Prehistory and Proto...
Prehistory and Protohistory of India
An Appraisal : Palaeolithic -- Non-Harappan Chalcolithic Cultures by: V.K. JainThis monograph presents, in a concise but comprehensive manner, a syncretic view of the latest information on various aspects such as tools and technologies, settlement and subsistence patterns, ecological background and distributional configuration in respect of the Stone Age and the Chalcolithic Cultures outside the Harappan Zone. The Megalithic Cultures of peninsular India and the Deccan too find a place in the book
ISBN: 9788124603727
Year Of Publication: 2014
Edition: 3rd
Pages : xvii, 213
Bibliographic Details : 13 Maps and line drawings; Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 22 cm.
Weight: 375
Fresh excavations, new dating techniques and ever-growing conceptual frameworks since 1950 have greatly reshaped our perspective on Prehistory and Protohistory of the Indian subcontinent. This monograph, which is primarily aimed to serve as a starter for the undergraduate and postgraduate students, presents, in a concise but comprehensive manner, a syncretic view of the latest information on various aspects such as tools and technologies, settlement and subsistence patterns, ecological background and distributional configuration in respect of the Stone Age and the Chalcolithic Cultures outside the Harappan Zone. The Megalithic Cultures of peninsular India and the Deccan too find a place in the book. A glossary of the terms used frequently in archaeology as well as maps, line-drawings and explanatory notes on individual sites add further value to the text.
List of Maps and Figures
1. Introduction
What is Prehistory?
Environmental Factors
Human Evolution and Indian Prehistory
Scientific Dating and Related Techniques
New Theoretical Perspectives
2. Indian Archaeological Studies During the Last Five Decades and their Significance
3. Palaeolithic Cultures
Tools and Technologies
Spread and Distribution of Palaeolithic Sites
Settlement and Subsistence Pattern
4. Mesolithic Cultures
Salient Features
Regional Distribution
Tools and Technologies
Material Culture and Subsistence Pattern
Rock Art
5. Neolithic Cultures
Characteristic Features
Chronological and Distributional Pattern
6. Non-Harappan Chalcolithic Cultures
Cultures Outside the Harappan Zone
Settlement System
Subsistence Pattern
Tools and Technologies
Trade Contacts
Religious Beliefs and Practices
Copper-Hoard Cultures
Appendix I : Megalithic Cultures (Peninsular India and the Deccan c. 1000 bc 300 bc)
Distribution of the Megalithic Monuments and their Structural Forms
Material Culture
Subsistence Economy
Appendix II : Prominent Sites
Adamgarh, Adichanallur, Ahar, Anagwadi, Attirampakkam or Attiramabakkam, Baghor, Bagor, Belan Valley, Bhimbetka, Brahmagiri, Budihal, Burzahom, Chirand, Chopani-Mando, Damdama, Daojali Hading, Didwana, Gilund, Gufkral, Hallur, Hunsgi, Inamgaon, Jakhera, Jodhpura, Jorwe, Kayatha, Koldihwa, Kuchai, Kupgal or Kupgallu, Langhnaj, Mahadaha, Mahagara, Mahisdal, Mahurjhari, Maski, Mehrgarh, Naikund, Navadatoli, Nevasa, Noh, Paisra, Paiyampalli, Pandu Rajar Dhibi, Piklihal, Sanaganakallu, Sarai Nahar Rai, Savalda, Takalghata, Tekkalakota, Utnur, Watgal
Bibliography and References