Life Time Achievment in Philosophy Research, India council of Philosophy Research, Government of India.
General President, indian philosophy congress
General President, philosophical association of india
General president, Akhil Bhartiya Darshan parisad
General President, Orissa philosophical Association member, mind association, USA
General President society for comparative philosophy, unviersity of Hawai, USA.
1. Darshan Sastra ki Rooprekha Reprinted and revised Motilalal Banarshi Italy, India 1953.
2. Karma, Causation and retributive mordity, GEPR, govt. of india, New Delhi 1989, Reprinted 2009.
3. Vannadharma, Nishkama karma and practical morality, DK. Printworld. New Delhi 1999.
4. Dharmakirti’s Theory of inferm, oxford university press, New Delhi 2002.
5. Rules of Language, Pune university, pune, 1989.
6. A concopluate- Analytic study of classical indian of Morals, philosophy ese, New Delhi, 2008.
7. Books Edited:
(a) Ends and Means in private and public morality, Indian insitute of Advanceed study, Shimla, 1991.
(b) A historical- developmental study of classical indian philosophy of morals, ese, New Dlehi. 2009.
A seminar on his philosophy was held in pandienury university, direct by Prof. R. Balasubrenation, their men of JEPR, sponcered by 1ecr, in 1995, and a bookin his honour entitted Man, Meaning and Morality published in 1995.
A book on his philosophy was published in 2009, sponsored by JCPR, edited by B. Kor.
Has edited darshnik vaigyanik, indian revient of philosophy, Indian philographical quarterly (jointly with prof. SS. Barlingag). Published more than one hundred Research paper in english and abount 20 in hindi; All of them in learned journals of philosophy.
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