A Comprehensive Hist...
A Comprehensive History of India Volume 3
by: Henry Beveridge₹2,500.00 Original price was: ₹2,500.00.₹2,250.00Current price is: ₹2,250.00.
ISBN: 9789392443121
Year Of Publication: 2023
Edition: 2nd
Pages : xii, 902
Bibliographic Details : Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: Suryodaya Books
Size: 23
Weight: 1.020
“Published in 1862, Beveridge’s A Comprehensive History of India is an important landmark in the historiography in modern India. In writing it Beveridge did not trust to previous compilations but derived his materials as much as possible from original and official sources. Written after due research in a perspicuous style, Beveridge has narrated the history of India beginning with its earliest period and continued to be mutiny of 1857, thus making his history a complete and comprehensive history of India. Besides, Beveridge’s interpretation of history is more objective and impartial than many historians of India who wrote before and after him. As a result it became possible for Beveridge to see the many events of Indian history without being biased. That is why Beveridge will find today more readers than, say, historians like Mill’s and Vincent Smith. “
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- Sale!Chandragupta Maurya by: P.L Bhargava
₹400.00Original price was: ₹400.00.₹360.00Current price is: ₹360.00.A Ksatriya hero of little-known antecedents, Chandragupta Maurya was unmistakably a born leader of men, who within twentyfour years of his reign: 317 bc-293 bc, established a gigantic empire by not only unifying the countless fragments of a distracted India, but annexing some of the erstwhile Persian dominions as well. Professor Bhargava here profiles this first historical emperor of India, in all essential detail. Based on diverse original sources, notably, Brahmanical, Buddhist, Jaina, and Greek, the book sets out a fascinating, well-knit narrative delineating Chandragupta Maurya: the man, his times, and his meteoric rise to political supremacy with contextual focus on the state of polity, administrative mechanisms, religion, society, economy, literature and arts during his rule. The author also tries to apply correctives to the myths woven around Chandragupta in legend, literature, and chronicles. Acclaimed alike by historians and Indological journals of repute, Dr. Bhargavas book is now in its second edition: enlarged and thoroughly revised against the backdrop of the latest research findings.
- Sale!Love Songs of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah by: Harsha V. Dehejia
₹795.00Original price was: ₹795.00.₹716.00Current price is: ₹716.00.This impressively illustrated volume brings forth the evergreen spirit of a Muslim ruler of Awadh, Nawab Wajid Ali Shaw (1822-87), in composing love poetry taking a cue from the amorous Krishna leela and assimilating and practising the same in personal life. A trained Kathak dancer himself and a dedicated patron of poetry, painting and performing arts, Wajid Ali Shah immersed in the rasa of dance, music and drama, and got deeply indulged in the many an expression of shringar, while administering the political affairs of his state.
Recalling the different facets of Nawab Wajid Ali’s life, the book explores the state and fame of Lucknow, of his times, where the Nawab lived a life of refinement and pomp, and attracted the best talents in arts and crafts. It also portrays how were dance and music enjoying pride of place during his reign.
While presenting a penetrating account of Ali Shah’s poetry, the book revisits his musical scholarship, history of his times and presents his poems with English translation. It as well showcases the best paintings centring around his personal and cultural life, and guides one go through the religious and cultural harmony prevailed in Awadh where a lot of factors were at play effecting acculturation between the Hindus and the Muslims, popularly known as the Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb. - Sale!Artisans and Craftsmen of Northern India by: Kuldeep Singh Thind
₹1,100.00Original price was: ₹1,100.00.₹990.00Current price is: ₹990.00.The basic aim of the book is to expose the major contributions of artisans and craftsmen in portraying the society in different perspectives. These artisans and craftsmen, were drawn mostly from the shudras, lower caste of the community, suppressed and have-nots section of the society, but were highly talented. The work is also designed to create interest among the reader and scholars alike, to understand the society of the period under reference through the immortal art of these creative people. The artisans such as potters, weavers, carpenters, architects, sculptors, brick-makers, metallurgy and metal workers, leather workers, painters, and the workers engaged in the profession of ivory, glass and mirror, perfume and cosmetic, musical instrument, oil, salt and liquor makers, etc. were the heroes of that time, who not only met the day-to-day requirement of the then society, but also portrayed different aspects of their life, in its true color, through their workmanship. It was the architect who designed and constructed houses to live in, as well as water tank, well and channel, royal building, stupa, temple and fort, bridge, pillar and rock-edict etc., which met the need of the society.
