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    Management Mantras...

Management Mantras

by: S. Ramaratnam

The book discusses the main concepts of management that are to be found in Sanskrit literature, and attempts to study the usefulness of those Indian traditional values and principles in the formulation and adoption of modern-day management techniques — a very useful book for scholars and students.



ISBN: 9788124605462
Year Of Publication: 2010
Edition: 1st
Pages : xviii, 237
Bibliographic Details : Bibliography
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 22
Weight: 400


India has been known for long as the land of spirituality. Recent studies have brought out the depth of secular wisdom that is also embedded in the ancient Vedic and classical literature. ‘Management Mantras’ is an attempt to bring about a synthesis between a modern subject like Management and one of the most ancient literatures of the world. In the words of Swami Mukundanandaji who has written the foreword, “This book is like a treasure house of centuries of wisdom from the ancient Indian civilization speaking to us on the theme of Management Science. Whether one is questing for tips to hone one’s managerial acumen, or searching for gems of practical wisdom in life, or merely an admirer of the Vedic culture, there is enough material in it to satisfy everyone.”
The book touches upon all aspects of Management like Decision Making, Human Resource Development, Organizational Behaviour and Social Responsibility in 12 chapters. The discussions in each chapter are logically organized setting forth the principles of management at the outset, followed by corresponding references from texts like Arthasastra.
It is hoped that the book will interest scholars and students of Management and will be a useful addition to Libraries in Management schools as well as Humanities and Language Departments of Colleges and Universities.


Publishers’ Note
Transliteration System
1. Introduction
2. Decision Making
3. Communication
4. Human Resource Management
5. Centres of Power
6. Leadership
7. Team Building
8. Planning
9. Organizational Behaviour
10. Social Responsibility
11. Total Quality Management
12. Conclusion

Meet the Author
    Dr S. Ramaratnam is the Vice-Chancellor Designate of the proposed Jagadguru Kripalu University in Orissa. Earlier to this, he was working as the Vice-Chancellor of Sri Sri University, Bhubaneswar. Having worked as the Director of a Management Institute and Principal of Colleges, he has more than 40 years of experience in the academic world. He has 5 Postgraduate degrees including M.B.A. and M.Phil. in Management and M.A., Ph.D. in Sanskrit, as well as degrees and diplomas in as many as 12 subjects. He has been awarded a number of titles such as Samskrta Ratna and Bharata Kala Nipuna. He was also a Visiting Professor at Oxford University for two terms. He has presided over sessions at International Conferences held in Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Australia, USA, South Africa and Malaysia. He has published a number of books and more than 50 articles in leading Journals.
    Books of S. Ramaratnam