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Arun Kumar Biswas
1934,  Male ,  Indian ,  Emeritus AICTE Fellow, Jadavpur University

Arun Kumar Biswas, holding Calcutta University’s M.Sc. Tech. and D. Phil. (Applied Chemistry), besides an M.S. (Metallurgy) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, has, over the years, concentrated his research effort around ‘archaeo-metallurgy’ and ‘history of science’, notwithstanding his professional specialization in applied chemistry, surface chemistry, mineral engineering and hydrometallurgy. For over three decades: 1963-95, he has taught at the prestigious IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Kanpur.
A scholar with varied pursuits: ranging from the history of religions to sacred and secular literatures, Professor Biswas has authored a number of papers and books – which eminently include his Science in India (1969). Also, he has edited the internationally acclaimed, multi-authored Profiles in Indian Languages and Literatures. Currently associated with the Asiatic Society, Calcutta – for further research, Prof. Biswas has had the distinction to be on the National Commission for History of Science, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.


Founder Member, Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers.

1. The Primacy of India in Ancient Brass and Zinc Metallurgy, Indian Journal of History of Science, 28(4), 1993.
2. Reverend Father Eugene Lafont and the Scientific Activity of St. Xavier’s College, Indian Journal of History of Science, 29(1), 1994.
3. Vaidurya, Marakata and Other Beryl Family Gen Minerals: Etymology and Traditions in Ancient India, Indian Journal of History of Science, 29(2), 1994.
4. Gem Minerals in Pre-Modern India, Ibid 29(3), 1994.
5. Non-Gem Minerals in Pre-Modern India, Ibid, 29(3), 1994.
6. Iron and Steel in Pre-Modern India, Ibid, 29(4), 1994.
7. Vaidurya Marakata Katha (in Bengali), Desh, 64, No. 5, 1997.
8. Kicchu Prasna Mane Elo, A few Questions Came to Mind, S&T in Indian History, Bangiya Vijnan Parishad, Dec. 1997.
9. Gems and Mimerals, Chapter 3.6 in History of Technology in India, Vol. I, INSA, 1997, pp. 225-255.
10. Social Factors in the Development of Technology, Chapter 10 in History of Technology in India, Vol. I, INSA, 1997.
11. Science, Spirituality and Socialism: A Tribute to Joseph Needham in Life and Works of Joseph Needham, The Asiatic Society, Calcutta, 1997.
12. Characterization of Synthesized Wolframite Minerals and their Leach Residues, Hydrometallurgy, 44, 1997.
13. Dr. Mahendralal Sircar – The Man and His Vision, Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the IACS, November 1997.
14. The Pre-IACS Period (1873-1875), Journal of the Asiatic Society, Vol. 39, No. 3-4, 1997.
15. The Dawn of IACS (1876-1883), Ibid.
16. A Decade of IACS abd Anritalal’s Diaries (1884-1894), Ibid, Vol. 40, No. 1-2, 1998.
17. Social Factors in the Promotion of S&t: A Historical Approach, Journal of the Asiatic Society, Vol. 40, No. 3-4, 1998.
18. Role of Characterisation in Minerals Separation by Froth Flotation, in Froth Flotation: Recent Trends, Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Jamshedpur, 1998.
19. Archaeo-Materials in India: Some Residual Problems and Future Prospects, in Archaeometallurgy in India, Sharada Publishing House, 1998.
20. A Literary Perspective on Archaeomaterials and Scientific Concepts in Ancient India, Ibid.
21. James Prinsep’s Scientific Contribution and an Era (1820-1840) of Cross-Cultural Knowledge transfer, James Prinsep Bicentennary Volume.
22. Mahendralal and the Ramakrishna Movement – A Dialogue between Science and Religion, Journal of the Asiatic Society, Vol. 41, No. 1, 1999.
23. The Diaries of Dr. Mahendralal Sircar (1896-1899) and the Dawn of Nationalist Science in India, Ibid, Vol. 41, No. 2, 1999.
24. The Finale of the Sircar-Lafont Era (1900-1908) and the Sunrise of the Nationalist Science in India, Ibid, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1999.
25. Science and technology in India during the Mauryan Era, Indian Museum Bulletin, Special Issue, Vol. XXXIV, 1999.
26. Study of the Roasting of Chalcopyrite Minerals by 57Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 8-9, 2000.
27. Minerals and Metals in Medieval India in History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. III Part I.
28. History of Science Movement in India in Science and Tradition, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 2000.
29. History of Technology in Ancient and Medieval India in Students’ Encyclopedia Britannica (South Asian Project) 7 volumes, 2000.
30. Moneralogy and Metallurgy in Ancient and Medieval India, in Encyclopedia Italiana, Vol. III, 2000.
31. Minerals and their Exploitation in Ancient and Pre-Modern India, in Metallurgy in India – A Retrospective, Golden Jubilee Special Volume, India International Publisher, 2001.
32. Science, Spirituality and Samya – The Tripod of Consciousness Research in Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion, The Bhaktrevedanta Institute, Calcutta, 2001.
33. Science Consciousness in the Literature of Kalidasa (in Bengali) Gyan O Bigyan, May 2002.

Books by Arun Kumar Biswas
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