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    Postmodern Hermeneut...

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Postmodern Hermeneutics

A study of Language, Knowledge and Life-World by: S. Panneerselvam

The book attempts to apply postmodern hermeneutics in the study of language, i.e. the theory of meaning and interpretation of the life-world in human knowledge and understanding. Four types of hermeneutics  – philosophical,radical, critical and deconstructive – are discussed and analysed under postmodern hermeneutics.

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ISBN: 9789392443169
Year Of Publication: 2025
Edition: 1 st
Pages : xii,258
Bibliographic Details : Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: Suryodaya Books
Size: 21
Weight: 0.496


In the background of structuralism, poststructuralism and postmodernism, contemporary philosophy has taken a new turn. These three important movements gave rise to new social theories, which influenced the literary and cultural criticism, the new concept of writing, theory and discourse. Postmodern hermeneutics examines the significance of language, text and their interrelation in the context of the above theories.

The book is an attempt to apply postmodern hermeneutics in the study of language, i.e. the theory of meaning and interpretation of the life-world in human knowledge and understanding. Four types of hermeneutics such as, philosophical hermeneutics (Gadamer), radical hermeneutics (Ricoeur), critical hermeneutics (Habermas) and deconstructive hermeneutics (Derrida) are discussed and analysed under postmodern hermeneutics. All the above thinkers have been influenced and at the same time critiqued the contributions made by the great phenomenological masters like Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Postmodernism gives a new way of understanding hermeneutics by rejecting metanarratives, thus creating a new type of discourse, which was not hitherto seen or examined by previous forms of philosophizing.


Preface                                                                                                             vii

  1. Postmodern Hermeneutics: An Introduction                 1
  2. De-Transcendentalization of Kant: Heidegger,            13

Apel and Habermas

The Role of Reason in Post-Metaphysical Thinking           14

Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant                                          20

Transcendental Hermeneutics                                                  27

Metacritique                                                                                     31

  1. Hermeneutics of Freedom and Facticity:                     37

Heidegger, Sartre and Gadamer

Three Structural Elements of Human Existence                 38

Hermeneutics of Facticity                                                            38

Worldliness                                                                                       41

Situating Sartre’s Notion of Freedom                                      44

Facticity and Freedom: Are They Two Poles?                       49

Gadamer’s Encounter with Heidegger on                               53

Hermeneutics of Facticity

Husserl’s Transcendental Subjectivity                                    55

Gadamer’s Critics: Habermas and Caputo                              56

  1. The Paradigm of Philosophical Aesthetics:                  61

Heidegger and Gadamer

The Need for Interpretational Aesthetics                              62

Heidegger’s Phenomenological Understanding                  64

of Aesthetics

Understanding Aesthetics through Language                     64

Art and the “Forgetting of Being”                                             65

Participatory Aesthetics in Postmodern Understanding 66

Gadamer’s Aesthetic Approach through Hermeneutics   67

Aesthetic Conversation                                                                 69

Ontologoical Understanding of Aesthetics                            71

The Relevance of the Beautiful                                                  73

Transcending Aesthetics through Hermeneutics               75

  1. Philosophical Hermeneutics of Gadamer                     77

All Understanding Is Interpretation                                        79

Significance of Tradition                                                              81

Conversation                                                                                     84

Philosophical Hermeneutics Is Ontological                           88

  1. Transcending the Forms of Philosophizing:                 93

The Derridian Schema

Disassembling the Existing Structures of Philosophy       93

Derridian Methodology                                                                95

Logocentrism as a Form of Philosophizing:                           98

The Derridian Critique

Derrida’s Critique of Phenomenology and Linguistic     100

Philosophy as Forms of Philosophizing

Does Deconstruction Aim at Nothingness as a                   104

Form of Philosophizing?

  1. Language as Discourse: Ricoeur’s Hermeneutic         107


Distinction between Structure and Event                            108

Difference between Sign and Symbol                                    110

Theory of Discourse                                                                     113

Metaphor and Reality                                                                 118

Distanciation                                                                                  120

  1. Feminist Critique of Philosophy of Science                 123

Science and Non-Science                                                            123

Feminist Critique of the Philosophy of Science                 126

Quine’s Naturalized Philosophy of Science                         129

Feminist Epistemology                                                               131

  1. Habermasian Understanding of Rationalization        135

of the Life-World

Knowledge Guided by Plurality of Interests                       136

The Distinction between Action and Discourse                 139

The Ideal Speech Situation                                                        141

The Relation of Language and Practice to                           143


Shift from the Philosophy of Consciousness to                 148

Communicative Action through the Philosophy

of Language

From Instrumental Reason to Communicative                  150


The Linguistification of the Sacred                                        157

System and Life-World: The Two Aspects of                      160

Human Existence

The Objective, Social and Subjective Worlds of                 161


Cultural Traditions and the Life-world                                163

  1. A Critique of Foucault’s Power and Knowledge          171

Genealogical History                                                                    171

Plurality Forms of Knowledge                                                  173

Historiography                                                                               177

The Significance of Power                                                         179

  1. Solidarity or Objectivity?: Richard Rorty’s                187


Questioning Scientific Objectivity                                          187

Rorty as Anti-Foundationalist and Anti-                              192


Truth for the Sake of Community                                           193

Is There Relativism Involved?                                                  197

Our Conversational Partners                                                   199

  1. Phenomenology of Language From Fodor                  201

to Dennett

Understanding Fodorian Project                                            201

Computational Theory of Mind                                               204

Classicism vs Connectionism                                                    207

Fodor’s Theory of Intentional States and Processes        210

New-Dualism and Its Implication on Fodor’s                      212

Computational Theory of Mind

Evaluating Fodor                                                                           216

Phenomenology of Consciousness                                          218

            Bibliography                                                                 221

                                Index     231

Meet the Author
    Professor Dr S. Panneerselvam, former National Fellow, Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi, and former Professor and Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, has thirty-five years of postgraduate teaching and research experience. He has authored/edited nineteen books, in addition to more than 100 research papers in the leading philosophical journals and anthologies of global repute. Also, he has presented papers in more than 300 national and international conferences. Besides, Dr Panneerselvam has organized fifty national and international conferences and seminars as director and coordinator. His fields of specialization include Indian Philosophical Traditions, Inter-cultural Philosophy, Postmodern Hermeneutics, Contemporary Continental Philosophy and Tamil Philosophical Tradition. He is a member of Board of Directors of the Asian Network for Comparative Studies on Mind, Chung-Ang University, South Korea, and a member of the editorial committee for the journal, Bio-cosmology-Neo-Aristotelism, Novgorod State University, Russia. He has been a Visiting Professor of the American University of Sovereign Nation, USA and also at Kumamoto University, Japan. Presently, Dr Panneerselvam is the General Secretary of the Indian Philosophical Congress. He is also a Member of the Academic Committee, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, and Member of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi.
    Books of S. Panneerselvam

    “Postmodern Hermeneutics”

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