Rajadharma in Mahabh...
Rajadharma in Mahabharata
With Special Reference to Shanti-Parva by: Priyanka PandeyThis book deals with all aspects of politics based on Mahabharata and addresses topics such as dandaniti, origin of state, the seven elements of state, functions of state, types of state, kinship, judiciary and administration in detail, among many other issues of political importance.
ISBN: 9788124608012
Year Of Publication: 2018
Edition: 1st
Pages : xx, 245
Bibliographic Details : Bibliography, Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 550
The idea of politics hardly finds an expression elsewhere as clearly as in Mahabharata. This work thus investigates the political thought explicit in Shanti-Parva and emphasizes that Mahabharata is a text in the study of politics, apart from the perception of it being a great epic and a text of high literary value. Whatever be the notion of politics we contemplate upon, it finds an articulation in Mahabharata. As the Greek tradition of thinking is the base of Western politics, Shanti-Parva of Mahabharata represents the Indian notion of political thinking, though there remain many similarities and dissimilarities between the two systems.
This volume navigates one to how to read Mahabharata as a political text; the idea of political thoughts, the constituting principles of politics and the political institutions in Shanti-Parva; and the relevance of these political thoughts in modern time. Topics such as dandaniti, origin of state, the seven elements of state, functions of state, types of state, kinship, judiciary and administration are discussed in detail, among many other issues of political importance.
The book collects, analyses and examines the internal evidences from Shanti-Parva and also from other parvans of Mahabharata to reach a decisive conclusion, making the work a composite result of textual analysis, related literature and subjective contemplation. It clearly shows that the idea of politics is not separated from the idea of ethics. Rather they are intertwined.
List of Tables and Figures
Map of Bharatavarsha in the Mahabharata period
Transliteration Key
1. Mahabharata : An Introduction
Authorship of Mahabharata
Date of Mahabharata
Contents in Mahabharata
Commentators on Mahabharata
Important Sanskrit Recensions and Editions of Mahabharata
Mahabharata in Other Indian Languages
Shanti-Parva of Mahabharata
2. Politics in Western Tradition
Theoretical Aspect
Stages in Development of the State
Practical Aspect: Political Institutions
3. Political Ideas in Shanti-Parva
The Background
Political Ideas in ???nti-Parva
4. Interstate Relations and Forms of Government
Interstate Relations
Concept of Ma??ala in ???nti-Parva
Classification of States and Six Expedients of Foreign Policy
The Fourfold Foreign Policy
Types and Forms of Government
5. Judiciary and Ethical Concepts
Orgainzations of Judiciary
Ethical Concepts
Varying Interpretation of Dharma
6. Conclusion