A Comprehensive Hist...
A Comprehensive History of India Volume 1
by: Henry Beveridge₹2,500.00 Original price was: ₹2,500.00.₹2,250.00Current price is: ₹2,250.00.
ISBN: 9789392443107
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 2nd
Pages : xiv, 912
Bibliographic Details : Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: Suryodaya Books
Size: 23
Weight: 1140
Published in 1862, Beveridge’s A Comprehensive History of India is an important landmark in the historiography in modern India. In writing it Beveridge did not trust to previous compilations but derived his materials as much as possible from original and official sources. Written after due research in a perspicuous style, Beveridge has narrated the history of India beginning with its earliest period and continued to be mutiny of 1857, thus making his history a complete and comprehensive history of India. Besides, Beveridge’s interpretation of history is more objective and impartial than many historians of India who wrote before and after him. As a result it became possible for Beveridge to see the many events of Indian history without being biased. That is why Beveridge will find today more readers than, say, historians like Mill’s and Vincent Smith.
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- Sale!Artisans and Craftsmen of Northern India by: Kuldeep Singh Thind
₹1,100.00Original price was: ₹1,100.00.₹990.00Current price is: ₹990.00.The basic aim of the book is to expose the major contributions of artisans and craftsmen in portraying the society in different perspectives. These artisans and craftsmen, were drawn mostly from the shudras, lower caste of the community, suppressed and have-nots section of the society, but were highly talented. The work is also designed to create interest among the reader and scholars alike, to understand the society of the period under reference through the immortal art of these creative people. The artisans such as potters, weavers, carpenters, architects, sculptors, brick-makers, metallurgy and metal workers, leather workers, painters, and the workers engaged in the profession of ivory, glass and mirror, perfume and cosmetic, musical instrument, oil, salt and liquor makers, etc. were the heroes of that time, who not only met the day-to-day requirement of the then society, but also portrayed different aspects of their life, in its true color, through their workmanship. It was the architect who designed and constructed houses to live in, as well as water tank, well and channel, royal building, stupa, temple and fort, bridge, pillar and rock-edict etc., which met the need of the society.
Today, we feel proud of the rich heritage of old Indian art and architecture, credit for which solely goes to the then artisan who crafted immortal creations. However, the invaluable contribution made by the historians in immortalizing their creations, by putting them in black and white, is no less important. It is the historian, whose mighty pen has immortalized not only Ashoka the great, as a king but also the creators of the stupas of his times on equal footings. It is with this aim in view that the present book has been presented to the posterity, in order to pay rich tributes to the creators of our rich cultural heritage.
Unluckly there was no proper institutionalized provision for the education of artisans and craftsmen, so generally the former adopted the occupation of their parents and hereditary skill was enhances as it was transferred from father to son, and generation to generation. Contemporary sources reveal that the social stautus of artisan class was based on the nature and economic conditions of a particular profession. - Sale!Chandragupta Maurya by: P.L Bhargava
₹400.00Original price was: ₹400.00.₹360.00Current price is: ₹360.00.A Ksatriya hero of little-known antecedents, Chandragupta Maurya was unmistakably a born leader of men, who within twentyfour years of his reign: 317 bc-293 bc, established a gigantic empire by not only unifying the countless fragments of a distracted India, but annexing some of the erstwhile Persian dominions as well. Professor Bhargava here profiles this first historical emperor of India, in all essential detail. Based on diverse original sources, notably, Brahmanical, Buddhist, Jaina, and Greek, the book sets out a fascinating, well-knit narrative delineating Chandragupta Maurya: the man, his times, and his meteoric rise to political supremacy with contextual focus on the state of polity, administrative mechanisms, religion, society, economy, literature and arts during his rule. The author also tries to apply correctives to the myths woven around Chandragupta in legend, literature, and chronicles. Acclaimed alike by historians and Indological journals of repute, Dr. Bhargavas book is now in its second edition: enlarged and thoroughly revised against the backdrop of the latest research findings.
