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    The Quest for Consci...

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The Quest for Consciousness

Indian and Cross-Cultural Perspectives Volume 1 by: Munmun Chakraborty , Adarasupally Nataraju

The book addresses the main theme of the nature of consciousness from a wide-ranging stances and have also taken a step towards establishing a platform for an intense and critical study of Indian theories of consciousness

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ISBN: 9788124612262
Year Of Publication: 2024
Edition: 1st
Pages : xiv, 370
Bibliographic Details : Contributors, Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Foreword By : Ram-Prasad Chakravarthi
Size: 22 cm
Weight: 658 grams


The book provides a platform to discuss and examine the subtle and complex issues related to the nature of consciousness, self, mental states and subjectivity from Indian and cross-cultural perspectives. It explores contemporary problems of consciousness and tries to find solutions from Indian philosophical traditions. The purpose is to understand how far the views and approaches of classical and contemporary Indian thinkers are relevant in contemporary consciousness studies. The book argues that great thinkers of Vedānta, Tantra, Sāṁkhya and Buddhism have done enormous works which can be explored, examined and enhanced even today for a better comprehension of the subjectivity and conscious experience.
The chapters of this present volume have thoroughly explored and examined many classical Indian theories of consciousness. Keeping in view the objectives of this volume, the contributors have made an effective effort to reflect critically on Indian theories to answer the contemporary problems. There are chapters discussing and examining the standpoints of Indian thinkers like Abhinavagupta, Utpala, Śaṅkara, Rāmānuja, Swāmī Vidyāraṇya, Nāgārjuna, Gautama and many more. On the other hand, there are chapters engaged in reappraising the philosophical positions of Kant, Hegel, Sartre, Chalmers, Searle, Dennett and other contemporary thinkers. The chapters of this volume have addressed the main theme from a wide-ranging stances and have also taken a step towards establishing a platform for an intense and critical study of Indian theories of consciousness.
The book is extremely beneficial for students and scholars interested in classical Indian philosophy and contemporary consciousness studies. It inspires more researchers to ponder upon the concept of consciousness and subjectivity from multiple dimensions.


Foreword v
Preface ix
Introduction 1
1. Ahaṁ, Subjectivity and the Ego: Engaging the 13
Philosophy of Abhinavagupta
– Sthaneshwar Timalsina
2. Two Ways of Understanding Consciousness: 49
Naturalism vs. Non-Naturalism
– Ramesh C. Pradhan
3. The Concept of Ātman in Nyāya–Vaiśeṣika 67
– Raghunath Ghosh
4. Notion of Absolute Consciousness (Whatever is is of the 79
as well as in the Absolute Śaṅkara, Kant and Hegel)
– Raghwendra Pratap Singh
5. Consciousness: What It Is and How It Is to Be Realized 107
(A Study in Tripura Rahasya)
– Shakuntala
6. On Sartre’s Theory of Consciousness: A Phenomeno- 119
logical Approach in “the Transcendence of the Ego”
and “Being and Nothingness”
– Akoijam Thoibisana
7. The Problem of Alienation and Its Overcoming in Hegel 151
– Arup Jyoti Sarma
8. Transcendence of Subjectivity: A Contemporary 167
Exploration of Epistemological Social Self in
Neohumanism of P.R. Sarkar
– Sindhu Poudyal
9. The Idea of Self and Mahāyāna Buddhism: A Special 185
Reference to Nāgārjna’s Mādhyamaka
– Saumya Kanti Biswas
10. The Problematic Mind, Meditation and the Deep203
Structure of Consciousness: A Buddhist Perspective
– Hari Shankar Prasad
11. Physical Brain’s Self-Awareness of Itself as 229
Physical: A Zombie Who Knows that It Is Not
the Real Ego or the I
– P. Milan Khangamcha
12. Dhyāna Bhāṣā or the Language of Meditative 285
Reflection: Understanding the “Existence” or “Sat”
– Adarasupally Nataraju
13. Consciousness, Subjectivity and Self: A Study with 303
Special Reference to Pañcadaśī
– A. Nataraju and Munmun Chakraborty
Contributors 319
Index 321

Meet the Author
    Munmun Chakraborty, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Assam University. Her areas of interest are Consciousness Studies, Indian Philosophy and Phenomenology. She has published several papers on the nature of consciousness, theories of intentionality, reflexivity, self and subjectivity. She is one of the co-PIs and working under the project “Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems” at Assam University and presently working on a project sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi.
    Books of Munmun Chakraborty
      Nataraju Adarasupally is the Dean, S.R. School of Philosophical Studies and Director, Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems at Assam University. His research interests include Consciousness Studies, Vedānta Philosophy, Cognitive Phenomenology, Philosophy of Education, Philosophies of Gandhi and J. Krishnamurti. He has published research articles in several reputed journals. His books include The Limits of Thought and Beyond (2011) and On the Nature of Consciousness (2015). His upcoming work is Philosophy of J. Krishnamurti (2023).
      Books of Adarasupally Nataraju

      “The Quest for Consciousness”

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