Today, we feel proud of the rich heritage of old Indian art and architecture, credit for which solely goes to the then artisan who crafted immortal creations. However, the invaluable contribution made by the historians in immortalizing their creations, by putting them in black and white, is no less important. It is the historian, whose mighty pen has immortalized not only Ashoka the great, as a king but also the creators of the stupas of his times on equal footings. It is with this aim in view that the present book has been presented to the posterity, in order to pay rich tributes to the creators of our rich cultural heritage.
Unluckly there was no proper institutionalized provision for the education of artisans and craftsmen, so generally the former adopted the occupation of their parents and hereditary skill was enhances as it was transferred from father to son, and generation to generation. Contemporary sources reveal that the social stautus of artisan class was based on the nature and economic conditions of a particular profession. - Sale!Agneya-Kona of Bharatavarsha by: Jitamitra Prasad Singh Deo
₹1,100.00Original price was: ₹1,100.00.₹990.00Current price is: ₹990.00.The book focuses on the cultural developments of Agneya-Kona (the south-east India) and their contributions to the development of humanity, and highlights the concocted history of Bharatavarsha, especially of Agneya-Kona.
The author projects many artefacts to substantiate his theory. Many archaeological findings Þ the pre-historic rock painting of Gudahandi, images of female figurines, along with circular discs, and nude female figurines are cases in point. Female principle was worshipped in the Mahanadi Valley both in aniconic and iconic forms.
Agneya-Kona has contributed significantly to the growth of the tantric worship. In the pre-historic rock painting of Gudahandi, there is a trace of Yoga, especially Kundalini Yoga. The book details the spiritual and yogic culture of Orissa, the formative phase of Purushottama Jagannatha culture, the impact of Narasimha culture, yoni tantra traditions of the Central Mahanadi Valley and the spiritual relationship of Kalahandi with Candipur Tara-Pitha of Birbhum.
A Sumerian temple that imbibed the form of Lord Purushottama Jagannatha is in highlight, and the author makes a strong statement that the culture of the region is older than the Sumerian Civilization.
The book is a source of inspiration for archaeologists and historians, who want to study more about south-east India, and students, teachers and researchers of arts and culture. - Sale!Apsarases in Indian Literature and the Legend of Urvasi and Pururavas by: Krishna Kanta Handique
₹350.00Original price was: ₹350.00.₹315.00Current price is: ₹315.00.Indian literature abounds in a variety of myths and legends narrating allegorical/historical stories with moral teachings where celestial or semi-celestial beings, in particular the apsarases, occupy an important place. Of such legends, a few have become much popular and they reappear in the course of the history of literature at various stages. One such legend is that of Urvashi and Pururavas which is one of the most ancient legends of India, owing its origin to the Rigveda. This scholarly work, based on extensive original sources primary, comprising ancient Sanskrit texts, commentaries and glosses and modern literary pieces, kavyas and plays, as well as critical writings on these original works, studies the origin and development of the institution of apsarases and their characteristics as described in the vast corpus of Vedic, Epic-Puranic and classical works. In this context, it undertakes an interesting survey of the concept of nymphs (apsarases) in Indo-European, especially Greek mythology. Dr. Handique then thoroughly examines the depiction of the legend of Urvashi and Pururavas a favourite theme that has been immortalised in literary masterpieces in Indian literature as a whole: from the ancient Vedas and Puranas, the Harivamsha and Vikramorvashiyam to modern works like Urvashi Janani and Abhishapta Urvashi and stray poetic pieces. Presenting a new angle to the study, the book attempts to explore aspects of an age old tradition that bears close affinity with the institution of the apsarases in terms of mode of living worship and ideals like system of the devadasis. The book will prove invaluable to scholars of Indian mythology, culture and literature as well as interest general readers of ancient India’s legends and tales.
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