- Sale!Art & Archaeology of India by: B.S. Hari Shankar
₹700.00Original price was: ₹700.00.₹630.00Current price is: ₹630.00.The book begins with an introduction on the prehistoric and proto-historic cultures of India. Well-known historians discuss human evolution as gathered from hominid fossil remains, pre-human hominid remains of the Siwaliks and fossil remains of the Narmada basin. The systematic study, mentioning the areas of finds and their geography and other characteristics, examines the nature of cultural relics belonging to each period and dynastic rule; agriculture, trade, settlement and migration patterns related to making, use and spread of art materials; how the finds reflect upon rise of craft and industrial centers at the time; and social and religious aspects of society that are revealed by the art and architecture of the periods. Importantly, it reveals the interchange of cultural thoughts and lifestyles and of art and architectural influences; and the synthesis of artistic style and materials as evident in especially the periods of Muslim rule in India. The book also features fossil finds, art and architectural materials pertaining to painting, pottery, sculpture and iconography, and literary materials like Persian documents housed in the Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology, New Delhi. The materials date from the stone ages, Indus-Saraswati Civilization and Chalcolithic period to what are commonly identified as the ancient medieval and modern periods of Indian history. The volume will be useful to scholars and students of various disciplines history, archeology, art and culture, and sociology.
- Sale!Archaeology of Mayurbhanj by: Prabodh Kumar Mishra
₹480.00Original price was: ₹480.00.₹432.00Current price is: ₹432.00.Mayurbhanj, the leading princely state of Orissa in the pre-independence days, heroically encountered the twists and turns of history under the peacock-emblemed Bhanjas and continued to flourish for many centuries as an independent sub-regional kingdom, enriching Orissan history and culture in the tribal-dominated region. Today, the splendour of ancient Mayurbhanj (Khijjinga mandala) can be sought in its archaeological treasures that is, fascinating Stone Age tools, copper plate inscriptions, Roman, Kushana and Gupta coins, and spectacular monuments with intricate sculptural work. Professor P.K. Mishra, in this book, attempts to delve into the rich antiquity of Mayurbhanj as evident in its archaeological discoveries that have had a great impact on Orissan culture. The author discusses how under the patronage of enlightened rulers like Maharaja Sriramachandra Bhanj Deo and Purna Candra Bhanj Deo, committed archaeologist-scholars like Kamakshya Prasad Bose, R.P. Chanda, Sailendra Prasad Bose undertook pioneering and painstaking efforts to lay bare Mayurbhanjs ancient wealth. He unfurls the story of Mayurbhanjs discovery in a vivid and interesting account while, at the same time, providing new light on the archaeological excavation and conservation. This work, explaining the rich, intricate past of an area of historical importance, is bound to inspire as well as provide useful information to scholars and researchers involved in Indian history. A very lucid language with constant flow and about 50 photographic representations enhance the value of the book.
- Sale!Ancient Movements of Indo-Aryans and Indo-Aranians by: Marta Vannucci
₹650.00Original price was: ₹650.00.₹585.00Current price is: ₹585.00.In an attempt to explore the ancient history of Central Asia and of the movement of ancient peoples, the work examines the affinities and interactions of the people who called themselves Arya, that is, the Indo-Aryans and the Indo-Iranians, with other peoples and nations of the ancient world, like the Semites, the Hurrians and the Medes. It delves into the processes of acculturation when people of different cultures came in contact with each other at a time that goes back to the very earliest of times (ninth or tenth millennium bce). It examines the movements of the Indo-Aryans and the Indo-Iranians across Asia and their neighbours and active trade partners like the Sumerians, the people of Mesopotamia and the Harappans. It thus throws light on the interactions of the early Indo-Aryans and Indo-Iranians with other flourishing central Asian civilisations of the time. It cites references to ancient traditions that still prevail among peoples in different cultures from different parts of the world, pointing out how these testify to the continuity of ancient traditions and, importantly, the ancient interaction between cultures.
Well-researched and with accurate references to time periods, this scholarly work will deeply interest scholars and students of history and anthropology concerned with the earliest origin of cultures and cultural interactions.
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