Gian Giuseppe Filippi

Dr. Gian Giuseppe Filippi is Professor of lndology and History of Art of lndia, University “Ca’ Foscari”, Venice. Involved, since 1971, in extensive field studies in India, directed specially towards the traditional relations between the shrines and rituals, he is not just one of the discoverers of Drupad Kila (in mid- Ganga plains), but led the multidisciplinary research team, credited with this discovery.

Extensively published, Professor Filippi is President of the Venetian Academy of Indian Studies (VAIS), heads Human Sciences research in the “Kampilya Project”; and is Member of Is.I.A.O., Royal Society of Asian Affairs, Indian Archaeological Society, and Pafichal Research Institute, among several other institutions in Europe and India.

Books by Gian Giuseppe Filippi
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