Krsna-Arjuna Samvada...
Krsna-Arjuna Samvada
Krsna-Arjuna Dialogue based on Bhagavad Gita by: Surendra Singh YadavGita is a great work emphasing on work and worship. Krsna advises Arjuna that he should not expect results. Instead, concentrate on his work with complete vigour and veneration. Gita is a path to sublimity where work meets worship as presented in this magnum opus here.
₹250.00 Original price was: ₹250.00.₹225.00Current price is: ₹225.00.
ISBN: 9788124601617
Year Of Publication: 2000
Edition: 1st
Pages : xviii, 146
Language : Hindi
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 22 cm.
Weight: 250
Gita is a great work emphasing on work and worship. Krsna advises Arjuna that he should not expect results. Instead, concentrate on his work with complete vigour and veneration. Gita is a path to sublimity where work meets worship as presented in this magnum opus here.

- Sale!Comparative Literary Theory by: Kapil Kapoor
₹800.00Original price was: ₹800.00.₹720.00Current price is: ₹720.00.“Two cultures of the world — Greek and Indian — have nourished literature. While the contemporary Western thinking is rooted in Greek thought, especially of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and percolated down to the modern European languages with the advent of Christian thought, the multilingual Indian literary tradition has its base from the classical Tamil, Pali, Prakrt and Sanskrit.
Though cultural specificity marks these two traditions off from each other, the universal human condition that finds expression in all literatures binds them together. This book delves deep into the growth of poetics, theory of literature, literary artefacts, aesthetics of literature as an art form, and dramaturgy and philosophy of literature.
Cultures have given forms as their typical expressions — for India great epics, for Greece tragedies, and for England lyrics. Similarly, different ages of a culture find expression in different forms — Elizabethan age of England in lyrics, sixteenth-seventeenth centuries in drama, eighteenth century in prose, and nineteenth century in novel. India’s genius is in epics and its expression unfolds in sravya-preksa compositions, being singable poetry as its preferred form.
This book must serve pretty useful for students and teachers of literature. Also, an invaluable collection for researchers in literature.” - Sale!Ancient History of India by: Charles J. Naegele
₹500.00Original price was: ₹500.00.₹450.00Current price is: ₹450.00.This is a fresh look at the history of Ancient India, centering on the Law Code of Manu (Manusmriti / Manu Dharmashastra), and its relationship to Rigveda and its possible relationship to the Indus/Harappan Civilisation of 4000 to 5000 years ago. It also throws light on Aryan society and culture, castes and guilds, use of technology and related practices in the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Dr. Charles Naegele, a practicing lawyer in Silicon Valley, California, USA, and a lifelong student of classical Indian knowledge, has written a work that will be certain to stir up controversy regarding the re-dating of the Law Code of Manu and the well-documented research concerning almost no possibility of Aryan Invasion Theory and the numerous similarities between the text of the Law Code of Manu and the archeological finds from the Indus/Harappan Civilisation.
Scholars and history buffs, as well as everyone who is proud of Indian heritage will enjoy not only this work, but also his future works. - Sale!Ancient Indian Scientific Thought and Modern Theories by: Dhirendranath Banerjee, Sanjit Kumar Sadhukhan,
₹350.00Original price was: ₹350.00.₹315.00Current price is: ₹315.00.The experiences and knowledge from our past are recorded in manuscripts which have been handed down to us over several thousand years. The Government of India, through the Department of Culture, took note of the importance of this vast tangible heritage and, in order to preserve and conserve as well as to make access to this wealth easy, established the National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM). In order to disseminate the knowledge content of manuscripts, the Mission has taken up several programmes such as lectures, seminars and workshops. The Mission has published the proceedings of the above-said programmes under the following series: Samraksika (on conservation), Tattvabodha (comprising lectures based on manuscripts delivered by eminent scholars), Samiksika (research-oriented papers presented in the seminars), Krtibodha (transcribed and edited texts prepared at advanced level manuscriptology workshops conducted by NMM) and Prakasika (publication of rare, unpublished manuscripts).
Ancient Indian Scientific Thought and Modern Theories makes one revisit the development of Indian science and technology in varied fields since the Vedic period, and suggests that we have a living tradition which is vivid and dynamic, inheriting at the same time claiming freedom from the past. It is the proceedings of a three-day seminar held during 25-27 March 2017 in Kolkata, organized by the Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad, Kolkata, and sponsored by NMM. This volume bears testimony to the fact that Indian sages, philosophers and scholars had a grip on all the topics that the modern-day scientists deal with, including complicated surgery and quantum mechanics. Our Vedas, Upanisads and other literary works were the storehouse of scientific wisdom, though the prevailing socio-religious conditions impeded its widespread dissemination.
This volume is expected to invoke keen interest among all who wants to know about a scientific past that Indians inherit, be a scientist or a layman. - Sale!Atmopadesh Satak by: Narayana Guru, Swami Muni Narayana Prasad,
₹120.00Original price was: ₹120.00.₹108.00Current price is: ₹108.00.Atmopadesa Sataka, mentioning one single principle, explains that mere virtue of gaining knowledge is not an end in itself. Its usefulness should be seen in the social, religious and veneration realms.
- Sale!Aditya Hrdayam by: Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati
₹180.00Original price was: ₹180.00.₹162.00Current price is: ₹162.00.The ancient Indian tradition and literature accords a supreme place to the Sun in the order of divinities, revering and worshipping it as the life-force of the Universe and the highest Reality. The commentary by Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati in this volume comes as an attempt to unravel the power and mystique of the Sun as explained in the Aditya Hrdayam, a small canto chapter offering obeisance to the Sun God in the immortal epic, Srimadramayanam of Adikavi Valmiki. The book presents the original Sanskrit mantras of the Aditya Hrdayam along with their Roman transliteration and lucid English translation. The verses are accompanied by detailed annotations that describe every term, concept and idea with great clarity. The commentary, easy to follow and fluent in flow, explores the secret of the eternal stotra, Aditya Hrdayam conveyed by Sage Agastya to Lord Rama using which the latter emerged victorious over Ravana. Aditya Hrdayam is hailed as one of the greatest tributes to the Sun by our ancient sages that provides insights into the importance of the Sun as the creator and sustainer of the Universe, the ultimate source of all wealth. The commentary involves copious references to Taittiriya Samhita, Taittiriya Aranyaka, Taittiriya Upanisad, Chandogya Upanisad, Srimadbhagavadgita, etc. , which make it all the more comprehensive and scholarly.