Indian Philosophical...
Indian Philosophical Wisdom
Some Glimpses by: Mukta BiswasThe title of the book Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses itself signifies its importance. Indeed, philosophy is involved in every sphere of human life — literature, creative art, culture, etc. The author in her zeal to unravel the precious accumulated wisdom of Indian philosophy delved in its treasure with different approaches — historical, analytical, comparative, etc. An attempt has been made in this book to expound Indian philosophical systems and to analyse critically their logical implications.
Original price was: ₹900.00.₹810.00Current price is: ₹810.00.
ISBN: 9788124610022
Year Of Publication: 2020
Edition: 1st Edition
Pages : xii, 245
Bibliographic Details : Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23
Weight: 562
The title of the book Indian Philosophical Wisdom: Some Glimpses itself signifies its importance. Indeed, philosophy is involved in every sphere of human life — literature, creative art, culture, etc. The author in her zeal to unravel the precious accumulated wisdom of Indian philosophy delved in its treasure with different approaches — historical, analytical, comparative, etc. An attempt has been made in this book to expound Indian philosophical systems and to analyse critically their logical implications.
This work consists of twenty-seven articles both unpublished and published in journals and from different academic forums aimed towards making a documentation of discussions on various systems of Indian philosophy, Upaniṣadic and Yoga philosophy in particular. This could be a ready reckoner on the subject for young and enterprising students and scholars who possess innate inquisitiveness to unearth the sagacity enshrined in Indian philosophy.
Preface vii
1. Yoga Thoughts in the Sāttvika Purāṇas
2. Universal Approach to Yoga Philosophy:
Perspectives of Patañjali and Sri Aurobindo
3. Reflection of Sāṁkhya and Yoga Concepts in
the Works of Kālidāsa
4. Sāṁkhya and Yoga Views in the
5. Śabda: A Sāṁkhya–Yoga Approach
6. Perception (Pratyakṣa) in Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa’s
7. Rasa as a Means of Liberation in the
Context of Bhakti
8. Vedānta Philosophy in Mawlana Jalaluddin
Rumi’s Works
9. Vijñānabhikṣu’s Concept of Kaivalya in the
Light of Yogavārttika
10. Epistemology in Indian Philosophy in the
Context of Valid Knowledge
11. Woman in Vedānta Philosophy
Contemplation of Swami Vivekananda
12. Concept of Absolute as Perceived by
Nimbārka and Śrīpati: A Comparative Note
13. Concept of Liberation in the Light of Śrīpati and
Śrīkaṇṭha: A Comparative Study
14. Concept of Liberation: Views of Śrīpati and
Nimbārka — A Comparative Study
15. Essence of Upaniṣadic Liberation as
Depicted in the Tantraśāstras
16. Bhakti, A Way to Mukti
17. Reflections of Upaniṣadic Thoughts in the Literary
and Philosophical Works of Western Scholars
18. Tāntric Culture in Assam
19. Religious Practices of Tāntric Sādhanā in Assam:
Vedic Reflections
20. Value-Oriented Education and the System of
Learning in the Upaniṣads
21. Spiritual Value-Oriented Education in the Upaniṣads
22. Social Value-Based Education in the Upaniṣads
23. Value-Oriented Education: Sri Aurobindo’s
Concept in the Context of Indian Culture
24. Concept of Humanism in the Upaniṣads
25. Upaniṣadic Humanism in Śaṅkaradeva’s Philosophy
26. Compassion in Buddhist Humanism
27. Ahiṁsā in Sanskrit Literature
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