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    Vedic Psychoscience...

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Vedic Psychoscience

Spritual and Analytical Aspects in Modern context by: Radhey Shyam Kaushal

This book is a scholarly attempt to develop “psychoscience” in the light of Vedic wisdom. It initiates to give deeper foundations to various aspects of Vedic wisdom in the spirit of modern science using analogies from modern science, demonstrating the eternity and universality of some aspects of Vedic concepts.

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.


ISBN: 9788124612279
Year Of Publication: 2024
Edition: 1st
Pages : xxxiii, 473
Bibliographic Details : Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : S.R. Bhatt
Size: 22 cm.
Weight: 834 grams


“This book is a scholarly attempt to develop “psychoscience” in the light of Vedic wisdom. It initiates to give deeper foundations to various aspects of Vedic wisdom in the spirit of modern science using analogies from modern science, demonstrating the eternity and universality of some aspects of Vedic concepts. It is targeted to encourage young scientific minds to explore further the theoretical developments and applications in the fields of personality development and behavioural science. It, further, descriptively discusses the experience of absolute reality in Nature in terms of three basic aspects: perception at gross-body level; rational thinking at micro-body level; and realization at causal-body level.
The volume is divided into three parts. Part 1 accounts for the link of psychoscience with causal existence, basically dealing with the art of enlightenment of an individual. Part 2 addresses the foundations of psychoscience. Part 3 focuses on the behavioural and application aspects of psychoscience.
The book, written in an objective and non-sermon style, addresses a wide gamut of readers such as physicists, chemists, brain-scientists, psychologists, philosophers and philosophers of science with some scientific temper, at times employing convenient mathematical methods and justifying the universality and eternity of inherent truths.”


