Orissan History, Cul...
Orissan History, Culture and Archaeology
In Felicitation of Prof. P.K. Mishra by: S. PradhanThe essays capture the changing contours of Orissan society, economy, religions, cultural life and art expressions. It embraces diverse specificities from every epoch of Orissan history and focuses on its archaeological remains, ancient maritime activities, Vaisnavite sculptures, etc.
ISBN: 9788124601174
Year Of Publication: 1999
Edition: 1st
Pages : xix, 477
Bibliographic Details : 4 Maps; 2 Folded tables; 14 Colour illustrations; 33 B/w photographs; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 25 cm.
Weight: 1500
Lying on Indias eastern coast, Orissa is the legendary old-world Kalinga. Which, conquered by Ashoka, metamorphosed this terrible triumphant emperor into a compassionate, remorse-stricken votary of the Buddhist faith. Today as ever before, Orissa not just has its share in Indias glorious cultural heritage, but epitomizes its architectural marvels and at once fascinating sculptures, including the erotic figurines frozen in stone. And these are best reflected in Orissas profusely sculptured temples, like the Sun-gods at Konark, Lord Jagannaths at Puri, and Lingarajas at Bhubaneshwar; besides the Jaina/Buddhist rock-cut caves of Khandagiri, Udayagiri and Dhauli. This felicitation volume, occasioned by Professor Mishras retirement, in 1997, from the University of Sambalpur, captures the changing contours of Orissas society, economy, religions, cultural life, and art expressions: from the earliest times to almost the present day. In 29 essays, each authored by an area specialist, the volume embraces diverse specificities from every epoch of Orissan history, focussing notably on its prehistoric painted rock shelters, archaeological remains, ancient maritime activities, major and minor religions, Vaisnavite sculptures, stellate temples, development of education and, besides these, its various tribal, revolutionary and socio-religious reform movements during the colonial rule. Professor P.K. Mishra, (born: 19 Jan. 1937), is a distinguished Orissan historiographer, extensively published author, and scholar with wide-ranging specialized interests. Recipient of two prestigious Senior National Fellowships (of ICHR and UGC), he has also surveyed and documented the monuments in Upper Mahanadi Valley on a Ford Foundation Project.
Guru Abhinanadanam
Transliteration Chart
List of Illustrations
1. Neolithic and Post-Neolithic Cultures of Orissa : An Overview
— Kishor K. Basa
2. Chalcolithic Culture of Orissa
— S. Pradhan
3. Painted Rock-Shelters of Orissa
— S. Pradhan
4. Orissa During the Gupta Age
— G.S. Patel
5. Archaeological Investigation on the Coast of Cilika Lake, Orissa
— P.K. Mohanty, Jitu Mishra
— Kishore K. Basa, G.L. Badam
6. Maritime Activities of the Kalingas : The New Light Thrown by the Excavations at Khalkatapatna
— B. K. Sinha
7. Archaeological Remains of South Orissa : Jain Temple of Subei
— S.K. Panda
8. Society in Medieval Orissa: ad 600-950
— Satyabati Pradhan
9. The Bhanjas of Khinjali Mandala
— Jadumani Mahapatra
10. Major Religions of Orissa : A Review
— K.C. Mishra
11. Minor Religious Sects of Orissa
— B. Pradhan
12. Vishnu-Worship in Orissa
— Sushil Kumar Patel
13. Sun Worship in Orissa
— S. Bedbak
14. The Reclining Images of Vishnu: A Study
— P.K. Nayak
15. Caurasi Plate of Shivakaradeva: A New Look
— S.K. Acharya
16. Stellate Temples of Orissa
— J.K. Patnaik
17. Radha and Her Contour in Orissan Culture
— Baba Mishra
18. Decline of the Northern Orissan Ports
— H.C. Panda
19. Orissan Culture in Transit : Indo-Thai Relations
— P.P. Mishra
20. British Ring-Fence Policy Towards the State of Mayurbhanj
— D. Kabi
21. British Impact on Orissa in the Nineteenth Century
— A. Swain
22. Tribal Movements in Orissa during the British Rule
— A. Das
23. Socio-Religious Reform Movements in Orissa in the Nineteenth Century
— Mamata Bisoi
24. Collegiate Education in Orissa during the Nineteenth Century
— A.K. Patel
25. Language Crisis in Sambalpur, 1895-1903
— A.K. Mishra
26. The Indian Revolutionary Movement in the Twenties and its Perception of Violence
— A.K. Patnaik
27. Some Aspects of Socio-Economic History of Orissa, 1912-47
— A.K. Kar
28. Contributions of Parlakhemundi Zamindari to the Literary Activities of Orissa
— R.C. Misro
— S.K. Dash
29. Development of Education in the Post-Independence Orissa
— J.K. Samal
Coloured & B/w Illustrations
List of Contributors