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    Sri Aurobindo: Saga ...

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Sri Aurobindo: Saga of a Great Indian Sage

by: Wilfried Huchzermeyer

In this biography, Sri Aurobindo’s life is presented comprehensively in all of its aspects. It also takes readers on a journey through Sri Aurobindo’s manifold literary creations, introducing them in accessible language to magnificent prose works such as The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga or Essays on the Gita and the epic Savitri.



ISBN: 9788124607022
Year Of Publication: 2013
Edition: 1st
Pages : x, 335p.
Bibliographic Details : 31 b/w & 10 colour; photographs; Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography; Index
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 700


Sri Aurobindo is one of the most well-known Indian personalities of the twentieth century. He was a freedom fighter, a yogi and a poet; he developed what has become known worldwide as Integral Yoga. As a sage of great wisdom, he was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize.
In the present biography, his life is presented comprehensively in all of its aspects. The most important sources available today have been evaluated, among them his spiritual diary Record of Yoga, which was first published as a book in 2001. The author also takes readers on a journey through Sri Aurobindo’s manifold literary creations, introducing them in accessible language to magnificent prose works such as The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga or Essays on the Gita and the epic Savitri.
This volume also portrays vividly the lesser known facet of Sri Aurobindo’s personality as a freedom fighter and his influence among the Hardliners, until his moving to Pondicherry.
Written as a living report with great insight and knowledge, this biography will be of great value to scholars, students and devotees interested in high-level integral studies. A careful documentation with numberless references facilitates further research into each respective subject. The large photo section contains many historical photos, as well as current images of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and its surroundings.


1. Childhood in India (1872-79)
2. Education in England (1879-92)
Private Lessons in Manchester — St. Paul’s School in London — Studies in Cambridge
3. Baroda (1893–1906)
First Political Writings — Visiting Relatives — Marriage to Mrinalini Bose — The Political Work — Spiritual and Occult Experiences — The Last Days in Baroda
4. The Freedom Fighter: Calcutta (1906-08)
Bande Mataram — The Trial Against Sri Aurobindo and Bande Mataram — The Congress Session in Surat
5. Meeting with Lele (1908)
6. Calcutta and Alipore (1908-10)
The Empire Retaliates — Alipore Jail — The Trial — The Main Proceedings — Karmayogin — Chandernagore
7. Pondicherry (1910-14)
Arrival in Pondicherry — Chettiar’s House — Meeting Paul Richard — Change of Residence — Literary Works — The Play Eric — Linguistic Studies — Life in Pondicherry
8. Record of Yoga: The Yoga Diary
The Sadhana Programme: Sapta Catushtaya — Extrasensory Experiences — Samadhi
9. Meeting with Mirra (1914)
Mirra’s Life — Founding the Journal Arya
10. The Main Works
The Life Divine — The Synthesis of Yoga — The Ideal of Human Unity — The Human Cycle — The Foundations of Indian Culture — The Future Poetry — The Secret of the Veda — The Isha and Kena Upanishad — Essays on the Gita
11. Pondicherry (1915-26)
Mirra in France and Japan — Mrinalini’s Death — Mirra’s Return — Sri Aurobindo’s Letter to Barin — External Contacts — The Overmind
12. Pondicherry (1927-38)
Letters on Yoga — Autobiographical Writings — The Poems: Rose of God — Sri Aurobindo’s Sadhana — The Accident and Talks with Sri Aurobindo
13. The Second World War (1939-45)
Winston Churchill — The Course of the War — Cripps’ Mission
14. Literary and Other Activities (1939-50)
India’s Independence — The Supramental Manifestation — Life with Sri Aurobindo — Sri Aurobindo’s Departure
15. Savitri
Savitri and Faust — The Language of Savitri
16. The Mother and the Ashram (1951-73)
The Supramental Descent — The Yoga of Physical Transformation — The Mother’s Departure
17. Auroville
Picture Gallery
Part I: Historical Photos
Part II: Recent Photos
Sri Aurobindo on India
Quotations on Sri Aurobindo and His Action
The Meaning of the Symbols of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Chronology of Events
Internet Addresses

Meet the Author
Wilfried Huchzermeyer has studied Indology, Philosophy and Comparative Religion in Germany, the US and India. He completed his Sanskrit studies at Pune University with a dissertation on the Mahabharata. Between 1970 and 1985 he had many long stays at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. During this period he translated several major works of Sri Aurobindo, including The Secret of the Veda and The Foundations of Indian Culture. In 1985 he wrote The Mother — A Short Biography, which became a very popular introduction, published in several languages. His Sanskrit-German reference books Yoga-Lexikon and Yoga-W”rterbuch have been widely recognized as standard works.
Books of Wilfried Huchzermeyer