Foreword vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xxix
Abbreviations, Notations and Symbols xxxi
1. Introduction 1
1.1 “Self”, “Non-Self” and “Cosmic Self” 1
in the Cosmos
1.2 Religion, Science and Spirituality as Products of 5
Rational Thinking
1.2.1 Spiritual Science: A Search for Global and6
Scientific Religion
1.2.2 “Spiritual But Not Religious” (SBNR) Ideology:8
A Move Towards a Global Religion
1.3 Humanity, Human Consciousness and 11
1.4 Consciousness and Physical World: Identifying 13
the Domains of Psychoscience and Spiritual
1.5 The Subject of Spiritual Science and Its Possible 19
1.5.1 Spiritual Wisdom as a Science of Self, 20
non-Self and Cosmic Self
1.5.2 Spirituality as an Advanced State of Mindset21
1.5.3 Spiritual Science as the “Science of Sciences”22
of Which Yogī-category Persons Are Experts
1.5.4 Spirituality: The Best of Human Existences22
1.6 Is a Spiritual Life God-Gifted or the Achieved One? 24
1.7 Scope of the Book and Arrangement of Chapters 24
High Skill Exercises and Projects 27
Part 1
Spiritual Hold on Psychoscience
2. Consciousness and Related Studies: 31
Bottom-Up Approaches
2.1 The Phenomenon of Consciousness 31
2.2 Lessons from Physical Theories I 36
2.2.1 Intelligent Design: Creator and Creation 36
2.2.2 Collision Theory 38
2.2.3 Atomic, Nuclear and Nucleon Structure 39
Studies and Models
2.3 Role of Consciousness in Mind–Matter 40
Interactions: Matter as a Stimulant
2.4 Consciousness Studies in Modern Times 44
2.5 Consciousness Studies in Modern Science: 46
Mind–Brain Problem
2.6 Do Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to 48
Consciousness Studies in Brain Science
Converge to the Same Reality?
2.7 Concluding Discussion 50
High Skill Exercises and Projects 52
3. Being Spiritual: Thirst of Soul 53
3.1 Looking for the Elements of Basic 53
Goodness in an Individual
3.2 Pure and Polluted Versions of SO 56
3.3 Search for a Common Source of Origin of Both 57
Beings and Non-Beings in Modern Science
3.4 Search for a Common Source of Origin of Both 62
Beings and Non-Beings in Vedic Science
3.4.1 Primordial Field and the Associated 62
Matter in Vedic Science
3.4.2 The Sovereign Science of Śrīmad Bhagavadgītā 65
3.5 Human Being as a Miniature (Microcosm) 69
of Cosmos
3.6 Universality of Force Laws That Governs the 72
Structure of and the Dynamism in Both
Animate and Inanimate Objects
3.7 Concluding Discussion 73
High Skill Exercises and Projects 76
4. Vedic Concepts Take Over Modern Science: 77
A Theory of Procreation
4.1 Epi-physical Matter and the Evolution of 78
Physical Matter with Consciousness
4.2 Pañcīkaraṇa Rule of Vedic Science and 79
Its Possible Generalizations
4.2.1 Pañcīkaraṇa-rule of Vedic Science and 79 Associated Tanmātras
4.2.2 Higher-Order Dressings of PMs 80
4.3 Dvikaraṇa and Trikaraṇa Rules of Dressing for 83
EOLs with Consciousness
4.4 Analysis of Results and the Effect of 85 Infinite Dressing
4.4.1 Effect of Dressing in the Limit When n→∞ 85
and Transcending of Cosmic Connections
4.4.2 Jñāna, Karma and Bhakti Yogīs of SMBG 86
4.5 Some Preliminaries of Modern Physics: 88
Lessons from Physical Theories II
4.5.1 Quantum Field Theory: 88
Discreteness and Continuum
4.5.2 Second Quantization and Vedic Wisdom 90
4.6 Theory of Procreation 91
4.6.1 Cosmic Consciousness Field and91
Spatio-temporal World: Some Basic Postulates
4.6.2 Further Comments on the Field Theoretic 94
Model and the Dressing of Epi-fields with Cosmic Consciousness
4.7 Application Aspects of the Theory of Procreation 96
4.7.1 An Interesting Clue to Understand 96
the Process of Procreation
4.7.2 Destiny (Prārabdha) of a Human Being 98
and the “Hole-Particle” Picture of Creation
4.7.3 Master–Disciple Type Relationship and They 99
Are in Race
4.7.4 Why the Anti-matter of Physical Theories Does 99
Not Exist?
4.7.5 Cosmic Consciousness Field vis-à-vis100
Higgs Field of Physics
4.7.6 Applications in the Fields of Astrology, 101
Āyurveda and Naturopathy
4.8 Concluding Discussion 103
High Skill Exercises and Projects 105
5. Spiritual Links of Psychoscience: Further 107
Examples from Vedic Literature
5.1 Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to 108
Absolute Reality: The Role of Psychoscience
5.2 Psychoscience and Micro-Existence of a Person 110
5.2.1 Antaḥkaraṇa Catuṣṭaya of Vedic Science 110
5.2.2 Roles of Mind and Ego (Self-sense) as Two 111
Barriers in the Spiritual Journey
5.3 Grand Psychoscience in SMBG 115
5.3.1 A Classification of Human Qualities in SMBG 117
5.3.2 A Broad Classification of Human Qualities: 121
The Role of Guṇas
5.3.3 Some “Golden Rules” in SMBG Towards the 123 Upliftment or Downfall of a Personality
5.4 Spiritual Links of Psychoscience in 125
Other Ancient Indian Scriptures
5.5 Concluding Discussion128
High Skill Exercises and Projects129
Part 2
Psychoscience in Its New Incarnation
6. Psychophysics and the Patomic Model of 135
Human Being
6.1 Introduction 135
6.2 Patomic Model and Human Being 137
6.2.1 Some Undeniable Facts about the Human 137
