Our Status
Ever alive to the publishing trends worldwide, we have already carved out a place for ourselves in the book world as distinctive publishers of Indological works. We have attempted to give Indic Studies a lift-up in our own way, largely through our publishing support to the established/promising authors of Indic/Buddhist/Islamic works.
Discovering India and Indian Culture: still a fascinating subject !
India’s is perhaps the oldest civilization. Which in both legend and homebred tradition, goes millennia beyond the vision of contemporary archaeologists.
The Indian seers wrote the Rgveda, indisputably the world’s oldest literary monument, at a time when the great old-world civilizations lay in the wombs of futurity. Standing quite by themselves, “high up on an isolated peak of remote antiquity”, its hymns are older than the literary fragments from Egypt, older than the Avesta.
The epoch-making discoveries of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, only in the 1920s, have irrefutably established the existence — during the fourth and third millennia before the birth of Christ— of a highly developed civilization: the Indus Valley, which, according to Sir John Marshall and other eminent archaeologists, not only was older than both the Egyptian and the Babylonian civilizations, but is also believed to have had a long historical past — in which Mohenjo-daro and Harappa represented a mere phase.
Endless Potential
As one of the world’s oldest civilizations — with amazing achievements in the realms of spirituality, philosophy, yoga, mathematics, astronomy, literature, linguistics, architecture, medicine, fine arts and music, among others, Indian heritage constitutes one of the longest, most splendid chapters in mankind’s history — offering endless possibilities of research and fresh interpretations.
Our Publishing Range
D.K. Printworld cover, broadly, all the major subjects that fall under Indology: aesthetics, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, classical literature, cultural studies, ecology, education, forest culture, ancient/ medieval/modern history, iconography, linguistic studies, numismatics, occult sciences, performing arts � dance, theatre/drama and music, philosophy: oriental and western, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, Islam and other religions, Sanskrit studies, sociology, tantra, yoga, etc
Our Collaborator
In our publishing programme, we have not just focussed on individual authors, but collaborated with many Indian and foreign academic institutions as well. Some of them are listed here (in alphabetic order):
- American Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon
- Andhra University, Visakhapatanam
- Arsha Vidya Gurukula, Institute of Vedanta and Sanskrit, Saylorburg, USA
- Centre for Co-operative Research and Social Science, Pune
- Centre for India and South Asia Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Centre of Forest Policy and Forest Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
- Council of Cultural Growth and Cultural Resources, Cuttack
- East West University of Unitive Sciences, Fernhill
- Indian History and Culture Society, New Delhi
- Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
- Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi
- Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology, New Delhi
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, (Sastra Group), New Delhi
- Jnana Pravaha, Centre for Cultural Studies, Varanasi
- N. K. Bose Memorial Foundation, Varanasi
- Narayana Gurukula, Varkala
- Sangeet Natak Academi, New Delhi
- Sanskrit Gaurav Sansthan, New Delhi
- South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
- Sri Narayana Guru Research Centre, Trivananthapuram
- UNESCO Chair in the field of Cultural Development, New Delhi
- University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
- Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
- Venetian Academy of Indian Studies, Venice, Italy
- Vrindaban Research Institute, Vrindaban
Our Sales Network
D.K. Printworld have, over the years, evolved an effective network of promotional avenues to ensure that each of its published tittles features in both the Indian and foreign book-markets. For instance, in all major cities of India, we have multiple distributors/booksellers, who get hold of every new publication of ours as soon as it is release. Resultantly, any work published by us can be obtained from anywhere within less than 72 hours. Again, we have special tie-ups with almost every exporter in India, and our books are well-publicized around the globe. Even ourselves have a full fledged on-line export unit. And these apart, we also bring out different bibliographic media: regular announcements / classified catalogues � which are circulated among individuals and institutions the world over. In sum, we are continually opening new channels of book promotion.
Invitation To Authors
We are committed to publishing highly rated doctoral theses, project/investigative reports, interpretative/critically analytical studies, and other well-researched/well-documented works, relevant to Indic, Buddhist and Islamic Studies.
Indian Civilization: An Inexhaustible Research Area
The antiquity of Indian civilization is exciting, its vitality miraculous! And, therefore, it affords limitless possibilities to the scholars to probe into the constituents religions, philosophical systems, literature, mythology, architecture, sculptures and other arts, social institutions, laws, ethical codes, astronomy, mathematics and other sciences that have gone into its many-splendoured evolution across the rolling centuries.
