Sayyid Abul Hasan Al...
Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
Life and Works by: Abdul Kader ChoughleyIt is a comprehensive study of the life and works of Sayyid Abul ÿasan `Ali Nadwã, an important scholar of his time with significant contribution to contemporary Islamic thought, discussing his major writings concerned with the themes like primacy of the Qur’àn and the sunnah as harbingers of world civilisation.
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ISBN: 9788124606117
Year Of Publication: 2012
Edition: 1st
Pages : xxvii, 313 p.
Bibliographic Details : Glossary; Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 650
The volume presents a comprehensive study of the life and works of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1913-1999). Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi is seen as an important scholar in the modern Islamic resurgence who has made significant contributions to contemporary Islamic thought. He was one of the few Indian ulama to have taken seriously the dynamic role of Islam in a multi-religious society. The book discusses the early life, family and education of the scholar and his major writings that are concerned with the themes of the primacy of the Quran and the sunnah as harbingers of world civilisation, ishlah (reform) and tajdid (revival) as anchors of Islamic resurgence, the methodological approach of dawah, Islam and the West, and Islamic order in an Indian setting. With quotations and references from published translations of his Urdu and Arabic works including his autobiography, it details the importance of his coherent approach to the diversity of issues in the twentieth century and the importance of his autobiography Karwan in this context. It deals with his participative role in the Indian mainstream activities, examining the social and spiritual crises facing Muslims. With an overview of contemporary Islamic movements, it takes up his relationship with and contribution to the Tabligh Jamaat, a global movement founded by Mawlana Ilyas noted for its reformist trends.
The book will undoubtedly be of interest to scholars and students of Islamic studies.
Life and Works of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
Alimias Works: A Brief Survey
Major Sources for this Study
1. Family Characteristics
Sayyid Qutb-al-din Muhammad al-Hasani
Sayyid Shah Alam-ullah
Sayyid Abu Said Hasani
Sayyid Ahmad Shahid
2. Educational Influence: Formative Years
Formative Influences
3. In Pursuit of Academic Excellence
Fiqh in a Changing World
Nadwah and the Arab World
Academic Desiderata
Arabic Teaching: A New Approach
Quranic Studies
Dawah: Content and Context
Academic Profile
Literary Debut: An Appraisal
Salient Features of the Qasas-al-Nabiyyin
4. Contemporary Islamic Movements: An Overview
Academic Research: New Opportunities
Maulana Mawdudi and Alimia: Conflictual Relationship
New Horizons
Islam and the World
Salient Features of Islam and the World
Publications of Islam and the World
Dawah Literature: Towards a New Horizon
5. Dawah: Content and Context
Tabligh Jamaat:
Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (1885-1944)
Alimias Personal Reminiscences
Characteristics of Alimias Dawah Programme
Dawah in Hijaz
To the Hijazis: A Message
Dawah: New Perspectives
Al Ikhwan-al-Muslimin: Islamic Reformist Movement
Ikhwan: A Critique
Ikhwan: Personal Reminiscences
In the heart of Africa: Sudan
Syria, Citadel of Islam: A Eulogy
Travelogue Series: An Overview
6. Dawah: New Horizons
Muslim Hegemony: An Assessment
Religio-Political Activism
Reform of Muslim Society
In the Realms of Spirituality
Towards New Horizons
Visit to Lebanon and Turkey
Turkey: Land of Contrast
World Muslim Congress
Baghdad: Scholars Paradise
7. Islamic Authenticity: Challenges and Opportunities
Academy of Islamic Research and Publications
Aims and Objects
Aligarh Muslim University
Dawah Travels: New Horizons
Burma: Prediction of Doom
Demise: Dr Abdul Ali Hasani
Educational System: Muslim Response
Dini Talimi Council (Religious Education Council)
Islamic University of Madinah
Communion with Royalty: King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz
Rabita-al-Alam al-Islami: Muslim World League
Europe: A New Horizon
The Andalusian Syndrome: Visit to Spain
Communal Riots
The Majlis Mushawarat
8. Islamic Reformist Thought in Alimias Writings
Literary Initiatives: An Overview
The Four Pillars of Islam
Hayat-i-Abdul Hayy
Nuzhatul-Khawatir: Volume 8
India During Muslim Rule
Western Civilisation, Islam and Muslims
Towards an Independent Islamic Education?
Pathway to Medina
A Personal Loss
Strike: An Assessment
Turbulence in the Arab World (1967-1971)
Arab Nationalism: A Re-appraisal
The Indian Scenario: Religio-Political Developments
Payam-i-Insaniyat (Message for Humanity)
Indo-Pakistan War: 1971
Alimias Assessment
9. East and West: Cultural Encounters
Personal Loss: Family Members
In the Political Arena
Maghreb: Morocco
Towards a New World
Dawah for the Western Audience
Prophetic Mission
Prophetic Methodology
Sojourn in Pakistan
Tuhfah Series
Signposts of Moral Decadence in Saudi Arabia
Centenial Celebration of Dar ul-ulum, Deoband
In the Valley of Kashmir
Seminar: Orientalism and Islam
Seminar in Algeria
Sri Lanka
Dawah in Hyderabad
10. Trends in Transnational Institutions
Hadith Studies
Rabita Adab al-Alam al-Islami
(World Islamic League of Islamic Literature)
Azamgarh (India): 1995
Istanbul (Turkey): 1996
Lahore (Pakistan): 1997
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS)
The Islamic Foundation: Leicester
Kingdom of Jordan
Congress Rule: An Assessment
Malaysia: A New Experience
Two Conflicting Portraits
11. Revival of Islamic Authenticity
Muslim Personal Law
Babri Mosque: A Tragedy
The Gulf Crisis
Tragic Loss
Dr Muhammad Asif Kidwai
Dawah Journeys
Turkey, Defenders of Islam and Re-appraisal
Satanic Verses
Seminar: Abul Kalam Azad
The Russian Revolution: A Re-appraisal
12. Dawah Paradigms: Translocal Trends
Letter to King Fahd bin
Political Developments in India: Muslim Response
Dawah in England
Fundamentalism: An Assessment
The Long Journey
Divine Intervention
13. Honours Beyond Borders: Alimias Contributions
Aligarh Muslim University
Rabita Adab
Egypt: Reforms
Corporate Islamic Identity: The Road Ahead
Police Raid in Nadwah
Literary Seminars
Honour: Keys to the Kabah
Sectarianism: An Overview
International Conference: Qadianism
Onslaught Against Islam
14. Towards Journeys End
Dini Talimi Council: Challenges and Opportunities
Vande Mataram: An Assessment
Muslims in the Plural Society
Honorary Awards
Dubai Award
Sultan of Brunei Prize: 1999
Posthumous Awards
Health Concerns
Tablighi Ijtimah: 1999
Embodiment of Patriotism
Last Days
15. Key Themes in Alimias Writings
Quranic Horizons
Islamic Concept of Life
Hadith: A Censor of Morals
Islam and the Revival of Humanity
Renaissance of Faith
Divine Blessings
Indo-Islamic Culture
Muslim Corporate Identity
Islam and the West
Challlenges of Dawah
Dawah: Muslim Responsibility
Supplication: Evidence of Prophethood