Cyclic Universe...
Cyclic Universe
Cycle of the Creation, Evolution, Involution and Dissolution of the Universe (2 Vols. Set) by: N.C. PandaProfessor Pandas insightful analyses corroborate the Vedantic world-view of the cyclic phenomenon of the origin, sustenance and dissolution of the universe, arguing that the universe has been created, it has a creator, and the expanding universe will contract by a reverse process to be finally dissolved in the power of Brahman.
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ISBN: 9788124601907
Year Of Publication: 2002
Edition: 1st
Pages : xxxii, xv, 936
Bibliographic Details : 46 Figures; Glossary; Bibliography; Indices
Language : English
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Size: 23 cm.
Weight: 1750 gm.
Has the universe a beginning? Was it created? Who, then, is its creator? Or, alternately, is the universe uncreated? Is it beginningless and endless, with, of course, continual changes? Synthesizing the cumulative knowledge of science, philosophy, and religion: Eastern and Western, including Vedic/Vedàntic metaphysics, Professor Panda’s Cyclic Universe looks afresh at these mind boggling questions Þ which, ever since the dawn of human civilization, have evaded a convincing answer. In coming to grips with the issues around the evolution of the universe: the grand cosmos, the author examines not only the whole range of creation theories: both religious and philosophical, but also the Big Bang, its rival theories and modified versions, together with all the recent advances in anthropology, astrophysics, cosmology, Darwinism, molecular, biology, genetics, embryology, morphogenesis, neurobiology, and even computer science. Concludingly showing that the universe has been created, it has a creator, and the presently expanding universe will contract by a reverse process to be finally dissolved in the power of Brahman, Professor Panda’s insightful analyses corroborate the Vedàntic worldview of the cyclic phenomenon of the origin, sustenance and dissolution of the universe. Offering an original, well-integrated thesis on the baffling cosmic evolution, the book is bound to fascinate scholars and discerning readers alike.
The Unsolved Riddle:
Eternal, Created, or Evovled Universe
List of Figures & Tables
1. A Line Without a Starting and a Terminal Point
Carvaka School Mimamsa School Nyaya-Vaisheshika School The Phenomenalism and idealism of the Buddhists The Atheism and Pluralistic Realism of the Jainas The Philosophy of Evolution of the Atheistic Sankhya
2. The Creation Theories of the Ancient and the Medieval West
Ancient Western Philosophy Western Medieval Philosophy
3. Thoughts on the World in Modern Western Philosophy
The Impact of Early science on Philosophy and Theology Emphasis on Experimental Science Forerunner of British Empiricism Spinozas Monism: The Identification of God With Nature Leibnizs Monadology British Empiricism German Idealism Dialectical Materialism Machism Logical Positivism Creation and Creationism in Modern Western Philosophy
4. Species Evolution
Linnaeus Buffon Erasmus Darwin Lamarck St. Hilaire Sir Charles Lyell Robert Chambers Thomas Malthus Wallace Darwins Preparatory Work Leading to Darwinism Darwinism Evidences for Species Evolution Mechanisms of Evolution
5. The Philosophy of Evolution
Herbert Spencer C. Lloyd Morgan Samuel Alexander Henry Bergson Critical Review of the Philosophy of Evolution
6. Shri Aurobindos Philosophy of Evolution
The Nomenclature of Shri Aurobindos Philosophy Reality — Being and Becoming Shri Aurobindo Versus Shankara Nested Ontology of Shri Aurobindo Involution Evolution (First Phase) Supramental Manifestation – the Final Phase of Evolution
7. Cosmic Evolution
Greek Cosmology Ptolemys Geocentric Cosmology Copernican Heliocentric Cosmology Galileos Astronomical Discoveries Newtonian Static Universe From Small to a Vast World Einsteins Static Universe The Big Bang Standard Big Bang Model The Evolution of Galaxies The Evolution of Stars The Evolution of the Solar System The Evolution of the Earth Synthesis of Heavier Elements
8. A Lot Out of Nothing
History of Nothing The Universe had a Beginning Creationism The Steady-State Universe Enigmas in the Big Bang Model Anthropic Principle Designing and Fine-Tuning Vacuum Fluctuation Inflationary Universe New Inflationary Model The Many-Worlds Interpretation Chaotic Inflation Scenario The Cyclic Reprocessing of the Universe A Critical Review of a Lot Out of Nothing
Vol. 2
Integral Cosmology:
Cosmic Creation, Evolution and Dissolution in Cycles
9. The Emergence of Life
Preparation of the Earth for the Emergence of Life Vitalism Versus Mechanism The Terrestrial Origin of Life from Inanimate Matter The Extra-Terrestrial Origin of Life Life Molecules DNA Replication Transcription Genetic Code Translation Gene Regulation Genetic Engineering Exobiology What is Life? Accidental (?) Origin of Life Prana and Life Inferential Evidences for the Existence of a Subtle Body and a Casual Body The Purpose for the Emergence of Life
10. Mind and the Mental Apparatus
The Cosmic Mind Individual Minds Non-Neural Mind The Evolution of the Nervous System Neurons, Synapes and Neurotransmitters Overview of Invertebrate Nervous Systems The Development of the Brain of the Vertebrate Embryo The Human Nervous System in a Nutshell The Evolution of the Vertebrate Nervous System — Some General Trends The Experiencer
11. The Chairperson
Eternalism at Stake Universe Self-Created Ex-Nihilo Self-Organisation and Self-Regulation Morphogenesis The Germ-Plasm Theory of August Weismann Instinctual Behaviour Nature Plays Dice? Will and Effort to Change Evolution Under Chairpersonship
12. The Cycle
Linear Versus Cyclic Universe Three Possibilities The Search for a Subject Not an Object, not a Subject The Mother Ishvara (God) The Empirical Universe Sportive Play (Lila) Before the Creation of the Universe The Cosmic Egg The Superheated Cosmis Soup From Akasha to Man The Pendulum Swings Back? The Heat Death of the Universe The Dissolution of the Universe The Cyclic Universe Types of Creation and Dissolution The Vedic Model of the Universe The Cyclist
Glossary (of Indic Terms only)
Name Index
Subject Index