Michel Hulin (1936 – ) was born in northern France on 31st January 1936. A former pupil of the “Ecole Normale Superieure” in Paris, he graduated in philosophy and Indology. After a training period at the French Institute of Indology at Pondicherry (1969-1971) he became a Reader and later on a full Professor of Indian and Comparative Philosophy at the University Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), from 1981 up to his retirement in 1998.
Association des anciens alives de l’Ecole Normale Sujerieve
Society Franchise of Philosophy
Society Asiatique (Paris)
1. Samkhya Literature in “A History of Indian Literature”, Vol. 6, Fase 3, Wiesbaden, Hanassowity 1978, p. 128-162.
2. “Nietzsch and the Suffering of the Indian Asiatic” in G. Parves (ed.) – “Nietzsch and Asian Thought”, University of Chicago Press, 1997, p. 65-75.
3. “Human Free-Will and Divine Absolute Freedom, According to the Yogo-Vasistha in “Indological Studies”, Krakow (Poland), Vol. 1 (1995), p. 135-140.
4. Reinterpreting Ahankara as a Possible Way of Solving the Riddle of Samkhya Metaphysics in Studies Asiatique, LIII – 3 (1999), p. 713-722.
5. “L’activite’ philosophique dans l’Indo Aucienne (“On Philosothising in Ancient India”), Exister, Lyon (1981), p. 29-43.
6. “Spinoza l’oriental?” (“I as an eastern style Thinker?”), Cahiers Spinoza 4, Paris (1982), p. 139-170.
7. “Corfs de Transmigration et Corfs de Resunation” (transmigration – versus R. body”), Eranes Jahrbuch 52, 1983, Iusel Verlag, Frankfurt (Germany), p. 347-388.
8. “Dialectique et non-dualite – le Khandana-Khanda-Khadya of Sri Harsa” (Dialecties and non-duality – S.H. Kh Kh Kh) Les Etudes Philosophiques 4 (1983), p. 403-423.
9. “Sun la chute eu moutague” (“On Falling from Mountains”), Etre 1 (1983), p. 27-40.
10. “Interpretration des couscienes et eutralacement des restinees” (“On Interpretation of Minds and Intertwining of destinies”), Eranos Jahebuch 57 (1988), p. 171-200.
11. Decadence et Renonvellement: la doctrine des Ages du Monde dans l’Hindonisue” (“Decline and Revival – The Conception of World Ages in Hinduism”) – Eranus Jahrbuch 54 (1985), p. 177-208.
12. Schojevhana et la most-renaissana” (“S’conception of Death as Rebirth”) in R.P. Proit (ed.) – Presenies de Schojenhaven, Paris, Le Live de jocha, 1991, p. 101-110.
13. Perception et Non-Dualite dans la Brahmasiddtu, la Mandana-Misra” (Perception and Non-Duality in H M B. Siddhi”) – Les Cohiers de Philosophie 14 (1992), p. 49-63.
14. Doctrine et Compontenents “cyniques” dans certaine seates hindoues, ancienne et coutemporaries”) – (“On “cyrical” doctrine and mode of Behaviour in some hindu sects, both ancient and contemporary”) in r.o. loulet (ed.) Le Cynisme ancient et ses prolougements, Paris, P.U.F. 1993, p. 557-570.
15. Die Seelenwanderung: Indo-griechischa Hyphisoder Herausforderung an des Zeitgeno “sischo Deuken?” )Transniquation of Souls: an Indo-greek myth on a challenge to coutemporary Thought?”) in F. Gal and E. Harung (ed.), Wauderunger, Fink-Verlag, Mrinchen 1994, p. 135-165.
16. “Vertiga et lucidite – Objectivation des affects et dituchament selon la doctrine Samkhya” (“From Dizzyness to lucidity – The Samkhya Way of object: Vixing emotions and attaining allofness”) – in Le dejassment de soi dans la jeusee philosophique Neuchatel (Suisse), p. 55-67, 1994.
17. “Dharma des Renongants et Renonciation au Dharma” (“A Dharma far Samnyasins on complete Renunciation of Dharma?”) in S. Bouez (ed.) – Asietisive et Renoncement eu Inde, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1995.
18. “Erlosung zu Lebzeiter und Solipsismues in Spateren Advaita Vedanta : Prakasatman and Sarvajnatman” (“Emancipation while still alise and Solipsisem in Late Advaita Vedanta ….”) in G. Oberhammer (ed.) In Tod gewinut der Mersch sein Selbst, Wien, 1995, p. 201-210.
19. “L’Inde comne lieu des figures de l’Autre” (“India as the epitone of Okhavers”) in M. Hulin – Cl. Maillard (ed.), L’Indo Inspiratrice, Strasbourg 1996, p. 19-27.
20. “L’Inde vue far Hermann Keyserling (d’apras le journal de voyage dun philosophe”) – (“India as seen by H. Keyserling according to his “Diary of a travelling Philosopher”) – in M. Hulin – Chr. Maillard (ed.) – L’Inde Inspiratrice, Strasbourg, 1996, p. 169-184.
21. Kundalini – Zur “Mythisda Physiologie des tantrischen Yoga” (“K on the mythical physiology of Tantric Yoga”), in G. Oberhammer – M. Schmuller (ed.) Raun-Zeitliche Vermittlung der Transzendenz, Wien, 1999, p. 191-205.
22. “Le Commentaine dans la litterature philosophique de l’Inde ancienne” (“The role of Commentaris in the Philosophical Literature of Ancient India”) – in M.O. Goulet (ed.) Le Commentarise entre Tradition et Innovation, Paris, Vrin, 2000, p. 425-434.
23. “La Mise en perspective de jeusees indienves chez Eduard von Hartman”, in M. Cluet (ed.): La Fascination de e’Inde en Allanagre 1800-1933 – Rennes, 2004, p. 139-154.
24. “La Question le l’atman on su soi – Un valantendy eutre Brahmane et Bouddhistes” (“The Problem of Atman on Self – A misunderstanding between Brahman and Buddhist”) – Bulletin do le Sociate Franchise le Philosophie 101 (1), 2007, p. 34-42.
25. “Quelques traits origiank de la philosophia indienne” (“Some Original features of Indian Philosophy”) in R.P. Droit (ed.) – Philosophies d willens, T.I., Paris, Hermann, 2009, p. 47-66.
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