Kanchana Mahadevan is Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai. Her teaching and research interests in philosophy include ethics, hermeneutics, critical theory, gender studies and political theory. She has published various papers in journals and anthologies on these themes.
Awards at B.A. (1982-85): College open merit fellowship, college centenary scholarship, The D’andradt Memorial Prize, The National Merit Scholarship, The Bombay Municipal Scholarship.
Awards at M.A.1985-87): The Kashinath Trimbak Telang Gold Medal, The Shrijehangir Pestonji wadia prize, The Dr. Raja Baldeobasi, The Ms. Sokari Bai S. Mankar Scholars Birla Prize.
Awards at PhD. (1987-93): The Bai Harakai Popatlal Ghelabai Vallabh Vedanta Prize, Teaching Assistantship Award.
1. Life Member Asiatic Society Mumbai.
2. Member Board of Studies in Logic & Philosophy & Faculty of Arts, University of Mumbai.
3. Member Research and project Committee Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi.
4. Partner with International Research Network on Religion & Democracy.
(a) Papers Published in Referred Journals:
(i)”Richard Rorty on Theory and Self-Creation: A Perspective”, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, January 1997.
(ii) “Justice Community and Self-hood”, Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, May-August 1997.
(iii) “Technology, Poetry and Discourse in a Postmetaphysical Context”, lndian Philosophical
Annual 1999-2000.
(iv) “Capabilities and Universality in Feminist Politics”, Journal of Indian Council of
Philosophical Research, October-December 2001, vol XVIII, no. 4, 75-106.
(v) “Colonial Modernity: A Critique”, Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi’s Bi-Monthly Journal, May-June 2002, vol XLVI, no 3, 193-211.
(vi) “Philosophical Perspectives on Education and Democracy”, Philosophy and the Life-world, February 2003, vol 5, 27-50.
(vii) “Revisiting Kant’s Reflective Judgements”, Indian Philosophical Quaterly (Special
Issue) Kant January-October 2004.
(viii) “Beyond Mainstream and Multiple Cultures”, Journal of the University of Mumbai,2006.
(ix)”Wounding Words and Speech Acts”, Atenea, December, 2007.
(x) “The Virtuous Woman: Law, Language and Activism”, Review of Women’s Studies:
Economic and Political Weekly, April 2008.
(xi)”Rorty, Haack and Feminist Epistemology”, in Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical
Research, April – June 2008.
(xii)”Nation, Diaspora, Transnation: Reflections from India”, Book Review in South Asian
Diaspora, 4(2) May- 2012 6.
(b) Chapters Published in Anthologies:
(i)”Special Remarks” (A comparison of Kant and Buddhism) in Pratitsammudpada ed. Parineeta Deshpande & Kalpakam Shankarnarayan Somaiya Publication 2007.
(ii)”Gadamerian Hermeneutics:Between Strangers and Friends”, in Language and Interpretation:Hermeneutics from East-West Perspective ed. Manjulika Ghosh and Raghunath Ghosh Northern Book Centre: New Delhi 2007.
(iii)”Distributive Justice and Community: Liberal, Communitarian and Ambedkarian Perspectives”, in Globalization and Social Justice: Perspectives, Challenges and Praxis ed. P.G. Jogdand, Prashant P. Bansode and N.G. Meshram New Delhi: Rawat July 2008.
(iv)”Conversion, Recognition and Pluralism: Dr. Ambedkar’s Democratic Buddhism”, in The Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ed. Pradeep Gokhale: Indian Philosophical Quaterly, Pune 2008.
(v) “Rethinking Power: Aesthetics, Dialogue and Hegemony”, in The Modern Prince and the Modern Sage: Transforming Power and Freedom Ed.Ananta Kumar Giri New Delhi: Sage Publications 2009.
(vi) “Philosophizing with a Material/Maternal Touch” in Indigenous Philosophizing: Indian Horizons ed. Saju Chakalackal Bangalore: Dharmaram Publication, 2010.
(vii)”Of Women Tied and Loose: Gendering Globalization and Cosmopolitanism”, in Philosophy of Cultures: A Contemporary Understanding ed. Vanlalnghak & L. Lenka. New Delhi: Akanksha Publishing House, 2013.
(viii)”Feminist Solidarity in India: Communitarian Challenges and Postnational Prospects”, in Deprovincializing Habermas ed. Tom Bailey, 71-95. New Delhi: Routledge, 2013.
(ix)”Care Ethics”, in Understanding Ethics, ed. Vibha Chaturvedi and Pragati Sahni, 199-209 New Delhi, Macmillan.
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