Being as per Vedic Wisdom
6.2.2 Reduced Version of Patomic Model and 140
the Grouping of EOLs
6.3 An Interesting Outcome of Dressing Rules: 142
Origin of Sub-(Energy)-States in Patomic Model
6.4 Human Behaviour and Environment 147
6.5 Using Physical Theories to Understand Psychic 148
Phenomena and Processes: Concluding Remarks
High Skill Exercises and Projects 151
7. Psychomechanics: Accounting for the 153
Consciousness in Physical Theories
7.1 Linear and Non-linear Evolution of 155
an Individual with Consciousness
7.2 Circumstance-Affected Human Actions: 156
Possibility of a Stable Mindset
7.3 Psychomechanics and the Hamilton Principle of160
Least Action
7.3.1 Actions of a Conscious Human Being:160
Case of a Real Lagrangian
7.3.2 Actions of a Conscious Human Being: 161
Case of a Complex Lagrangian
7.4 Psychomechanics and the Effort Integral 165
7.4.1 Notations and Terminology165
7.4.2 Experience-based and Event-based Space169
and Time Intervals
7.4.3 The Principle of Minimum Effort:172
Psycho-dynamical Equations
7.4.4 Construction of the Cenergy Function M 176
7.5 A Guide for the Applications of Eqs (7.36) or (7.32)178
7.6 Concluding Discussion179
High Skill Exercises and Projects181
8. Psyche and the Conscious Pendula 183
8.1 Introduction 183
8.1.1 Pendulum in Physical Sciences: 183
Some Brief Remarks
8.1.2 Pendulum in Metaphysics, Occult 184
Sciences and Psychology
8.2 Various Types of Conscious Pendula 186
8.3 Accounting for Interactions in a Handheld 189
Pendulum: A Physicist’s Approach
8.4 The Chevreul Handheld Pendulum 192
8.4.1 Extended Complex Phase Space 193
Approach to Classical Oscillator
8.4.2 Conscious Intents and Brain Functioning:196
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Studies in Brain Sciences
8.4.3 Twin Oscillators: The Role of Dynamical 198
Coupling and Islands of Stability
8.5 Hypnotization and the K-Effect 200
8.5.1 The K-Effect 200
8.5.2 Hypnotiztion202
8.6 A Laser Beam Experiment to Investigate the 202
Divination of the Handheld Pendulum
8.7 Concluding Discussion 205
High Skill Exercises and Projects207
9. Physics of Attention-Dominated Matter, Waves, 209
Energies and Processes
9.1 Introduction 209
9.1.1 Human Being in Cosmos: There Is No Such209
Thing as an Individual
9.1.2 Functional Human Being and the EP-Matter211
9.1.3 Focused Cenergy in the Form of 212
9.2 Attention-Dominated Matter and Worship 216
of an Idol
9.2.1 Worship of Pañca-Mahābhūtas in Different216
9.2.2 Idol Worship in Different Cultures as First 217
Step Towards Spirituality
9.2.3 Worshipping in an Indian Temple: 219
Inculcation of Positive Energy in a Devotee
9.2.4 How the Visit to an Indian Temple Can 222
Enhance Positive Thinking of a Devotee?
9.3 Attention-Dominated Waves and Energies 224
9.3.1 Physical and Non-physical Communication225
vis-à-vis Brain and “Mind” Waves
9.3.2 Mind Waves in Φcc and Cosmic Connections of227
an Individual Human Being
9.4 Attention-Dominated Processes230
9.4.1 Physical and Non-Physical Processes: 230
Role of Mind Waves
9.4.2 Exotic Phenomena and the Role of 235
Mind Waves
9.5 Concluding Discussion241
High Skill Exercises and Projects243
10. Psychochemistry and the Science of Human245
Interactions and Relations
10.1 Introduction245
10.1.1 Psychophysics and Psychochemistry245
10.1.2 Relations and Interactions among Human247
10.2 Psychochemical Reactions, Reactants and 250
Products: Lessons from Physical Theories III
10.3 Interactions between Human Beings 255
10.3.1 Interactions at the Crude Level 255
10.3.2 Fine and Hyperfine Tuning Corresponding259
to b-b Interaction
10.4 Summary of Results for Three and 264
Many Human Beings Interactions
10.4.1 Interactions Among Three Human Beings264
10.4.2 Many Human Being Interactions267
10.4.3 One-to-Many and Many-to-One Human267
Being Interactions
10.5 Dressing Up of b–b and b–b–b Interactions: 270
Effect of Environment
10.6 Love and Affection as Binding Forces among 271
Many Human Being Systems: Relations
10.6.1 Relative Strength of Binding Forces and 271
10.6.2 Searching a Force-law of Love between274
Human Interactions
10.7 Concluding Discussion276
High Skill Exercises and Projects278
Part 3
Behavioural Links of Psychoscience
11. Incorporating Spiritual Content in the 283
Personality Theory of Jung
11.1 Introduction 283
11.2 Individual Processes and Organizational 285
11.3 A Brief Review of Earlier Works 288
11.3.1 Personality Theories vis-à-vis Personality288
Traits and Dimensions
11.3.2 “Big Five” Personality Theory and the290
Associated Traits and Dimensions
11.3.3 Personality Theory of Jung: Four Style292
Matrices Based on Cognitive Psychology
11.3.4 A Modified Version of the Theory of 293
Jung in the Light of Vedic Wisdom
11.3.5 The “Step-One” Modifications 294
11.4 “Step-Two” and “Step-Three” Modifications in 296
the Theory of Jung
11.4.1 The “Step-Two” Modifications 296
11.4.2 The “Step-Three” Modifications 298
11.5 Spiritual Content and an Ideally Integrated301
