Guru: The Spiritual ...
Guru: The Spiritual Master
In Eastern and Western Traditions Authority and Charisma by: Antonio RigopoulosThe book, examines the relevance attached to the institution of the guru with special reference to the religions and philosophies of India and explores the nature and function of the guru figure and the master-disciple interaction in the religious traditions of the world. It throws light on the link between overcoming fear, ritual death and immortality, and the guru figure in Indian traditions. The book will interest scholars of religion and philosophy particularly those studying Hindu and Buddhist religious-spiritual traditions.
Original price was: ₹900.00.₹810.00Current price is: ₹810.00.
ISBN: 9788124603901
Year Of Publication: 2007
Edition: 1st
Pages : iv, 564
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 975
The book, containing papers presented at a conference held in Venice, Italy, examines the relevance attached to the institution of the guru with special reference to the religions and philosophies of India. It explores the nature and function of the guru figure and the master-disciple interaction in religious traditions of the world including those of Hinduism, Buddhism, ancient Greek, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Confucianism and native American traditions. It delves into the dynamics of the gurus influence and guru-disciple interaction that involves two aspects of power spiritual power and the very worldly socio-political and economic interests. It deals with characteristics and charisma associated with the figure of the spiritual master, his authority, pupils devotion for him, trials for a pupil, motivations of a guru, pandita as guru and recognition of the true master. It scrutinizes the difference in the Eastern and Western traditions vis-a-vis the guru-disciple relationship referring to a variety of sects, thinkers and works: the Mahabharata, Sufism, tantric traditions, Theravada and Vajrayana Buddhism, and the guruvada among Bauls of Bengal. The study meticulously unravels certain fundamental questions like sources of legitimation of religious authority within a religious-spiritual tradition. It throws light on the link between overcoming fear, ritual death and immortality, and the guru figure in Indian traditions. The book will interest scholars of religion and philosophy particularly those studying Hindu and Buddhist religious-spiritual traditions.
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Authority, Devotion, and Trials: Teachers and Pupils in the Mahabharata
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The Guru-Gita or Song of the Master as Incorporated in the Guru-caritra of Sarasvati Gangadhar: Obsevations on its Teaching and the Guru Institute
Antonio Rigopoulos
The Function of teh Guru in Tantric Traditions
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The Twenty-four guru-s of Dattatreya Avadhuta
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The Jewel of the Secret Path or the Neglected Guru? Some Remarks on the Guruvada among the Bauls of Bengal
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The Master Architect in the Corporations of India
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The Figure of the Pandita as Guru
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The Subtle Teacher, Typologies of Shamanic Initiation: Trance and Dream among the Lanjia Saoras of Orissa
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The Spiritual Teacher in Theravada Buddhism: Inner Motivations and Foundations of Mindfulness
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Tulku, the Guru by Birth
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Dozen zenji, a Buddhist Master in 13th Century Japan
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Zi yue, The Master Said …, or Didnt He?
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The Paradoxical Virtue (de) of the Sage in the Laozi
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The Master in Dan Taoism
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A Wordless Teaching: Native American Spiritual Masters
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The Guru as Mediator of Healing
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Figure and Role of the Master Between East and West
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