Dr. P. Subramanian, a Madras University’s Ph.D, is Professor of History, heading the Department of Rare Paper Manuscripts, Tamil University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. An untiring researcher and research guide, he holds/has held membership of several learned bodies, like Indian History Congress, All India Political Science Association, and Kongu School of Historical Studies.
Professor Subramanian’s published work comprises numerous research articles and five books that include Indian History and Civilization; History of Europe : 1815-1870, and the 3-volume Tamil translation : Modi Documents.
Ph.D, awarded – 15
M.Phil, awarded – 75
1. Indian History Congress
2. Tamilnadu History Congress
3. South Indian History Congress
4. All India Political Science Association
5. Institute of Historical Studies, Calcutta
6. Place Names Society of India, Thiruvananthapuram
7. All India Association of Manuscriptologists
8. Centre for Kongu Historical Studies
9. Maa. Rajamanickanar Institute for Research, Trichy.
1. “Urban Communities in the Tamil Country in the 19th Century”, Bulletin of Traditional Cultures, (UNESCO) University Building, Madras, June 1977.
2. “Economic Conditions of the Peasantry in the Tamil Country 1850-1900”, Bulletin of Traditional Cultures, (UNESCO), University Buildings, Madras, December 1977.
3. “Social Life of the Tamils as Gleaned from Tamil Literature”, Journal of Tamil Studies, Intrernational Institute of Tamil Studies, Madras, December 1977.
4. “Caste System in the Tamil Country in the 19th Century”, Bulletin of Traditional Cultures (UNESCO), University Buildings, Madras, January 1979.
5. “The Economic Conditions of the Peasant in the Trichy District AD 1801-1817 AD – Indo Japanese project, University of Madras, Madras 1980.
6. “Social Life of Tamil Muslims in the 19th Century”, Bulletin of Traditional Cultures (UNESCO), University Buildings, Madras, June, 1986.
7. “Narrinai in its Historical Setting”, All India Tamil Literary Association, Thanjavur, 1988.
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