11.5.1 Personality as a Vector in the Vector Space302
Spanned by Three Guṇas in Nature
11.5.2 The Question of Assigning Weightage to303
Coefficient Functions b, c, d, and f in (11.3)
11.5.3 Personality as a Vector in the Vector304
Space Over a Field of Consciousness
11.5.4 “Emotional Intelligence” and “Sensational306
Conscience” in the Present Scheme of
Study: “Step-Four” Modifications in the
Theory of Jung
11.6 Application Aspects 308
11.6.1 Organizational Behaviour: Some General309
11.6.2 Society vs Organization 310
11.6.3 Utility Provider and Other Organizations311
11.7 Concluding Discussion312
High Skill Exercises and Projects 314
12. Psychoscience and the Emerging Disciplines of 315
Sociophysics and Econophysics
12.1 The Role of Structural Analogy in the 316
Development of a Discipline
12.2 Sociophysics as an Emerging Discipline 320
12.2.1 Sociophysics Has Roots in Psychoscience:320
The Viability of Physical Theories
12.2.2 Social Experiences and Related Studies 324
12.2.3 Dynamical Social Psychology: Scope of 324
Mathematical Modelling
12.2.4 Role of (Individual) Mental Dynamics in 326
Social Actions
12.3 Econophysics as an Emerging Discipline 328
12.3.1 Status and Role of Physics in Economic328
12.3.2 Some Glimpses of Applications of Physics330
Tools in Economic Sciences
12.3.3 Some Remarks on Behavioural Economics331
12.4 Revisiting the Kahneman Theory in the 332
Light of Vedic Wisdom
12.4.1 Short- and Long-Memory Processes and the332
Two Selves of Kahneman
12.4.2 The Two Selves of Kahneman in Patomic334
Model and Their Psychodrama
12.4.3 Efficiency of the Two Selves of Kahneman:336
Possible Modifications in the Theory
12.5 Concluding Discussion 337
High Skill Exercises and Projects340
13. Philosophy, Religion and Psychoscience 343
13.1 Introduction 343
13.2 Quality of a Religion vis-à-vis the Maintenance346
of World- and Cosmic-Orders
13.2.1 World and Cosmic Orders346
13.2.2 Quality and Contents of a Religion348
13.3 Religion as a Vector in the Vector Space 349
Spanned by Three Guṇas in Nature
13.4 Eternity and Universality of a Religion 353
13.4.1 Lessons from Physical Theories: 353
Experience-Based Invariants (EBIs)
13.4.2 Ranking of the Elements of Basic Goodness356
and the Types of EBIs
13.5 Further Remarks on EBIs Associated with 358
Human Cognition and Actions
13.6 EBIs in Indian Philosophy: Examples and 360
13.6.1 Aṣṭāṅga-Yoga of Patañjali: A Perfect 360
Example of EBI
13.6.2 Examples of EBIs from SMBG and other 362
Vedic Scriptures
13.7 Vedic Wisdom and Sanātana Dharma 369
13.8 Concluding Discussion 372
High Skill Exercises and Projects375
14. Summary, Future Prospects and Concluding377
14.1 A Brief Review of the Contents 380
14.1.1 Spiritual Hold on Psychoscience 381
14.1.2 Psychoscience in Its New Incarnation: 383
Vedic Version
14.1.3 Behavioural Links of Psychoscience387
14.2 Future Prospects 390
14.3 Concluding Remarks 395
Appendix A: Analysis of Certain Aspects of 401
Non-linearity in Mental Pocesses
A.1 Introduction 401
A.2 A Competitive Role of Negative and Positive 402
Thoughts Towards the Performance of a Task
A.2.1 The Model402
A.2.2 Remarks on the Model 403
A.3 A Slow Growth and Fast Decay Model for the 406
Mindset Function
A.3.1 The Model406
A.3.2 Remarks on the Model407
A.4 Concluding Discussion408
Appendix B: Solution of Equation. (7.37a)411
Appendix C: Twin Oscillators and Complex 413
Uncertainty Relation
Appendix D: Personality Vector Space, Personality 417
Creation Mechanism and Inner
D.1 Personality Vector Space 419
D.2 Personality Creation Mechanism 420
D.3 Inner Transformations 422
Appendix E: Further Remarks on Experience-Based423
and Event-Based Space–Time Mediated Phenomena
E.1 Experience- and Event-Based Space-Time423
E.2 Happiness vs Fulfilment of Desires425
A Glossary of Words, Terms and Phrases Used in the Taxt 429

Meet the Author
    Dr Radhey Shyam Kaushal, PhD (Physics) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1970, and PhD (Philosophy) from University of Delhi in 2000, has been teaching students of B.Sc. (Honours) and M.Sc. courses in the University of Delhi. Dr Kaushal has also served as UGC Research Scientist in the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi during 1988-2003. He visited Germany as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and several other countries in Europe, South-East Asia and South America during his academic pursuits. He is the author of three books and the co-author of a fourth one besides about one hundred research papers published in journals of international repute in the fields of Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Philosophy of Science. His research work has been cited more than 400 times so far. Since 2009, after retirement from Ramjas College as Associate Professor, Dr Kaushal is working as a visiting faculty in the Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi.
    Books of Radhey Shyam Kaushal

    “Vedic Psychoscience”

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