India Indonesia Lega...
India Indonesia Legacy of Intimate Encounters
by: Gautam Kumar Jha , Son KuswadiEvidences suggest that India and Indonesia were in trade relations for many millennia, starting from 3500 bce. Indonesia got all three religions Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam from India. There were ups and downs in their relations. This volume vividly talks about topics that foster(ed) mutual relations such as culture, religion, language, traditions and education.
ISBN: 9788192611471
Year Of Publication: 2016
Edition: 1st edition
Pages : xiv, 248 p.
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: Suryodaya Books
Size: 23
Weight: 500
Evidences suggest that India and Indonesia were in trade relations for many millennia, starting from 3500 bce. Suvarnabhumi (Sumatra) is mentioned in Jatakas, Indian epics and Mahavamsa, though there is no sequential documentation of it. The trade relations paved the way for Bali importing Indian pottery, priests coming from India and getting absorbed into the Indonesian society and the Indian traders and priests marrying the locals and settling there, thus spreading Hinduism and Indian culture throughout Java, Bali and Sumatra. Indonesia thus got all three religions Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam from India.
The historical and civilizational relations continued till the sixteenth century ce. The Western colonization drive of Asian countries broke this long-stood relationship. Coming to the twentieth century, Indonesia and its leaders were highly inspired by the anti-colonial views of Indian leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel and Rabindranath Tagore, and India extended her moral support to the freedom struggle of Indonesia. But during the post-colonial era, the bilateral relations between both the countries were incoherent. The Look East Policy of India in the 1990s rejuvenated the relations and Indonesia became one of the greatest allies in fulfilling Indias South-East Asia Policy.
The scholarly articles in this volume vividly talk about topics that foster(ed) mutual relations such as culture, religion, language, traditions, education and so on, keenly drawing the attention of policy makers, trade analysts, cultural enthusiasts, investors, among a wide range of audience.
Rizali W. Indrakesuma, His Excellency, the Ambassador of Republic of Indonesia
1. When the Elders Faced God: State Policy and Theravada Revival in Indonesia
Saumyajit Ray
2. The Typological Characteristics of Bahasa
Pradeep Kumar Das
3. Culture, Not Cash-based Tourism: A Case Study of Bali, Indonesia
Gautam Kumar Jha
4. The Palm Leaves Balinese Calendar: Reflection of Cultural Ties between India and Indonesia
Bachchan Kumar
5. The Rituals in Javanese Mystical Movement: The Subud Brotherhood
Asfa Widiyanto
6. Hinduism and Rituals in Bali
Gautam Kumar Jha
7. Monuments in Indonesia as Sites of Nation Building
A.S. Gayathiri
8. Impression of Indian Culture on Indonesian Dances
Laxman Singh
9. Colonial Legacy of Education in Ind(ones)ia
Kashyap Deepak
10. From Arabian Trade to Peaceful Coexistence: Journey of Islam in India and Indonesia
Mohammad Saleem
11. Wayang Kulit: An Extraordinary Art of Indonesia
Raveesh Rajanya
12. Rabindranath Tagore and Ki Hajar Dewantara
13. Understanding Various Nuances of Languages and Linguistic Diversity in Indonesia and India: A Systemic Functional Perspective on Language as Social Semiotics
14. Hinduism in Indonesia: A Historical Study of Religio-Cultural Cross-Fertilization in Ancient Traditions
Umesh Kumar Khute
15. A Comparative Discourse on Muslim and Hindu Preaching Texts
16. Revisiting Tagores Java Journey: A Tour Undertaken to Explore and Restore Lost Ties
Anurima Chanda and Siddhartha Chakraborti
17. Budaya Kesantunan Berbahasa Dalam Pembelajaran di Kelas: Penelitian Etnografi Komunikasi di Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Muhammad Yazid A.R. Gege
List of Contributors