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Alpana Chakrabarty
1962,  Female ,  Indian ,  Senior Lecturer

Alpana Chakraborty holds M. Phil and Ph.D of the North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong. And is currently Lecturer in Philosophy at the NEHU-affiliated St. Anthony College.
A scholar with varied areas of interest and also member of several academic bodies, Dr. Chakraborty writes in both Bengali and English on different themes that range from mind-body dualism to existentialism.

1. Received Merit Scholarship from the North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.
2. Received Fellowship from the North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.


1. North East India Council of Social Science Research, Shillong.
2. Art of Living Foundation, Bangalore.

1. Mind Body Dualism – A Philosophical Investigation, The North Eastern Hill University – Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. VI, No. 1, 1988.
2. Metalinguistic Dualism – An Appraisal, The North Eastern Hill University – Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. VI, No. 4, 1988.
3. Persons and Human Bodies, The North Eastern Hill University – Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. VIII, No. 1, 1990.
4. The Theory of Complimentary and Mind Body Dualism : A Critique, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XVII, No. 2, 1990.
5. Kapila in Folklore and History, The North Eastern Hill University – Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. IX, No.1, 1991.
6. Does Hobbes Belong to the Empiricist Tradition, The Visva Bharat – Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, 1991.
7. A Philosophical Inquiry Into the Nature and Function of Nominalism of Hobbes and Locks, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, 1994. The Visva Bharati Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, 1994.
8. A Critical Analysis of John Locks Criterion of Personal Solarlity, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XXIII, No. 3 and 4, 1996.
9. Does Aristotle Believe in LIberation? Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XXIX, No. 2 and 3, 2002
10. Karma Causation and Freedom in Buddhism (Abstract) Dept. of Philosophy, J.B. College, Jorhat, Assam, 2002.

Books by Alpana Chakrabarty
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