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    Natyasastra in the M...


Natyasastra in the Modern World

Proceedings of the 15th World Sanskrit Conference by: Radhavallabh Tripathi

This book talks about the divergent views on Natyasastra Þ its origin, concepts, philosophy, history, vritti, impact on traditional stages, relevance in modern age and stage, and its applicability in post-modern stage. It interlinks Natyasastra and the regional theatre forms with specific focus on south India.

Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹630.00.


ISBN: 9788124607220
Year Of Publication: 2014
Edition: 1st
Pages : viii, 159p.
Bibliographic Details : Foreword
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 500


Natyasastra of Bharatamuni, considered as the fifth Veda, has remained a Samhita with a systematic presentation of conceptual frameworks, theories and practices of Indian theatre for a few millennium years. Every performing art of India (dance–drama) has drawn both theoretical and aesthetics values from Bharata and his Natyasastra, giving continuity to a legacy, as it was written to set models and standards for actors, artisans, and the playwrights. Natyasastra’s discovery in the nineteenth century was a milestone in the world history of aesthetics and theatre. The subsequent researches made Bharata and his theatre a vibrant topic of global dialogue and researches. This has resulted in the discovery of different versions of the Natyasastra.
This volume discusses in detail the divergent views on Natyasastra — its origin, concepts, philosophy, history, vrtti, impact on traditional stages, relevance in modern age and stage, and its applicability in post-modern stage. It also vividly talks about the interlinks between Natyasastra and the regional theatre forms with specific focus on south India. It therefore reinstates the fact that the regional theatric traditions have considerably contributed to the restructuring of Natyasastra texts.
With deliberations on varied topics, this book proudly announces that Natyasastra is not just a text, but a tradition of theatre that has remained vibrant till today, reminiscent of Indian world-view. And this makes this volume a must-study for ßwho is whoû in the theatric domain.


1. Bharata’s Natyashastra and Traditional Indian Theatre: The Issue of the Identity of Indian Theatre and the Impact of Natyashastric Tradition on the Contemporary Theatre
– Kamleshdatta Tripathi
2. The Concept of Vrtti in Natyashastra
– Natalia Lidova
3. Artaud’s Poetics, or Natyashastra and Post-modern Theatre
– Lyne Bansat-Boudon
4. Natya vs. Greek Tragedy
– Klara Gönc
5. Natyashastra and Traditional Theatres of South India
– Gajanan Hegde
6. Some Significant Variants in the Rasa and Bhava Chapters as Recorded in the Newari Manuscripts
– Anvita Sharma
7. Abhijnanashakuntalam on Modern Stage
– Radhavallabh Tripathi
8. Syntax of Dance Movements
– Sonal Nimbkar and Navjyoti Singh
9. Natyashastra and Its Regional Manifestations
– Radhavallabh Tripathi

Meet the Author
    Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi is known for his original contributions to literature as well as for his studies on Natyashastra and Sahityashastra. He has published 162 books, 227 research papers and critical essays. He has received 35 national and international awards and honours for his literary contributions. He has been referred in various research journals on Indology. Research for PhD has been completed as well as is being carried on his creative writings in Sanskrit in a number of universities. Three journals brought out special numbers on his writings. Seven books comprising studies on his creative and critical writings by other authors have been published.