.00Original price was: ₹180.00.₹162.00Current price is: ₹162.00.The ancient Indian tradition and literature accords a supreme place to the Sun in the order of divinities, revering and worshipping it as the life-force of the Universe and the highest Reality. The commentary by Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati in this volume comes as an attempt to unravel the power and mystique of the Sun as explained in the Aditya Hrdayam, a small canto chapter offering obeisance to the Sun God in the immortal epic, Srimadramayanam of Adikavi Valmiki. The book presents the original Sanskrit mantras of the Aditya Hrdayam along with their Roman transliteration and lucid English translation. The verses are accompanied by detailed annotations that describe every term, concept and idea with great clarity. The commentary, easy to follow and fluent in flow, explores the secret of the eternal stotra, Aditya Hrdayam conveyed by Sage Agastya to Lord Rama using which the latter emerged victorious over Ravana. Aditya Hrdayam is hailed as one of the greatest tributes to the Sun by our ancient sages that provides insights into the importance of the Sun as the creator and sustainer of the Universe, the ultimate source of all wealth. The commentary involves copious references to Taittiriya Samhita, Taittiriya Aranyaka, Taittiriya Upanisad, Chandogya Upanisad, Srimadbhagavadgita, etc. , which make it all the more comprehensive and scholarly.