Yet the published word on Indian heritage today is characterized by a marked deficiency increasingly eclipsed, as it stays, by other contemporaneous areas of humanities and social sciences. At the same time, there is clearly no dearth of eminent and committed scholars in the field or young and promising researchers who are adding new dimensions to the subject through their approaches and perspectives of study.
So who can tell, notwithstanding the monumental contributions of Orientalists/historians like Sir William Jones, Professor Max Muller, Sir John Marshall, J. Griffiths, Sir W.W. Hunter, Anne Wilson, Charles Wilson, Ananda Coomaraswamy, James Burgess, B.C. Law, Sir Mortimer Wheeler, and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the best in Indic Studies may be yet to come?
Invitation to Authors
We invite manuscripts for publication from established as well as promising young authors from India and abroad. If you have any work awaiting publication, please send us details of your manuscripts which may be doctoral theses, investigative reports, analytical studies, or any other well-documented work relevant to Indic, Buddhist and Islamic studies.
What you have to do
Send us proposals of your manuscript. To provide us details about yourself and the manuscript, you may provide us details in the Questionnaire.
Invitation To Universities/Institutes
We invite societies, research centres/institutions and university departments to have their research studies, projects or other academic works published though us if the proposed-to-be-published works deal with any of the varied Indological themes like history, philosophy, culture, religion, art and architecture, literature and linguistics, polity, jurisprudence, science and astronomy and the other related disciplines. To our credit, we already have successful tie-ups with some of leading universities and institutes in India and abroad in this direction. D.K. Printworld, as co-publishers of your scholarly works, would provide you all the services: from composition of the texts and their proof-reading to their designing and quality printing leave alone our efforts towards their publicity and sale in Indian markets and those abroad.
Infrastructural Support
D.K. Printworld wishes to assure you that it has the complete infrastructure involved in book manufacture: including, for instance, sophisticated mechanisms for phototypesetting, printmaking, laser printing (backed with DTP), scanning through high-ended scanners, photo correction and enhancement through CAPs (computer-assisted programmes), besides a full-fledged production department to look after typesetting, proofing, paper buying, printing, and binding, And there is a whole team of professional copy editors, lay-out/book designers, artists, blurb/review writers, publicity campaigners and the like to ensure that books published by us are qualitative in content and aesthetic in outward appeal.
Printing Norms
Excellence is just the one thing that we are most concerned about printing: be it in a single colour or in multi-colours. Needless, then, to say that we have been providing high quality printing to a range of customers at competitive rates and within a timeframe, even while keeping in view their specific requirements and tastes. Our company has carved out a special place for itself in the printing sphere — supported, as we are, by advanced reprographics, latest printing technologies and, not least, by expert computer/manual designers and technicians who ensuring the highest quality of printed material.
Infrastructure for Press and Binding Plate Making One (Scitex) Computer to Plate System (CTP) One Plate Processor Kodak Polychrome Graphics Two Complete conventional Plate making Press One Four color Heidelberg CD 102 (with online coater) 28×40 offset Printing Machine (make 2006) One Five color Mitsubishi 20×30 UV Printing Offset Machine with Online Coating System – (make 2008) One Four Color Mitsubishi 20×30 Offset Printing Machine – (make 2005) One Two color Heidelberg CPC Speed master 28×40 One Single Color Heidelberg 19×26 Offset Printing Machine Binding Two Aster Sewing Machines One Sewing Machine Polygraph One 6 Clamp Perfect Binder Welbound – (make 2009) One 4 Clamp Perfect Binder Sheridan – (make2003) Two Folding Machines Stahl One Folding Machine (GUK) One Gathering 18 station One Booklet Maker Horizon One Wiro Punching and closing Machine One Spiral Binding Machine One Board Cutter Four Cutting Machines Polar 3 and Horizon 1 One Three Knife Trimmer Polygraph Two Nipping Machines Three Centre Stitching Machine One Centre Loop Stitching Machine Two Die Cutting Machines One UV Machine One Thermal Lamination 32” One Wet lamination 30” One Hot Foil Stamping Machine Packing Shrink wrapping Machine Wrapping Machine Strapping Machine etc. Power Backups One 500 KVA Kirloskar One 125KVA Ashok Leyland One 62 KVA Ashok Leyland |