Shirdi Sai Chalisa...
Shirdi Sai Chalisa
by: UnknownIn this book, alongside the 40 verses or chaalisa, are given their meaning in Hindi and their English translation. Sri Sai Baba aarati is also included.
ISBN: 9788182650107
Year Of Publication: 2014
Edition: 1st
Pages : 112 p.
Language : English, Hindi
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: Srikunj Sadbhawana Manch
Size: 12
Weight: 50
In this book, alongside the 40 verses or chaalisa, are given their meaning in Hindi and their English translation. Sri Sai Baba aarati is also included.
- Sleeping to Dream and Dreaming to Wake Up by: Vijay Srinath Kanchi $54.00
“Dreams play a significant role in our life, meaningfully affecting us in the development of our personality and our spiritual journey. They are an everyday experience for any human being. Dreams have always been of great interest to poets and philosophers alike since ancient times and examples are aplenty in Indian and Western scriptures. However, it is an uphill task for an ordinary person to fully appreciate the intricacies and significance of dreams in the day-to-day life. It is here that this book proves as an invaluable guide providing deep understanding on the nature of dream and sleep.
This book is a repertoire of human wisdom – gathered for centuries and attested by the modern science – offering enormous insights into our dream and deep-sleep states. It asks, from a common man’s point of view, many a question that perturb us and provides answers to them from the scientific and spiritual perspectives in a captivating way. Some such questions include:
• Do we see dreams in black and white or in colour?
• What does a visually-challenged person see in his dreams?
• Why are some of our dreams extraordinarily vivid with electric colours, the clarity and brilliance of which, we may never encounter in our ordinary waking lives?
• Why are we non-reflective, irrational in our dreams?
• Are the dream time and waking time equal?
• How does our memory work in dream state? Why do we forget our dreams and is it possible to improve dream recall and cultivate awareness in dreams?
• Why do we fail to distinguish a dream object from the physical world object while we are dreaming?
• If the dream experience exactly feels like the real world and we fail to distinguish it from the waking world while we are dreaming, how can we be certain that we are not dreaming now?
• How does a dream contain various persons exhibiting opposite emotions at the same time when all the dream characters including the witnessing dreamer are produced out of single mind of the dreaming person?
• Can we intentionally transform the dream scenarios? If so, what would be the philosophical implications of it?
• Can dreams and sleeps be utilized for spiritual elevation?
… and many more questions we always wondered about the daily eight hours of our bed time, but never got the right answers to! We find new meanings and ways in dealing with our dreams in this volume, therefore, it is a must read for every dream enthusiast as well as any serious spiritual seeker.
“ - Bhajanamrit by: Unknown $20.00
This book contains, as the title suggests, the nectar or amrita of bhajans mostly in praise of Lord Krishna, the everplayful God in the Hindu pantheon. Each bhajan has been transliterated into Roman to facilitate the readers who cannot read Devanagiri to enjoy their singing.
- Family by: R.N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, $20.00
This collection of 100 quotations on home, hearth and good family management with thematic paintings presents the near and dear ones as a colourful bouquet of fragrant fragile flowers, interwoven intricately but inter-dependent for love, care, respect and inspiration for leading a happy, successful and productive life with smoother, stronger family ties
- Aditya Hrdayam by: Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati $20.00
The ancient Indian tradition and literature accords a supreme place to the Sun in the order of divinities, revering and worshipping it as the life-force of the Universe and the highest Reality. The commentary by Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati in this volume comes as an attempt to unravel the power and mystique of the Sun as explained in the Aditya Hrdayam, a small canto chapter offering obeisance to the Sun God in the immortal epic, Srimadramayanam of Adikavi Valmiki. The book presents the original Sanskrit mantras of the Aditya Hrdayam along with their Roman transliteration and lucid English translation. The verses are accompanied by detailed annotations that describe every term, concept and idea with great clarity. The commentary, easy to follow and fluent in flow, explores the secret of the eternal stotra, Aditya Hrdayam conveyed by Sage Agastya to Lord Rama using which the latter emerged victorious over Ravana. Aditya Hrdayam is hailed as one of the greatest tributes to the Sun by our ancient sages that provides insights into the importance of the Sun as the creator and sustainer of the Universe, the ultimate source of all wealth. The commentary involves copious references to Taittiriya Samhita, Taittiriya Aranyaka, Taittiriya Upanisad, Chandogya Upanisad, Srimadbhagavadgita, etc. , which make it all the more comprehensive and scholarly.
- India by: Bharat Gupt $20.00
It is often taken for granted that Independence from the British rule also ushered an era of cultural and social freedom in India. The author wishes to examine if that is true or if a cultural decline set in soon after. Based on a verse in the Pancatantra, the book has been divided into six parts: Eka (person), Kula (family), Grama (habitat), Janapada (land), Prithvi (earth) and Atma. Issues of education; conflicts between the classes, regions, jatis, languages and religions; expansion of proselytizers; lack of governance; tensions between the legislators and judiciary; rise of unbridled consumerism; falling standards of democracy; dilemmas created by notions of dharma challenged by Westernized modernity; and the problems of attaining universal harmony, are all put into a perspective under these six categories. While examining the state of affairs the author also suggests a way for the pursuit of happiness through unselfish transcendence.