Narayanaguru Laghukr...
Narayanaguru Laghukrtiyah
by: M. Harihar ShastriThe book written in Sanskrit with original verses, provides details of shorter works of Narayana Guru, a great poet of southern India. Comprising 17 chapters, it highlights his anthologies in praise of Lords Ganapati, Subrahmanya, Siva, Visnu, etc.
₹100.00 Original price was: ₹100.00.₹90.00Current price is: ₹90.00.
ISBN: 9788124603468
Year Of Publication: 2006
Edition: 2nd
Pages : 111
Language : Sanskrit
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 22 cm.
Weight: 200
The book written in Sanskrit with original verses, provides details of shorter works of Narayana Guru, a great poet of southern India. Comprising 17 chapters, it highlights his anthologies in praise of Lords Ganapati, Subrahmanya, Siva, Visnu, etc.

- Sale!Chandogya Upanisad Translation and Commentary by: Swami Muni Narayana Prasad
₹1,350.00Original price was: ₹1,350.00.₹1,215.00Current price is: ₹1,215.00.Chandogya is the most intriguing of all the Upanishads. It begins with directing the priests of a Soma-yaga to see the hidden wisdom-significance in what they perform and recite as a brute ritual. This sublimating of ritualism gradually leads us to perceiving the entire life system as a yaj¤a held in and performed by Brahman. The next step this perception leads us to is “sarvam khalvidam brahma” (everything here indeed is Brahman). Then the enquiry as to what this Brahman is, begins. The answer we arrive at is “tat tvam asi” (That thou art). Finally we realize “atmaivedam sarvam” (atma indeed is everything here, or myself indeed is everything here). From this self-identity with “everything,” with Brahman, we never return to our identity with individuated forms pertaining to the world of becoming. The present commentary explicates in a lucid way how thinking progresses in this Upanishad, along with unravelling its schematic, structural and dialectical intricacies, both subjective and objective, both universal and particular.
- Sale!Atmopadesh Satak by: Narayana Guru, Swami Muni Narayana Prasad,
₹120.00Original price was: ₹120.00.₹108.00Current price is: ₹108.00.Atmopadesa Sataka, mentioning one single principle, explains that mere virtue of gaining knowledge is not an end in itself. Its usefulness should be seen in the social, religious and veneration realms.
- Sale!Bhagavad-Gita by: N.C. Panda
₹795.00Original price was: ₹795.00.₹716.00Current price is: ₹716.00.This Exposition on the Bhagavad-Gita is an exception to the traditional translation of and commentary on the scripture. It covers all the eighteen chapters of the Gita in the form of essays, with English translation of almost all verses and commentaries thereupon. In addition, the essays do contain the reflections of the author who has analyzed the topics in the light of modern thought in a broader spectrum. The Sanskrit text in Devanagari script, with Roman transliteration, has been appended to the main text.
The Gita is not a religious book. It does not belong to any single faith. In the language of Aldous Huxley, it is the perennial philosophy of mankind. Keeping this context in view, the book has been addressed not only to the present citizens but also to the whole mankind which will inhabit the earth in the future.
This scripture had its birth in a battlefield. Symbolically speaking, everybodys life is a battleground. Arjuna represents all members of the human species. In a situation of agony and dejection, being utterly perplexed, he could not decide what to do and what not to do. The Gita provides practical solutions to the problems of life and leads the path to liberation. It humanizes and divinizes man. The present book gets success if it helps man ascend humanely and spiritually. - Sale!Rasa in Aesthetics by: Priyadarshi Patnaik
₹990.00Original price was: ₹990.00.₹891.00Current price is: ₹891.00.The Indian tradition of criticism is over two millennia old. And its rasa theory has, from the beginning, essentially influenced authors, connoisseurs and art critics alike. First expounded sometime between the 1st century bc and the fourth century AD in the eminent aesthetician, Bharata’s Natya Shastra, rasa theory deals with the ‘emotive content’ of a work of art — how it is depicted, inferred and transmitted. Dr. Patnaik’s book is a unique effort that demonstrates, with diverse examples, the universality of this ancient theory and its applicability to modern Western classics. Elucidating afresh the concept of rasa and all its nine primary kinds largely on the basis of Natya Shastra of Bharata and the commentaries of the tenth-century aesthetician, Abhinavagupta, the book investigates the validity of rasa theory as an aesthetic, more specifically, a literary theory, and how its canons are applicable to modern Western literature as well as Chinese love lyrics and Japanese haiku poems. Dr. Patnaik’s transcultural exploration, thus, covers all major genres of literature — poetry, drama and fiction; and also major writers — Lawrence, Mayakovsky, Kafka, Camus, Conrad, Hemingway, Faulkner, Marquez, Eliot, Hesse, O’Neill, Ionesco, Beckett, Lorca, Neruda and several others. In emphasizing the universal validity of the rasa theory, the author considers certain modern problems relevant to text, meaning and readers’/audiences’ response as well. Very few are the examples of applied rasa theory even in Sanskrit and other Indian literatures, leave alone its application to Western creative writing. This book, with its bold framework and lucid style, should, therefore, fascinate the scholars of Indology, Indian aesthetics and, above all, comparative literary criticism.
- Sale!Ancient History of India by: Charles J. Naegele
₹500.00Original price was: ₹500.00.₹450.00Current price is: ₹450.00.This is a fresh look at the history of Ancient India, centering on the Law Code of Manu (Manusmriti / Manu Dharmashastra), and its relationship to Rigveda and its possible relationship to the Indus/Harappan Civilisation of 4000 to 5000 years ago. It also throws light on Aryan society and culture, castes and guilds, use of technology and related practices in the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Dr. Charles Naegele, a practicing lawyer in Silicon Valley, California, USA, and a lifelong student of classical Indian knowledge, has written a work that will be certain to stir up controversy regarding the re-dating of the Law Code of Manu and the well-documented research concerning almost no possibility of Aryan Invasion Theory and the numerous similarities between the text of the Law Code of Manu and the archeological finds from the Indus/Harappan Civilisation.
Scholars and history buffs, as well as everyone who is proud of Indian heritage will enjoy not only this work, but also his future works.