Mysticism in Shaivis...
Mysticism in Shaivism and Christianity
by: Bettina Sharada BäumerSetting out a spiritual dialogue between Saiva and Christian mysticism, the book articulates world-views of the mystical traditions of Saiva-Siddhanta, Kashmir Saivism, Meister Eckhart, Hadewijch, Julian of Norwich, St. Ignatius Loyola and of the Eastern Christianity.
ISBN: 9788124600962
Year Of Publication: 2018
Edition: 3rd
Pages : xviii, 365
Bibliographic Details : Appendix
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 600
If mysticism is hard to define, what is it then? Or, why have mystics often spoken about what they have realized notwithstanding the unspeakability of a spiritual experience? And, yet more significantly, how can a meeting point of different religious traditions be discovered at the mystical level? Focussing on these and other related questions, eminent scholars from varying religious traditions here explore the nature of mystical experience in two of the worlds major traditions: Hinduism and Christianity. Neither a comparative study of religious traditions, nor an attempt to develop an overall mystical theology, the book sets out a spiritual dialogue between Shaiva and Christian mysticism: a dialogue wherein the participants articulate worldviews of the mystical traditions of Shaiva Siddhanta, Kashmir Shaivism, Meister Eckhart, Hadewijch, Julian of Norwich, St. Ignatius Loyola, and of the Eastern Christianity. And, without taking any a priori intellectual position, each author here evolves his/her own tradition-specific perspective on mysticism letting the comparisons, if any, to surface in the dialogue itself. A spiritual dialogue, like the one this multi-author work embodies, holds a key to an insightful understanding between different people, cultures and faiths more specially in todays world riven, as it is, by fundamentalist forces and endless religious conflicts. The book will be a valuable acquisition for the scholars and spiritually interested readers alike.
— Bettina Baumer
What is Mysticism?
— Alois M. Haas
Source of all Bliss : Mysticism of Shaiva and an Insight into its Samnyasa Tradition
— Swami Nityananda Giri
The Mysticism of Jesus the Christ
— Raimon Panikkar
Divine Recognition: Pratyabhijna
— H.N. Chakravarty
On Letting God Be God : Meister Eckhart and the Lure of the Desrt
— Sr. Brigitte
Shambhavopaya : The Divine Way in Kashmir Shaivism
— B. N. Pandit
Unknowing and Personalism : In the Theological Tradition of the Christian East
— Serge Descy
Shaktipata: Grace in Kashmir Shaivism
— Jankinath Kaul Kamal
Hadewijch of Antwerp and Hadewijch II : Mysticism of Being in the Thirteenth Century in Belgium
— Odette Baumer-Despeigne
Enclosed in God: The Joyful Surprise of One-Ing : The Experience of Julian of Norwich
— C. Murray Rogers
The Active Mysticism of St Ignatius Loyola
— George Gispert-Sauch
Aesthetics of Mysticism or Mysticism of Aesthetics? : The Approach; of Kashmir Shaivism
— Bettina Baumer
About the Contributors